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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 227 Hulk vs. the World (Part 1)

Iron Man was suspended in mid-air, with the six-barreled mini-cannon on his shoulders aimed at the Hulk below. He rushed to the scene and witnessed the entire process of Hulk destroying the government army.

With almost all the New York Police Department deployed, more than a dozen honking police cars blocked the Hulk’s path. The police firearms were useless in front of this invulnerable green beast. The bullets whizzed and hit the opponent’s hard flesh. On the skin, it bounced like beans without even a spark.

Looking at the dozens of guns that were shooting at him violently, his green eyes were full of anger. He grabbed a car at his feet and threw it directly from the air, smashing over the police car blocking the front and leaving a steel wreckage. It twisted and deformed, a spark splashed into the ruptured fuel tank, and a blazing fireball exploded instantly.

The New York police, who usually deal with robbers and thugs, have no way to deal with monsters like the Hulk that are beyond conventional understanding. When they were at their wits’ end, more than a dozen individual missiles dragged flaming tail flames and hit the Hulk’s huge body. On the ground, a huge explosion sounded, shaking half a block.

It was the Army National Guard sent by General Ross. A dozen armored vehicles lined up in a long queue, giving the almost desperate people a glimmer of hope.

Amidst the thick smoke and fire, the majestic green beast still stood tall. He strode forward, and the ground let out a fragile whine. The cars parked on the road were staggered and were crushed by the huge soles of his feet. Going down, through the dense hail of gunfire and bullets, Hulk knocked over the armored vehicle at the front with one punch.

The huge fist was like a hammer, sinking deeply into the alloy steel plate of the armored vehicle. Hulk’s palm pulled outwards, and with a heart-wrenching sharp sound, a big hole was torn open in the sturdy and reliable armored vehicle, and he sat on it. The faces of the driver and the machine gun truck inside were pale, and their eyes were filled with boundless fear.

A faint blue beam of light blasted towards the Hulk, temporarily diverting the attention of the violent behemoth. The powerful energy weapon hit the body with pain. Hulk seemed to be angered, and turned the armor into abandoned remains with his hands. The chariot was raised above his head and smashed into the convoy behind.

There was another series of explosions, and strong flames shot into the sky. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the green giant coated with a layer of golden light looked so unstoppable and powerful!

“Retreat! Retreat…”

“Fire support needed!”

“It’s moving east block! Use infrasonic weapons!”

Two speeding armored vehicles were equipped with prismatic box-shaped infrasonic weapons, maintaining the same speed across a street. When the Hulk was attracted to the designated location by the firepower of the Army National Guard, two trumpet-shaped weapons were visible to the naked eye. The sound waves vibrated the air, forming ripples like tidal waves, like a well-designed trap, trapping the intruding green behemoth.

High-power infrasound waves can cause strong resonance in the internal organs, making people feel difficult to breathe, and even cause blood vessels to rupture. The ripples vibrate rapidly like ocean waves. The Hulk, who was arrogant just now, suddenly seemed to be trapped in a quagmire and became difficult to move.

Even if he covers his ears with both hands, Hulk can still feel the high-frequency oscillating sound waves squeezing every inch of flesh and blood in his body. This extremely uncomfortable feeling sweeps through the whole body, and the strong muscles are like little snakes. Dark green blood vessels pulsed, and powerful strength rolled through the body.

“Bruce…” Vaguely, he seemed to hear a familiar voice.

The anger in his heart increased again. Hulk knelt down in the high-frequency sound waves, tore apart nearby cars with his bare hands, tore off the door of the Ford Mustang, and threw it out with all his strength!

With the help of huge force, the car door was like a sharp blade, cutting across it at extremely high speed, like a hot knife cutting through butter, splitting the armored vehicle equipped with sonic weapons into two.

Hulk broke free from the restraints, jumped up with all his strength, and smashed into another armored vehicle with an extremely arrogant attitude. Like an angry child tearing apart a toy, he destroyed the secret weapon that the military had specially customized from Stark Industries. Clean and tidy.

The rapid changes in the battle situation exceeded General Ross’s plan. The old man who was sitting on the scene and commanding was completely shocked by the power of the Hulk. His eyes were filled with fear and a hint of fanatical desire.

“Concentrate firepower! Bomb with Vulcan cannon!” The general’s thinking stopped for a moment, and then he ordered loudly.

The air is filled with the choking smell of gunpowder smoke. A helicopter is hovering in mid-air. The soldiers are holding the terrifying weapon known as the god of death on the battlefield in both hands. The extremely high rate of fire is like a sweeping metal storm. It uses an electrically driven 7.62 mm caliber. The six-barreled GAU-2 aviation machine gun spits out long tongues of flame, like an indestructible sharp knife, enough to smash any non-heavily-armed object within a hundred meters!

Densely dense armor-piercing bombs were like locusts, blasting the entire block with holes. Nearby shops and cars on the roadside did not escape the damage. The air waves were torn by the flashing firelight, and they stopped with a loud roar. Vehicles on the roadside turned into bright flames.

A thick arm blocked his head. The Hulk was driven back by the strong kinetic energy carried by the armor-piercing bullet. With a violent roar, the ferocious face rushed through the thick smoke that shrouded the street, and faced the thunderous metal. storm. The Hulk jumped into the air, and his amazing jumping ability made him fly into the air. He swung a fierce punch and directly blew up the helicopter hovering in the air.

His anger increased again and again, and the Hulk fell heavily to the ground, like a giant rampaging monster. Even the Army National Guard dispatched by General Ross could not stop him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t panic, I’m here to keep New York safe.”

Iron Man loudly announced his arrival to everyone through the loudspeaker. The six-barreled mini-cannons on his shoulders fired in unison, and the fire burst out. After attracting Hulk’s attention, the arc pulse cannon in his palms hit the big man’s head.

Tony had seen the opponent’s amazing jumping ability, and consciously kept a certain distance. At the same time, he used micro armor-piercing bullets on the mechanical arm to continuously bombard the monster with astonishing destructive power. For a moment, the Hulk was disgraced, but There is no way to catch the flexible Iron Man.

“Where there is Iron Man, not just anyone can do bad things!”

Tony kept changing his flight trajectory, and the energy reactor on his chest fired cluster cannons. The violent explosions made the Hulk furious. He roared wildly, opened his arms and hugged Iron Man who was trying to fly from the side.

“Damn it!”

Knowing that something was wrong, Tony quickly activated the maximum power, but was unable to break away from Hulk’s “embrace”.

Grasping this annoying piece of steel armor, the Hulk grinned, his white teeth revealing a ferocious look, and threw the opponent hard onto the hard concrete ground. Fine cracks opened like spider webs, and then he stomped heavily with his huge feet. Down!

The thrusters on his feet were activated, allowing Tony to escape by a hair’s breadth. He activated all his energy and rushed high into the sky. All the bones in his body seemed to be broken, and he couldn’t muster any strength.

Iron Man, who appeared for the second time, once again appeared in front of the world in an embarrassed manner. This made Tony very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it. Even with the updated energy reactor and the further modified Mark armor, he still couldn’t do it. Defeat this big guy with terrifying strength.

Neither the palm cannon nor other heavy fire weapons can cause fatal damage to the Hulk, and if Tony himself received a punch, he would probably have to lie in a hospital bed for the rest of his life.

Just when he was feeling worried, a dazzling fire surged from the distance. Under the blazing flames was a young man who had a vaguely human appearance.

“The big green-skinned fat guy? He doesn’t look as handsome as me at all. Johnny Human Torch is not an ordinary superhero.” The flaming figure boasted and glanced at Iron Man flying in the air. “You’re still old at this age. Follow others’ example and fight against criminals, Mr. Stark, you’d better retire as soon as possible.”

The frivolous and impetuous Thunderbolt made a wave of taunts, then raised his hand and blasted out a huge pillar of fire, submerging the Hulk in the boiling flames.

ps: Phew~

Good night.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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