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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 228 Hulk vs. the World (Part 2)

The blazing pillar of fire emitted billowing heat waves, and the ultra-high temperature of molten gold and iron bombarded the Hulk standing in the middle of the street. The huge fireball spread and radiated outwards, turning into a boiling and burning sea of ​​​​fire.

The turbulent and violent air waves set off an explosion-like roar, and the rows of high-rise buildings shook and swayed. The gushing flames covered a wide area of ​​​​half the street, spreading rapidly with destructive and terrifying power, and the street lamps melted like candles. The car was set ablaze with a series of explosions.

“See? Johnny Human Torch is going to show off his skills!”

In addition to Johnny Human Torch from the Fantastic Four, the other three also arrived one after another. Because the Hulk made too much noise, it had already alerted SHIELD. Seeing that General Ross’s Army National Guard could not subdue this Nick Fury decisively ordered Iron Man to go and asked the only superhero group in New York to dispatch.

The spreading flames were blocked by a transparent barrier, and the blazing heat was concentrated on Hulk’s huge body. This move once almost melted the steel-bodied Doctor Doom, and the flames of thousands of degrees of high temperature burned to their heart’s content. The air was steaming and distorted by the heat, reflecting strange and illusory images.

Amidst the heat wave and thick smoke, Johnny rushed into it with flames all over his body. He was going to see if the big guy was burnt to char. As a superhero, he thought that he had prevented a huge crisis that even Iron Man could not solve. The Human Torch couldn’t help but feel smug.

Tomorrow’s newspaper headlines will definitely be headlines like “Fantastic Four Save New York”, and I should be in the most conspicuous position. Everyone will know the name of Johnny Human Torch.

“Hey, big fat green guy…ah!”

The reckless Johnny paid a heavy price for his carelessness. The ferocious green face emerged from the smoke, and his thick palms grabbed the human body that turned into flames. The scorching temperature did not seem to have any effect on the Hulk. It caused too much damage, except for making the pants made of unknown materials look even more tattered.

The Hulk roared angrily, swung the Human Torch and hit Johnny violently, and finally embedded the opponent’s entire body into the concrete pavement. A faint smoke came out of his mouth, and all the bones in his body seemed to be shattered. Only the severe pain echoed in his mind.

“Johnny, you little bastard has this day too.”

The Stone Man Ben broke into the battlefield, and his five-hundred-pound body stepped on the ground, making a rumbling sound. Although his stature was slightly “small” compared to the Hulk, his terrifying power weighing several tons, The rock-hard body is enough to compete with this violent beast.

While Ben and the Hulk were fighting, Iron Man, who was flying in the air, dragged out Johnny Human Torch and threw it to Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards. After some rough judgment, only the whole body Even if the bones are broken, a small life can be saved.


The Hulk shouted his name loudly, hit the stone man’s head with a heavy fist, and kicked hard with his huge feet. Ben, who was bulky, couldn’t dodge, and turned into a sharp straight line, turning several somersaults in the air. , smashed through a skyscraper and was eventually buried under a pile of rubble.

As for Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman who were watching the battle on the sidelines, they did not dare to step forward for the time being. They had seen the terrifying power of this green giant beast, and they did not have effective attack methods themselves, so they had to act as peripheral support.

Iron Man answered the communication from General Ross, and he prepared to carry out continuous carpet bombing with automatic cruise missiles, so that the Army National Guard under the general could evacuate the crowd as soon as possible.

At this time, Tony’s friend Colonel Rhodes also arrived at the scene. The violent firepower of the war machine briefly delayed the Hulk’s progress, but all their attacks only made the Hulk’s anger grow stronger and stronger. It keeps rising, making it impossible to see where the upper limit is.

All the superheroes in New York were in a fierce battle with the Hulk. At the pier of the New York port, Sean sent the three frightened ladies onto Umbrella’s helicopter. Blonsky returned to his original form and was all wet. , he looked at the other end of the city where the flames were blazing, with a look of reluctance on his face.

“Boss, I can stop it…” He wanted to continue the unfinished battle with Hulk.

Sean waved his hand, interrupting Bronski’s words. He looked at the helicopter going away and said softly: “There will be opportunities in the future. Don’t always focus on the Hulk, your future opponent.” He’s not the only one.”

The young man boarded another helicopter, with Blonsky as the pilot, heading towards the battlefield. At this time, General Ross had already sent people to evacuate the citizens in several blocks. Iron Man launched a carpet bombing with huge power. The automatic cruise missile almost flattened the entire street to the ground. The high-rise buildings on both sides were crumbling. The strong air wave shattered the nearby glass, and plumes of smoke and dust rose into the sky.

Even a powerful being like the Hulk, with thick skin and thick flesh, was hit by the fierce firepower released by Iron Man, causing him to retreat repeatedly. A conspicuous scar opened on his chest. It was caused by the war machine taking advantage of his unpreparedness and cutting it with a laser weapon. of wounds.

But poor Colonel Rhodes also paid a huge price. The steel armor called “War Machine” was dismantled to pieces. If Mr. Fantastic hadn’t risked serious injury to save the black colonel from the Hulk’s hands, If he was rescued from inside, he would probably have been trampled into a pile of flesh.

Hulk, who had gone through a series of battles, was breathing heavily, and his chest made a heavy sound like a roaring furnace. Sean, who was sitting on the helicopter, closed his eyes slightly, and he saw a ball of green energy that was shrinking. It will explode at any time, and the rising anger stimulates the power in the body.

Terrible monsters like the Hulk will only get stronger as they fight. Unless they can kill the opponent at once, they will have to face a continuous and crazy offensive.

Hulk fell into a rage. He picked up a thick and strong steel bar from the collapsed building and looked up at the steel armor in the sky. The muscles of his arms continued to bulge, and his strength suddenly burst out!


Jarvis issued a warning in advance. Before Tony could dodge, he saw the sharp steel bar bursting with sparks and almost completely disintegrating. It was like a spear tearing through the air and carrying thunder and fire, passing through him at a terrifying speed. body of.

Tony felt severe pain in his right arm, and his consciousness was close to coma. He only heard Jarvis’ intermittent voice: “Emergency rescue… medical test… massive bleeding…”

The energy reactor on the chest flickered, and the steel armor fell straight down like a bird with broken wings.

The airflow blew the dust, and the noisy city gradually calmed down. The smoke of gunpowder shrouded the neighborhood, and the bright firelight flickered in it. The sunset disappeared the last trace of afterglow, and night came quietly and unexpectedly.

The Hulk stood between the ruins and the building, his bulging muscles covered with scars, and his green pupils shining brighter, as if the anger in his heart never stopped.

Looking around, there are no superheroes who can compete with it anymore. Iron Man, War Machine, Fantastic Four… these powerful beings who protect New York have all fallen at the feet of this green giant beast.

That ferocious face was full of wild and unruly spirit, beating his chest with both fists, and the roar resounded throughout the city——


ps: I’m so dizzy that I typed the chapter name wrong, it should be “Hulk World War”~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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