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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 222 Kidnapping

Sean shook off the water stains on his hands, raised his brows slightly, but his eyes didn’t change much, and asked in a calm tone: “Who is your boss?”

The strong man in the lead did not answer. He had a strong physique, and his muscles almost bulged through his shirt. He was like a ferocious beast with its fangs exposed. The same was true for the other two strong men blocking the door, with flashes of light flashing in the depths of their pupils. A ray of green light.

In the spiritual world, these strong men who behave like mercenaries are turbid green shadows. Compared with the Hulk in Bruce Banner’s body, they are not pure enough and their light is dim. They are like fireflies compared to the bright moon. Not worth mentioning.

“I don’t think I have the right to refuse, right?” Sean asked with a smile, without any panic on his face.

The strong man clenched his fists, making a “click” sound, and grinned with his teeth exposed, like a hungry beast.

He stared at the young man and said with a ferocious smile, “I’d love for you to give it a try.”

As the private arm of Hammer Industrial Security Company, mercenary captain Bol often handles some dirty work for Justin Hammer. The moral bottom line and methods of doing things are not within his consideration range, especially when injected. After taking that green serum potion, the sudden and powerful power made him not care about the lives of ordinary people.

“To be honest, I have met many people like you. Some are heads of small African countries, or chiefs of certain tribes. They have countless huge wealth, or can decide the fate of many people with one word. Prominent and powerful… a big shot, when facing a group of thugs and robbers, he can always remain calm and calm, throw out the chips in his hand and escape safely…”

Bol licked his lips, like a drooling wolfhound, his eyes filled with fierceness, “But when these people meet desperadoes who don’t care about those things, they will be more scared than anyone else, and they want to kneel down and lick them.” My shoes…Sean Sipers, a promising talent, you will soon be on your knees begging for mercy, licking my shoes in exchange for your life.”

Sean twitched the corner of his mouth. He could deal with this kind of thing in an instant without activating the sentinel armor. He took a slight step forward. The obviously excited mercenary captain continued: “There will definitely be a group of big shots like you.” The bodyguard is following behind, but I advise you not to make any small moves, for the sake of the three ladies who came with you.”

The young man paused in his steps, and the murderous intention in his heart became more and more fierce. With a gentle smile on his face, he asked softly: “I thought your boss only invited one person.”

“No, he’s more hospitable than you think.”

Bol, who had a strong physique, pushed Sean, put a pistol on the back of his waist, and said viciously: “Now go out and sit obediently in the black car at the door…three beauties with their own characteristics.” Son, Mr. Sipers, your appetite is too much.”

The young man did as the other party asked and said with a smile: “There is no way, one person cannot solve the needs.”

Boll snorted coldly and said no more. This is Manhattan after all, the most densely populated of the five boroughs of New York. It is known as the economic and cultural center of the entire United States. If you blatantly kill a genius with countless halo in the downtown area, Character, I’m afraid it will cause violent turmoil, and his boss asked by name to see Sean Sipers in person.

Since Magneto’s rampage in Manhattan, the New York Police Department has increased its investment in city security and special service police. Although in Hollywood movies, these police officers are just idiots and fools played by criminals and robbers, the real situation is As the oldest police department in the United States, it has 34,000 regular police officers, 4,500 police assisting personnel, and eight police helicopters. Once the huge police resources are operational, they are enough to turn the city upside down. .

This is also the reason why Bol didn’t take down Sean immediately. If the young man’s bodyguard team was alerted and a fierce gun battle started in the center of the city, the boss sitting behind him would probably throw him into the iron cage. Here, let yourself be torn into pieces by a giant dog like a cheetah.

“Let the cars outside drive to the back door. If you go to the front door, my bodyguard will see you.” Sean stopped.

Bol’s expression was uncertain. He called his teammates through the headset, and then pushed him to the back door of the cafe. A black Ford was parked outside, and the young man was roughly pushed into the car.

“Where are the three girls?” the mercenary captain asked.

“Send it to the warehouse at the port first.” the driving teammate replied.

“Did you hear that? Soon you will be able to meet those three beauties…”

Bol put the gun against Sean’s cheek, his eyes were sinister, and a cheerful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He liked to see these usually aloof and powerful people kneeling down like dogs, wagging their tails and begging for mercy.

“I will love you well in front of them then – after my boss has finished using you.”

Sean’s face was expressionless, sitting between the two sturdy men, his hands were tightly cuffed, and a black hood was placed on his head to block his sight and prevent him from knowing the route forward.


New York port, an abandoned warehouse.

Samuel Stern, whose appearance changed drastically, opened the door. He was thin and thin with a huge head on his head, and his skin color turned dark green, like an alien in the movie.

“Why have so many people been arrested?” Samuel, who now calls himself the “big boss,” asked dissatisfied.

In his plan, he only caught Sean Sipers and Bruce Banner’s ex-girlfriend. The former was the target named by Justin Hammer, and the latter was used to control Banner into submission. The killer weapon.

Samuel, who injected himself with a third-generation serum sample, became increasingly aware of the terrifying power contained in Banner’s body. He just used a serum sample that weakened the toxicity, and his whole person underwent earth-shaking changes.

Almost every moment, Samuel can feel more information pouring into his brain. He has excellent memory and can easily understand obscure and complex knowledge. He has also gradually developed the ability to control his mind, although he has sacrificed normal human beings for this. The price of appearance, but in his opinion, is simply insignificant.

Betty and Gwen couldn’t help but exclaimed when they saw Samuel Stern, whose skull was bulging upwards and looked strange. The three weak bodies were close together, and their whole bodies were shaking unconsciously.

A group of three people who were originally sitting in the cafe waiting for Sean were suddenly called into the cafe by a guy dressed as a waiter. They said that the young man who came with them fell to the ground and fainted. The three ladies who were easily fooled were immediately A group of gangsters hijacked it and sent it to this musty-smelling warehouse.

“Don’t be afraid, ladies.” Samuel laughed, “Soon your little boyfriend and good lover will come to rescue you. If he is wise and willing to cooperate with me, then it doesn’t matter if I break the agreement again. “

That arrogant, stupid and ignorant arms dealer actually thought that money could buy everything. He was no longer the Samuel Stern of the past. He only had ridiculous ideas in his mind to make a fortune. The self-proclaimed big boss, he Those Hydra agents and Justin Hammer were all seen as tools.

Obtain enough wealth from the Hydra agent under the name SHIELD to purchase experimental equipment, and then use the test subjects provided by Justin Hammer to upgrade and develop third-generation serum samples. When the time is right, Just throw these people out as scapegoats, and he can start a new life again.

By the time he successfully controls Bruce Banner and uses Sean Sipers as a puppet, who else can stop him?

ps: There will be another chapter tonight…probably~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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