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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 224 The beast comes out of the cage

“kill him!”

Samuel reacted quickly. When he saw Sean’s movements and thought of the other person’s calm expression, he didn’t seem to be panicked at all. Then he gave the instruction decisively without hesitation for a second.

The leader of the mercenary captain was the first to obey the order. He walked towards Sean with a grin. On the surface of his bulging muscles, dark green blood vessels were beating. There was a terrifying and fierce light in his eyes. Those huge palms were enough to pull the steel bars. Twist into twist.

“I said I would love you…”

The mercenary captain, who was like a little giant, raised his palms to grab Sean’s body, and then crushed the opponent’s bones with little force, with a crackling sound and heart-rending wails of pain. It can give him the greatest degree of inner satisfaction.

Samuel did not completely eliminate the side effects of the serum sample, but he used his mind control ability to temporarily control these crazy beasts who had lost their minds. This is why Boll obeyed his orders so much and treated Justin Hammer Reasons to ignore.


The palm he waved was blocked by the young man. Regardless of the mercenary captain’s shocked gaze, a cold smile appeared on his lips. A beam of red light passed through, like a hot knife cutting through butter, easily cutting off the opponent’s arm. arm.

It took about two seconds for his sluggish brain to send out a violent signal of pain, mixed with light green blood gushing out like a fountain. Bol covered the smooth incision of his severed hand and screamed loudly, his eyes full of horror!

The last scene he saw in his life was the young man raising his hand towards him, and then an overwhelming golden torrent surged in,

At the same time, a muscular little man tore open the reinforced iron door of the warehouse with his bare hands and walked towards Samuel and others who were stunned for a moment. His steps were powerful, and the ground seemed to shake with every step he took, faintly. You can still hear a strong pulse like the sound of a drum, and your heart is like a pump, pumping surging blood throughout your body.

By the time Bronsky was about to approach Samuel, he had turned into a burly yellow giant, with ferocious bone spurs tearing his clothes, and his muscles bulged like hills. His huge figure filled everyone’s field of vision, and his powerful figure The momentum is like a strong wind blowing against your face.

“Next time something like this happens, if your boss wants to do it himself, I will fire you.”

Sean stood there with an indifferent tone, and then strode towards the room where Betty was detained.

Bronsky was shocked, and turned his attention to these defective products made by Samuel, with a trace of disdain in his eyes. Compared with the Hulk, this kind of inferior products is simply not worth mentioning.

“My boss is a little unhappy, so you guys have to pay the price.”

He strode forward, grabbed a mercenary who had been injected with the Hulk serum, put his palms on the other’s shoulders, then exerted force and pulled to both sides!


The blood-curdling tearing sound echoed in the warehouse. The strong muscles and dark green blood vessels were torn open by Bronsky without mercy. A splash of red blood hit Samuel’s face, making him Wake up from the state of disbelief.

The yellow giant in front of him is as terrifying as abhorrence. It possesses overwhelming power and terrifying momentum. Even Bruce Banner can only transform into this!

Another mercenary, under Samuel’s mental control, roared and rushed over. Bronsky dodged slightly sideways, and the thick arm covered with bone spurs clenched into a fist, hitting the opponent’s head like a hammer. , there was a slight explosion, and skulls and flesh stained with hair flew around.

“Who else?” He looked around the empty warehouse, murderous intent boiling in his heart, but his consciousness remained extremely clear.

Samuel tried to use mental abilities to turn Blonsky into his puppet, but he was not a naturally powerful mutant like the Professor. It is easy to control irrational beasts with acquired abilities. It will be difficult for an opponent to think clearly to be effective.

On the other side, Sean strode to the room where Betty was held. Four mercenaries who had been injected with the Hulk serum opened the door. They heard the noise outside, and before they could transform, one arm was like lightning. Stretching out, a tiny golden light lingered on the fingertips, directly penetrating the chest of a mercenary at an outrageous speed.

The beating heart was held in the palm of his hand, and then the young man clenched his fist suddenly, and wet and sticky blood splashed all over his palm. Another mercenary subconsciously drew his gun and fired. The bullet had not yet been fired from the gun chamber. His body felt like it had been struck by a medieval siege. The giant hammer hit him, and his whole body hit the wall behind him. His chest was completely deflated, and the broken bones pierced his blood vessels, and he became silent instantly.

The third man drew out the tactical dagger from his waist and slashed straight at Sean’s throat. The fatal blow was enough to cut through steel, leaving not even a scratch on the opponent’s body. His eyes widened, full of disbelief. look.

Sean tilted his head, raised his hand and pressed it on the mercenary’s forehead, and then forced him into the wall. The blood was squeezed out of the body bit by bit, like a full bag being punctured, even though the other person wanted to Turning into a giant, the dark green blood vessels jumped up one by one, beating like a small snake, but he still couldn’t break free from the powerful arm.

“Ho ho…”

A weird gasping sound came from the mercenary’s throat. The young man crushed the hard skull with one hand, and the strong body fell to the ground loosely.

“Don’t come here! I…I will kill them!”

The tragic deaths of the three companions in front finally bought time for the last person. The bulging muscles broke through the clothes, and a terrifying giant covered in thick green blood vessels appeared. He looked at Sean who was walking slowly, and instinctively felt fear. It’s like meeting a predator at the top of the food chain.

The young man looked up at the last mercenary, his chest filled with boiling murderous intent. He took a step, and the guy who was forced into a desperate situation let out a roar, like a beast on the verge of death, his eyes filled with violence and madness.

The raised palms grabbed at the three soft bodies that were shivering and frightened, because the sharp nails mutated by the bodies could completely tear their beautiful bodies apart.

“Even if you kill me, you will have to pay the price…”

This was the last remaining thought in the mercenary’s head, and then his head was shattered by an energy beam cannon.

When the three ladies saw the giant-like body, it fell to the ground with a muffled thud. Light green flesh and blood spattered all over the wall. Blood flowed freely like gurgling water. The bloody and violent scene directly shocked them. It was as if the brain had crashed and the ability to think was temporarily lost.

“Sorry, I’m late.”

Sean’s quiet voice woke them up. The three people, filled with fear in their hearts, witnessed the whole process of each other’s massacre with their own eyes. The scene just now was replayed in their heads. Betty and Gwen looked up at the young face. The cold and ruthless image gradually overlapped with his usual gentle appearance.

The two girls jumped into the young man’s arms in unison, and their highly tense nerves suddenly relaxed. Their fear receded like a tide. Their strong chests gave them a sense of security, leaving Maya Hansen alone in embarrassment. Do not know what to do.

“Ms. Hansen, I don’t mind lending you my shoulder.” Sean blinked and seemed to have returned to the sunny young man he used to be.

He tried his best to comfort the ladies involved in the turmoil. Suddenly, a surging roar swept across like a hurricane, and the green beast was released from the cage and smashed open the wall of the warehouse with a violent momentum.

ps: Liver hurts, go to bed first~

Keep working hard tomorrow, I hope I can persist for a weekヽ( ̄▽ ̄)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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