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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 229 The Strongest Enemy

Not far away, the camera on the helicopter captured this scene, and it was broadcast live to major TV stations at night. Countless viewers sitting in front of the TV held their breaths, and the thought couldn’t help but pop up in their minds at the same time. Could it be true? Can no one defeat this green beast?

At this time, the White House, the Department of Defense, S.H.I.E.L.D…. big shots were sitting behind the scenes, watching the chaos unfold. Nick Fury, who was sitting on the bank of the Potomac River, frowned. He did not expect that even Iron Man would Neither the Fantastic Four nor the Fantastic Four can stop the monster.

The Hulk is by far the biggest threat facing S.H.I.E.L.D. Unless the World Security Council orders a nuclear bomb to level New York, who can stop the green beast from rampaging without restraint?

“Sir, the White House spokesperson called. Mr. President asked whether we can handle this vicious incident. Does the establishment of SHIELD still have significance… to protect the United States and whether the shield against enemies is strong.” Colson put down the phone. , hesitatingly speaking out the harsh question.

“Let them go as they say. SHIELD doesn’t have a group of politicians to dictate what it wants. If we give those people enough benefits, they can even sell the entire United States.”

Nick Fury looked solemn, and he called up the holographic image. Through a large number of surveillance videos and shooting videos, as well as high-altitude satellites and drones, the chaotic scenes in downtown New York were simultaneously transmitted.

On the screen, the superheroes who often appeared in newspaper headlines fell at the feet of the Hulk. Among them were the high-profile Iron Man and the Fantastic Four, the most famous superhero group in New York. As soon as the battle began, one of the four The most powerful Johnny Human Torch was hit by the Hulk’s blaster, and his end was quite miserable. The Thing was not spared either. Reed Richards and Susan Storm were unable to intervene, and in the end even Both Tony Stark and War Machine Colonel Rhodes were defeated one after another.

The black director frowned. If this incident is not properly resolved, SHIELD will indeed be criticized more. After all, it receives a huge amount of funding from the World Security Council every year, but it is unable to deal with the vicious incidents and terrorist attacks that have occurred. , then things will inevitably be restricted in the future.

When he was in a dilemma, a golden figure fell from the sky in the picture. In the city shrouded in darkness, the dazzling golden flames swayed and emitted circles of subtle ripples.

“Sentinel.” Nick Fury spat out the title coldly.

Of course, he will not forget this suspicious figure who is listed as a high-risk person in SHIELD’s internal files. He first appeared in the battle between Spider-Man and Venom. The opponent easily defeated the Sandman and rushed to outer space to tear him apart. Venom left a very deep impression on everyone.

Later, in a small town in New Mexico, this mysterious figure of unknown origin fought against Asgard’s divine armor, and by the way, he abducted the God of Thunder Thor.

Unexpectedly, after disappearing for a while, the Sentinel reappeared, this time confronting the Hulk.

“Who are you?” Nick Fury stared at the tall and motionless figure on the screen, his eyes full of doubts.

Who is this guy who is not within SHIELD’s monitoring range?


Before the clock moved to five minutes, Sean was sitting on the helicopter. Almost all the superheroes in New York had fallen. Reed and Susan were left unable to affect the situation of the battle, and Spider-Man Peter Parker was not involved in the battle. , since the Venom incident, he and Mary Jane have lived a sweet and happy married life.

It is said that the two of them took out all their savings and went on a honeymoon trip. They were probably on vacation in Hawaii at this time, and even if Spider-Man arrived and wanted to stop the violent Hulk, it was indeed a bit whimsical.

“Boss, do you want to take action personally?” Bronsky, who was acting as the driver, asked.

This retired soldier who recently joined Umbrella and became the security director often has a fighting match with Red Tank when he has nothing to do. Occasionally, Sean will also participate in his spare time. Even the extremely powerful Red Tank, plus Blonsky, who turned into a hateful person, could not gain the upper hand against this young man.

Although the three of them fought with restraint, Sean’s gradually growing fighting skills and incredible recovery speed made him completely invincible. Blonsky was still able to rely on his excellent fighting skills in the beginning. He regained his consciousness, but later on, facing the young man who was making incredible progress, he had completely lost confidence.

The reason why Sean was able to achieve this level was entirely dependent on the skill cards provided by the system. The battle with Blonsky and Red Tank was equivalent to them imparting those combat experiences to him unconditionally. Of course, he made rapid progress.

“Just like you, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.”

Sean sat in the back seat of the helicopter, overlooking the streets that had been reduced to ruins from a high altitude, with huge green beasts standing among them.

Dark clouds obscured the starlight, and the cold night wind mixed with scattered raindrops fell. After a while, there was lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured down!

The young man was bathed in the cold wind and rain, with a cheerful smile on his lips. He said softly: “Hulk may be one of the few existences on this planet that can threaten me. I look forward to this battle… with A raging beast!”

He stood steadily on the shaking helicopter, a black sun lit up in front of his chest, the light flashed suddenly, and the sentinel appeared with golden flames all over his body.

Sean opened his arms and fell straight down. Cold raindrops hit his face. There was a sudden roar in the air. The pouring rain stopped immediately. Affected by the high-speed movement, the thick and hard air barrier was blown away. The natural force forcibly tore it open, and countless tiny water droplets shattered, turning into a cloud of crystal ice particles.

The fleeting golden figure was like tearing open the endless curtain of rain. Amid the muffled sound like an explosion, it left a long white trail behind it, like a supersonic aircraft passing by at a low speed. A vacuum-like passage was drawn.


With the sound of falling to the ground, the sentry descended on the world.

Hulk, who was in a rage, looked at the golden figure that suddenly appeared. The green light in his mind continued to grow. The anger that reached the peak turned into a loud roar. The violent sound waves swept away countless raindrops, and the air filled with The obvious ripples set off a massive wave of smoke and dust.

“You may be the only person on this planet who can make me punch like this.”

Sean stepped on the ground, and with his footsteps as the center of the circle, the nearby earth opened up with terrifying cracks like spider webs. Countless gravel splashed out, and the huge force blasted a hole. Then there was a muffled sound in the air, and the golden figure instantly As he arrived, a human-shaped trace was torn open behind him.

The heavy force, enough to sink a 10,000-ton ship, turned into a fierce punch and hit the Hulk’s chest, directly smashing the Hulk into the ground!

The violent green behemoth had a ferocious look on its face and tried its best to swing out its giant fist, but was held up by Sean’s hands. A look of shock appeared in its eyes filled with anger and green light. No one had ever been able to take his fist head-on. fist.

Shaking his head, Sean showed a dangerous smile on his face, and punched the Hulk’s head. A stream of blood came out from the tip of Hulk’s nose, and the huge foot kicked hard, and the golden body The image was of a cannonball that was fully charged and turned into a sharp straight line, penetrating a skyscraper behind it.

The huge force pushed Sean backwards, and he did not stop until he hit a completely flattened steel car. The young man put his hands on the ground and stood up straight. A long-lost pain came from his brain, making his chest feel like It is filled with a flame, and the silent blood gradually boils.

“This is what fighting should be like.”

Before the soft murmur fell, a sharp sonic boom sounded loudly. To the golden figure that rushed out, the reinforced concrete building was torn apart as easily as paper, carrying an unstoppable surge. The momentum, the heavy punch swung with all his strength was like a powder keg exploding, causing violent shocks.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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