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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 235 Quiet changes

The Mutant Academy in Westchester was immersed in a lively and noisy atmosphere. Young students were whispering to each other and talking about it. They all knew about the professor’s push for the Mutant Registration Act, and they also saw the sincere words in front of the White House lawn. Preaching, these young eagles who have not yet grown up feel confused about the changes they are about to face, but at the same time they also have a vague longing for beauty.

“Bobby, do you think the professor will kick us out?” Pyro John was lying on the table, as if his body was loaded with springs, and he couldn’t calm down for a moment.

This restless young man is a famous thorn in the school. He is the opposite extreme of Iceman Bobby’s reserved and stable character. But what is surprising is that the two have become good friends.

“How is it possible? Didn’t Ms. Gray say that we are free to choose and the school will not expel anyone.”

Bobby’s voice was muffled, and he was in a very complicated mood now. Although his days at school were good, he longed to return to a warm family and stay with his relatives and friends.

In order to conceal the identity of the mutant, he traveled all the way from Boston to New York, where he stayed under the protective wing of the professor and was protected from brutal persecution and arrest.

“Then what are you going to do?” John asked excitedly, “I quietly asked Colossus Pete that he wanted to go to Mr. Sipers’s Umbrella Security Team. It is said that if he does well, the annual salary can reach sixty Ten thousand dollars… Oh my God! After a few years of hard work, I can buy a smaller apartment in Manhattan.”

Pyro was chirping like a bird that couldn’t stop talking. Bobby held his chin with one hand and his mind was full of messy thoughts. He didn’t know how to choose. Unlike John, he came to this school because he was afraid of mutants. The person’s identity is exposed, attracting criticism and strange eyes from his family.

If you really muster up the courage to stand up and admit that you are a mutant, as the professor said, how will your family members in Boston view you?

Bobby is afraid of accepting unknown facts. Maybe he can get a well-paying official job at Umbrella or Osborn Industries, a scientific research institution and large enterprise that many people dream of entering, or get a job. Write a letter of recommendation with a lot of gold, and then enter a prestigious school to study.

But compared to what he got, he was more afraid of the price he paid.

This introverted boy turned his attention to the naughty Mary on the other side. The girl full of youthful vitality was also lying on the table, looking bored.

“Mary…” After hesitating for a moment, Bobby reached out and knocked on the girl’s desk, “Are you planning to leave school?”

The little naughty girl first hid back, then turned her head and found that it was Bobby, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Due to her own dangerous abilities, she always wrapped herself tightly and tried to avoid physical contact with anyone.

“I haven’t thought about it yet, but I want to give Mr. Sipos’ Umbrella a try. Maybe he can help me solve some troubles.”

The girl remembered what the young man said to her last time and felt that she should stand up boldly. At least her life would not be worse than her current life. Even if she was not recognized by society, she could still go back to school.

Bobby said oh, and then looked at the excited John, who had already begun to have unrealistic fantasies about joining the Umbrella Security Team, fighting side by side with those American soldiers, and then returning full of honors and reaching the pinnacle of life.

Everyone had their own ideas and decisions, but he was the only one who was still hesitant. The young boy sighed, with a hint of sadness in his green brows.

However, Bobby is not the only one facing such troubles in this school, Cyclops Scott is also the same.

“I don’t understand why the professor would trust a stranger with ill intentions so much.” Scott kept complaining to his girlfriend, like a nagging resentful woman, “Sean Sipers, he used to be with Stry To hope that such people will show their kindness and help us for free is like a daydream!”

“The professor won’t harm us, what are you worried about, Scott?” Qin said lightly, stroking her long red hair.

Sometimes my boyfriend is like an unreasonable child who is always hostile to Sean or humans. He just wants to hide in school and live his life in peace, never wanting to change something.

“I think it was Sean Sipers, that bastard who deceived him.” Scott looked serious. Of course, he would not doubt the professor who played the role of father in his heart.

Cyclops once advised the professor, advising the bald old man who had been protecting him not to trust Sean too much. The other person was just a stranger who didn’t know the details and was not worthy of such heavy trust.

But the professor always laughed it off, chose to change the topic, and kept silent, as if he and the young man had reached some kind of tacit understanding.

This makes Scott particularly angry. As a younger generation of X-Men, he has always been the successor chosen by the professor. Storm Ororo does not have this ambition and does not have leadership skills, while Wolverine Logan seems to be a Duckweed, wandering around, Beast Hank, although prestigious enough, has become a diplomat of the human government towards mutants.

After thinking about it, I realized that I was the only one who had enough ability and won the trust and appreciation of the professor.

But with the arrival of Sean, everything changed. The professor changed his position that he had insisted on for many years, and actually began to cooperate with the human government. In Scott’s view, this was undoubtedly seeking death and actively burying the mutants. man’s future.

“He must have cast some weird magic on the professor.” Cyclops thought bitterly.

“Who can deceive the most powerful mind controller in the world?” Qin said nonchalantly.

As the fusion with the Phoenix Power in her body deepened, she became more and more influenced by another personality in her body. Elegance and dignity have now become a cover-up, and the wanton madness in her heart is her true nature. One day they will become one, and they will never be together again. Regardless of each other.

Scott wanted to get comfort from his girlfriend, but he didn’t know that the other party didn’t care. This made the angry Cyclops depressed. He looked at Qin, who was wearing a red wrap skirt, with a trace of obsession in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but move closer.

The fiery red figure suddenly turned around and took a few steps to the side, as if he had inadvertently avoided her boyfriend’s intimate gesture.

“What’s wrong with you?” Scott looked confused.

Before he could reach Qin’s side, this mature and beautiful Phoenix girl quietly moved away. This happened not once or twice.

“I have a headache and I don’t feel very well.” Qin said slightly apologetically.

Scott was stunned. He knew that Qin had been in a trance a long time ago. The professor said it was a psychological problem left over from childhood. He wanted to understand clearly, but he got a vague answer.

“It’s going to rain, do you still want to go out?” Cyclops asked suspiciously when he saw his girlfriend put on a black coat.

“In the agreement negotiated with the White House, the mutants will set up a contact center in Manhattan, which will be managed by Hank. I will be responsible for preparing some paperwork.”

Qin looked calm. She looked at her frustrated boyfriend and said softly: “I have to get my hair done by the way. I won’t be back tonight.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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