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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 238 A big event comes ahead of schedule

Just as the Prince of Asgard was brewing a grand plan to conquer the nine star realms, all the superheroes in New York gathered at Tony Stark’s seaside mansion and held a unique and lively party.

“Wow, this is a gathering of superheroes. The famous New York genius. Do you have any talents worthy of admiration?”

When Sean stepped into the door of the Stark mansion with Gwen on his arm, Tony, wearing the latest model of Mark armor, immediately ran over and shouted in a deliberately loud voice.

The young man was not annoyed by Tony’s childish way of joking. He smiled slightly and said, “Rich, handsome, and charming to attract the opposite sex… Of course, there is one more thing Mr. Stark doesn’t have. I am young enough.”

“Well, these days, mature men who are elegant and well-groomed like me are all included in the ranks of the elderly?” Iron Man, who was wearing a cool armor, shrugged and praised himself without hesitation.

Looking past Tony who was standing at the door, Sean saw the long-lost Fantastic Four and Johnny the Human Torch who had just climbed out of the hospital bed. He looked lively and energetic and was spying on the swimsuit model in the distance with a telescope. Ben, the stone man, was sitting on the side, spreading dog food affectionately with his blind girlfriend. Susan and Pepper were exchanging secret topics between women, but Mr. Fantastic Reed was nowhere to be seen.

All the Fantastic Four are here, Spider-Man Peter Parker has not yet revealed his identity, and the street heroes in Hell’s Kitchen have no official identities. After excluding Zero and Zero, almost all the superheroes in New York are here.

The young man patted Gwen’s arm, and the brightly dressed blonde girl walked away knowingly, leaving space for Tony and Sean. She was not a tsundere princess who liked to be petty, except for the occasional act of coquettishness to spice up her life. Other than that, he has an almost submissive and gentle character.

“Tsk, tsk.” Tony smacked his lips a few times and said teasingly: “A young lady from a general’s family, a police chief’s daughter, being too indulgent at such a young age is not a good thing.”

“Is this a warning to me from my seniors?”

Sean teased without hesitation that Tony Stark used to be the number one playboy in New York, and there were enough tidbits about his debauchery to fill an entire room.

Tony deliberately coughed a few times and glanced at Pepper who was sitting on the sofa in the living room unconsciously. Although he was indeed not immune to beautiful women, he had already made a solemn farewell to his past indulgent life.

Not long ago, the Daily Bugle published an entertainment news article claiming that Tony Stark had not been seen in major nightclubs in New York for three months. This is simply unbelievable. It is estimated that half of the paparazzi will lose their jobs because of this. , the grumpy and stingy boss, used an extremely spicy tone to tease the Iron Man who was busy saving the world, which greatly increased newspaper sales for a while.

“Why do you suddenly want to have a superhero party?” Sean leaned on the bar on the side of the living room and pulled out a bottle of scotch whiskey from the wine cabinet very skillfully. “Would you like a drink?”

“Jiabing…why are you so familiar with my house?” Tony asked depressedly. This guy seemed to be at home, not polite at all.

“It’s not my first time here.” Sean replied casually, poured out the clear wine and handed the whiskey with ice to the other party.

Tony shook the glass, and the ice cubes hit the wall of the glass with a crisp sound. The frivolous smile faded from his cynical face. The most famous libertine in New York has indeed undergone a complete change, although he is so proud and narcissistic. The temperament engraved in the bones cannot be erased, but the frivolity and casualness of the past gradually fade away.

“It’s nothing, I just want to find some friends and have a lively party… You know, I don’t have many friends.” After drinking the cold whiskey in one gulp, Tony rarely showed a serious expression, “I know who attacked New York last time. Big green guy? I almost thought I was really going to die.”

“I have always thought that Iron Man can guard New York and protect the world… But for the first time, I feel that there is something I can’t do. Do you know this feeling?”

“It’s about the same as when I was sixteen, I was full of confidence and wanted to pick up the most beautiful girl in school, but then I saw her getting into a rich man’s luxury car.” Sean’s mouth curled up, deliberately Said jokingly.

In Hulk World War, almost all the superheroes in New York fell. This obviously stimulated the arrogant Iron Man. Tony was far from willing to be a superhero who hunted down arms smugglers and fought against transnational terrorists. He The reason why he is willing to join Nick Fury’s Avengers program is because this former playboy firmly believes that he can use a steel armor to protect the absolute safety of this planet.

It’s a pity that the appearance of Hulk shattered Tony’s beautiful ideas. He began to realize that if he wanted to protect New York and the world, it seemed that Iron Man was not enough.

“Your analogy is very interesting.” Stark laughed a few times and asked for another glass of whiskey. He lowered his head and said, “When I faced that green beast, I almost had to call Pepper to explain. Those are my last words.”

“It seems that you are deeply affected.” Sean poured himself a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

He had a vague hunch that something huge had changed in Tony. As his butterfly wings flapped, the original trajectory of the timeline gradually shifted.

This kind of unknown change cannot be said to be good or bad. Sean has passed the most difficult primitive stage. He no longer needs to rely on the advantage of foresight to seize the opportunity. Today’s Sentinel has enough ability to face any A major crisis is about to occur or occur.

“Nick Fury…yes, he is the bastard who almost arrested you and put you in jail. This person may not be trustworthy, but there is one thing he said rightly. This is no longer the era of fighting alone, even if Even superheroes need to join forces and rely on each other.”

Tony’s eyes were filled with fiery emotions. He patted the energy reactor that lit up on his chest, seeming to recall the time when he narrowly escaped from the cave on the front line in Afghanistan and saw the first ray of sunlight. That was the birth of Iron Man. The place.

Pepper often told him that he left his soul in that damp and cold cave, and that Tony Stark was just a shell when he returned to New York. Only hiding in that steel armor would he feel safe.

“So you recruited so many superheroes to bring the Fantastic Four into the Avengers?”

Sean’s eyes flickered and he calculated carefully. The Avengers were almost all assembled. Bruce Banner stayed at SHIELD, Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye Barton, and the black man who played the beautiful female neighbor. Widow, all that’s missing is Thor from Asgard.

I think another prince of Asgard should have embarked on a long journey to find foreign aid at this time. Maybe the cosmic overlord has already set his eyes on this blue planet, and the alien army is about to arrive.

The young man was not afraid, but felt faintly excited. The overlord of the universe, who was committed to maintaining the balance of the universe and eliminating the number of living creatures, was the biggest obstacle blocking his way forward.

Perhaps the opponent has a reputation of being invincible, but Sean will not escape, because only by knowing the real gap between the two parties can he catch up and surpass him!

“No, in fact, I only wanted to invite Dr. Richards alone at first.” Tony said drunkenly, his skin slightly reddened by the alcohol, “I thought about it carefully for a long time. The Avengers may have something that I can’t resist. Enemies, but ‘Ultron’ doesn’t have that.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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