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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 221 On the Shura Field of the Harem Protagonist

According to the fundamental content of Murphy’s Law, if there is a possibility that things will go bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen.

The accident happened one afternoon. Almost a week had passed since Bruce Banner became the prisoner of Samuel Stern. Sean maintained the mentality of a bystander, waiting to see how this good show would end. At the end of the day, Dr. Banner’s life in prison is not in danger anyway. Using him to lure out Hydra, which has been hiding for a long time, is the right choice.

However, as Murphy’s Law says, nothing is as simple as it seems. Samuel Stern, who is greedy for profit, regards the serum sample in Banner’s body as a ladder to the top of life. In addition to cooperating with Hydra agents under the name of SHIELD, he also used an anonymous identity to hang out on the black market, which attracted the attention of Justin Hammer. A series of changes led to the absurd farce.

This is the day before Halloween. The yellow leaves are swirling and falling. The shops on the street are selling all kinds of special costumes and ghost masks. The large shopping malls are covered with pumpkin-shaped colorful light bulbs. Tonight will be a carnival. On that day, New Yorkers go out in droves to hold grand parades. At that time, the city will be filled with a group of vampires, witches, Frankenstein and other famous characters, just like a large masquerade party.

That afternoon, Sean and Betty went on a trip together. Not long ago, the general’s beloved daughter visited Umbrella. This scientific research institution, which was hailed as a “rising star” by the newspaper, really gave her a big surprise. , a top-notch professional team, abundant and powerful resources, whether it is the artificial intelligence Red Queen or other scientific research results, they are eye-opening and amazing.

The current relationship between the two has been maintained to the extent that they both have a good impression of each other. Sean is not in a hurry to become General Ross’s son-in-law. Moreover, Betty, who comes from a military family, maintains a reserved character and wants to It’s not that easy to get the other person to open up, but he didn’t expect that this kind of ambiguous attitude would be more effective than chasing after him.

After coming out of a rather stylish restaurant, Sean and Betty strolled down the street. New York in November was filled with a lively atmosphere on the eve of the festival. The two walked slowly side by side without much physical contact. Intimate movements.

“I heard that you are going back to school in Virginia soon?” the young man asked softly.

“Probably after Christmas, I will return to Corvo University.” Betty nodded slightly. She glanced at the other party seemingly inadvertently, and then quickly looked away.

She had a very strange impression of Sean. This young man seemed gentle and humble, but in fact he was arrogant and arrogant. This character that was supposed to be annoying was based on his outstanding strength and ability. It becomes the unique pride and attraction of genius.

Betty seemed to be dancing to the soothing melody. She first became interested in investigating Sean, and then she became curious, wanting to know the true face of Sean, and then gradually deepened – this was a very dangerous sign. , women who fall in love usually go through this process.

Seeing this possibility, the general’s beloved daughter resisted from the bottom of her heart. As a girl with a rational personality, her keen intuition told her that the seemingly bright and sunny young man was actually full of danger and unfathomable. , elusive, is the most difficult thing to grasp in the love game.

So after some serious thinking, she decided to stay away from Sean and leave as soon as possible before falling into this illusory love trap.

“I thought you would consider my suggestion.” Sean seemed a little regretful and sighed softly.

Seeing the slightly disappointed young face, Betty’s determination, which she finally made up with great difficulty, suddenly wavered, and her heart couldn’t help but soften. Wasn’t it a little unkind and too much to do so? Maybe the other party also has good intentions?

“Don’t you think about it anymore? Staying in New York might be a good plan.” Sean’s tone was calm, but his eyes were fiery.

Those usually deep eyes stared at Betty, and the tenderness revealed in them could almost melt people away. The fiery atmosphere on Halloween, the bustling streets with people coming and going, the slightly lit colored lights and the sounds coming from all around. The laughter…

Everything seems to imply that this girl, who rarely remains rational, accepts the sincere request made by the other party, as if Cupid’s arrow of love is ready to go.

“Sean, what a coincidence to meet you here…” A voice full of surprise completely destroyed the romantic and warm atmosphere.

Betty turned her head and found that it was an employee of Umbrella, Miss Gwen Stacy, whom she had met when she visited Dr. Connors’s laboratory. Next to her was Maya Hansen, also from Umbrella. one of the top executives.

Gwen, who had a surprised look on her face, saw Betty standing next to Sean. Her expression felt a little unnatural for a moment. The young man who had seen all kinds of big scenes sighed helplessly. This was not going to end well.

Five minutes later, a group of four people were sitting in a cafe. Gwen’s eyes were fixed on Betty. She knew the identity of the other party. She was the only daughter of a powerful general. She was a good match for the young and promising Sean, and she was a good match. He is also excellent in both morals and learning, beautiful and intelligent…

The sour emotions gradually emerged from the bottom of her heart, and the cheerful and lively blonde girl lowered her head in frustration.

Betty had a panoramic view of all this. She sat down next to Sean’s body. The two of them seemed to be intimate, but in fact they kept the last bit of distance. The general’s beloved daughter didn’t know why, but she clearly didn’t want to get involved in a relationship. But when Gwen appeared, some inexplicable emotion drove her to do this ridiculous behavior, like a proud swan, declaring her right of possession to everyone.

As a bystander, Maya Hansen smiled and felt at ease as an audience. She did not expect that this young boss, like Tony Stark, the playboy, had incurred a lot of romantic debts.

Sean, who was in the center of the Shura Field, wanted to find some pleasant topics to lighten the atmosphere, but when he saw the pitiful Miss Stacey who was about to cry, he turned around and glanced at Wenxiang Nephrite, leaning against him With Betty beside him, he couldn’t help but taunt her and it was hard to speak.

Doesn’t it mean that the protagonist will be proficient in various harem skills? he thought to himself.

“I’m going to the bathroom.” Sean put down the warm coffee, quietly winked at Ms. Maya Hansen, and stood up to leave.

Not long after he entered, a group of burly men followed him in. They placed a cleaning sign at the door of the bathroom and then closed the door.

“Mr. Sipers, my boss wants to see you.”

The strong man at the head stared at the young man who slapped a handful of cold water on his face, with a sinister smile on his fleshy face.

ps: Start the third update achievement plan and see how long you can persist~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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