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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 232 Avengers

The noisy morning slowly came to an end. Although Betty still felt resentful about Sean’s explanation, she did not make a fuss. Instead, she harbored complex and tangled inexplicable thoughts.

Her mother died young, and General Ross regarded her as the apple of his eye. Coupled with her excellent abilities and outstanding appearance, Betty has been a sought-after object since she was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the proud daughter of heaven. Even young talents like Bruce Banner who are emerging in the field cannot resist their own attraction.

Although Betty had a good impression of the young man in front of her who had had an intimate relationship, she was not to the point of giving up reason. She was different from Gwen who was like a little sheep, nestling in Sean’s arms.

It’s just that things have happened and nothing can be undone. Looking at the messy big bed and the clothes scattered on the carpet, Betty couldn’t help but cover her face, her heart filled with shame and anger. She never thought that there was something wrong with her. With a good upbringing and a privileged background, I would actually do such a thing.

“If you find this unacceptable, you can put all the blame on me…”

“This is all your fault! It’s so ridiculous… Oh my God!” Betty looked at Sean who was leaning on the bed with several hickeys on his neck, and said angrily.

Especially Gwen, who looked confused, was even more dazzling. If there was no other person in the young man’s arms, maybe this would be a good start. Betty did not regret giving everything she had, but she just couldn’t accept this. A game for three people.

“I will forget what happened today!” The proud general’s daughter glared at Sean, then stood up, picked up the clothes scattered on the floor and put them on.

She decided to keep distance from Sean in the future, and perhaps returning to school to continue working as a teacher was the right choice.


“Shut up! I don’t want to hear another word from you!”

“I want to say…”

“Don’t want me to accept this ridiculous relationship!”

“No, I want to tell you that the black lace one is Gwen’s, and you should be the red translucent one on the sofa.”


The room suddenly became quiet. Gwen, who was lying in the man’s arms, snickered like a little mouse, while Betty’s little face turned red. She took off the private clothes she had put on and threw them at Sean. Go, she quickly put on her clothes, tidied up briefly, then slammed the door and left.

“Aren’t you going to catch up? Miss Betty looks very angry.” Gwen listened quietly to Sean’s heartbeat, unconsciously placing her fingers on his chest and making circles.

“Let her calm down, and I have another sweetheart in my arms.” Sean chuckled, turning over and pressing the blonde girl who was pouring out his heart under him.

A sinister smile appeared on the young man’s lips. If Gwen’s passion last night hadn’t stimulated the reserved Betty, this ridiculous threesome wouldn’t have happened so smoothly.

“Well, no.” Two white arms pressed against the man’s strong chest. After regaining consciousness, Gwen pursed her lips and blinked her big eyes. “You have no idea of ​​contentment.”

Facts have proved that this weak resistance does not have any unnecessary effect other than adding a touch of interest.

The young man leaned down and muttered: “According to science, morning exercise is a healthy way of exercise.”

The thin quilt slipped off the bed, and the sound of heavy breathing accompanied by a low begging for mercy echoed in the room, and the spring scenery was infinitely good for a moment.


S.H.I.E.L.D., New York branch.

Banner sat awkwardly on the sofa. Since the Hulk World War, he has been under the supervision of SHIELD. Maybe his mood has been relatively stable recently, or he needs to rest after a big battle with the Hulk. In short, he has not had one for a long time. Transformed out of control.

A one-eyed black man wearing a black trench coat opened the door and walked in. Banner moved back nervously. He was wary of personnel from any government department. Whether it was the military or SHIELD, they all had some ulterior motives. Man’s purpose is to use himself as a tool.

Especially after being deceived by Samuel Stern, Banner could hardly trust anyone anymore. The Hulk in his body was not only a monster, but also secretly coveted by many people. He did not want to experience being used as a guinea pig for dissection research again. terrible days.

“Bruce Banner, a former physicist wanted by the Army, holds multiple doctorates. It’s really hard to imagine that you are actually the number one target on the military’s wanted list, a criminal codenamed ‘The Hulk’.”

Nick Fury sat down casually, some distance away from the melancholy man with a haggard look. His subordinates all suggested that they take some restraint measures against this terrifying guy who could transform into a green giant beast at any time to protect themselves. safety.

But the black director all refused. As a top veteran agent, he knew how difficult it was to gain someone’s trust, so he would rather take huge risks and talk to Bruce in person without any precautions – Banner meets and talks.

“I have good news to tell you. The military has given up on wanting you. They now have better super soldiers.” Nick Fury said softly.

“Then what are you going to do to me?” Banner, who was tense, stared at the one-eyed black man. The portable heart rate monitor on his hand fluctuated to about 180.

A group of heavily armed special forces soldiers piled outside the door. Maria Hill, as the commander, raised her arms and clenched them into fists. At the same time, on the top floor of the building opposite, a man drew a bow and arrow, aiming at Banner’s head.

“Barton, once the target’s heart rate reaches 200, shoot him!” Hill said in a deep voice.

SHIELD has seen the destructive power of the Hulk and knows that Banner will transform into the Hulk if he loses control of his emotions. Therefore, many people have objections to Nick Fury’s meeting this time.

“It’s not what we want to do with you, but Dr. Banner. You have nowhere to go.” Fury narrowed his eyes and observed the subtle expressions on the other person’s face. “You almost caused Iron Man to lose an arm. In the Fantastic Four, Two people are still lying in the hospital, and an entire block in New York looks like it has been bombed by missiles, causing economic losses and countless casualties…”

“Those New York citizens who lost their loved ones and homes, they marched in the streets, demanding the execution of the Hulk… Dr. Banner, you think SHIELD has deprived you of your freedom, but in fact we are protecting you.”

“This is Hulk’s fault – not me!” Banner held his head in his hands, his voice full of pain. For a person with a kind nature, hurting others is undoubtedly a guilt-inducing and sad thing.

“The Hulk is you, Dr. Banner, you two are indistinguishable from each other.” The black director said solemnly. “We hope you can stay. SHIELD is always committed to solving problems. You don’t want to share a body with a monster that can lose its mind at any time forever, right?”

Banner’s eyes were filled with hesitation. Naturally, he didn’t want to coexist with Hulk. If he could get rid of this green beast, that would be great news, but is SHIELD worthy of belief?

The last time he trusted Samuel Stern, he caused such a big mess and almost destroyed half of New York.

“Don’t worry, Dr. Banner, SHIELD is not the Department of Defense. General Ross wants to get the secrets of super soldiers from you and use you as a powerful weapon, but SHIELD will not do this.” Nick Fury Said word for word.

Compared with General Ross who only wants to tame the Hulk into a controllable secret weapon, SHIELD has other ideas. The whole world is in turmoil, superpowers are emerging in an endless stream, and the living space of ordinary people is facing squeeze. This planet is like sitting on the crater of a volcano, and may be burned and destroyed by erupting magma at any time.

If you want to have peace, you must first have power.

He sincerely looked at the hesitant Banner, his one eye sparkling, and said in a deep voice: “I am forming a team, including super soldiers from the last century, talented scientists with developed minds, top S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, we still need your help now.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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