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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 239 The prototype of Ultron


Sean’s heart was shaken, and his surprise was even shown on his face. He didn’t expect that the big event that was supposed to happen after the New York War would actually come early.

In the original timeline, the Avengers were formally established, defeated the invasion of the Chitauri army, and wiped out the remaining forces of Hydra. Tony obtained the Loki Scepter inlaid with the Mind Stone, and then had the ability to create ” Ultron” basis. But now, the six Infinity Stones have not yet appeared, and only one Cosmic Cube called the Space Stone is sealed in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony tapped the empty wine glass, the alcohol stimulating the hot fire deep in his heart. He looked at the inexplicably surprised Sean and lowered his voice and said: “I want to put on a piece of armor for this world, this fragile blue planet. Need ‘Ultron’.”

The uncontrollable excitement, like a lava volcano erupting, almost made Stark’s heart explode. The plan to create “Ultron” swirled in his mind for a long time, until the appearance of the Hulk, Shatter Iron Man’s dream of being able to protect the world by himself.

Tony began to make up his mind to bring Ultron to fruition. He leaned his head close to Sean who was standing behind the bar and said softly: “You know Jarvis, he is my intelligent butler, providing services for my life and commanding my life.” Steel Armor, he’s done more than anyone but Pepper – but in the beginning, it was just a natural language user interface.”

“I kept adding various functions and data to that framework, and then I don’t remember when, Jarvis was born.”

Sean put down the scotch in his hand and asked thoughtfully: “So you want to create an artificial intelligence, the same kind as Jarvis?”

“No, it is more powerful than Jarvis. It can command my Iron Legion – I am planning to mass-produce steel armor. This planet will be under its surveillance. Major crises and terrorist events are happening one after another. It can be effectively stopped before…”

“Wait, Tony.” Sean waved his hand and looked deeply at Iron Man, who seemed to be too excited. “Your plan is full of many problems, and the most important thing is, who will control it?”

“As you said, assuming that Ultron is successfully manufactured, who will control the Sword of Damocles hanging over human heads? You? Or SHIELD? Secondly, how do you ensure that Ultron will not… …betray humanity?”

Tony was stunned for a moment. The young man’s words were like a bucket of cold water pouring down, briefly extinguishing the burning fire in his heart, but after a moment, his eyes sparkled again.

Sean smiled and shook his head. With Stark’s conceited character, of course he would not be persuaded by a few words and give up his inner plan. Among the Avengers, there is no doubt that Iron Man is a real genius – and Bruce – Unlike Banner, Tony is not only a scholar and authority in science, he has a more far-sighted and keen vision.

In the words of Captain America, every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people get hurt.

But Tony always hopes to get things done in one step. This is the conceit and pride of a genius. He doesn’t care if others can’t keep up with his steps, he only focuses on how to achieve the goal efficiently, so many times good intentions will end up doing bad things.

“these questions……”

“Okay, if I want to convince the world’s top genius, obviously I don’t have this ability.” Sean interrupted Stark’s defense and said helplessly: “Take me to see Reed, he should be here Your underground laboratory.”

The steel armor worn on the body automatically separated. With the energy reactor on the chest as the center, various parts disintegrated and loosened. Tony Stark walked out of it. He greeted Pepper and walked down the steps while holding Sean’s shoulders. The spacious space located underground is his private laboratory.

Reed was typing on the computer quickly. His rubber-like arms stretched out freely, allowing him to design the operating interface and fill in huge data at the same time. The holographic image that Jarvis popped up was enough to see a huge group of data. Flow entity, that is the prototype of the Ultron program.

“Hey, Sean, I knew Stark would find you.” Mr. Fantastic was not surprised at all when he saw the young man’s arrival. “I want to complete the design of Ultron, successfully generate the operating interface, and let it transform. For true artificial intelligence, the workload and difficulty are too great.”

When it came to scientific research, Reed lost his usual reticence and became eloquent, “We don’t even have the most basic reference. Jarvis’s data alone is not enough, so I thought of you, Ann. Brela’s Red Queen, I’ve seen how powerful that little girl is, she can definitely serve as the framework for ‘Ultron’!”

Sean glanced at Tony, and it turned out that this was the other party’s real purpose. Without the Mind Stone in the original timeline, even Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic could not truly create Ultron.

So they need help from outside forces, and Umbrella’s artificial intelligence is one of them. It’s really an interesting idea to use the Red Queen and Jarvis to improve Ultron’s program.

However, what they don’t know is that the Red Queen is just a trumpet account of Skynet, a thread opened separately. If the Ultron program uses the Red Queen’s data, it will be equivalent to actively leaving a backdoor for Skynet.

“I don’t mind providing the Red Queen for your reference.” Sean shrugged and agreed.

Tony and Reed excitedly high-fived, and Mr. Fantastic couldn’t wait to introduce the prototype of Ultron to Sean. He brought up the roughly completed basic framework and said excitedly: “I gave ‘Ultron’ the basic instructions for independent learning and thinking. , I hope it can have the same innate abilities as humans, and the highest priority command in the core command library is to protect the safety of the earth, and no one can modify it…”

“How long did it take you to complete it?” Sean asked curiously.

He was really looking forward to what the Ultron would look like when the two geniuses Tony Stark and Reed Richards joined forces. Meteorologist Edward Lorenz said that a tropical animal in the Amazon River Basin of South America A butterfly in the rainforest, flapping its wings occasionally, can cause a tornado in Texas, USA, two weeks later.

This refers to the extremely small initial conditions that, after continuous amplification, will make a huge difference in its future state. Sean, this butterfly that should not exist in the first place, caused the world’s unchanging fixed trajectory to begin to deviate.

“It’s impossible to do it in a short time.” Reed hesitated for a while. Even with the Red Queen as an improvement, Ultron would not be born for a while.

The three of them were sitting in the basement, discussing Ultron’s design ideas and filling in the extremely crude basic framework. Tony hoped to put the world in strong armor and never be harmed by anyone again, while Reed believed that this It was a great and feasible plan, and the two hit it off immediately. As for Sean, he was only responsible for providing the initial data of the Red Queen.

Of course, everything about Skynet is the confidential content of the core database and will not be open to anyone except himself.

It wasn’t until Pepper came down to ask them to enjoy dinner that the three of them realized that time passed so quickly. They all looked up from the huge amount of data, looked at each other, and laughed heartily.

Reed tidied his messy hair and walked up first, presumably incurring another round of complaints from Susan later, while Sean stopped Tony, who had a relaxed smile on his face.

“Why are you telling this? You certainly haven’t told Pepper or SHIELD, so why are you telling me? Because of the Red Queen?”

The young man looked at Ultron, who was constantly being filled with more modules and data, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Tony was slightly startled, and his face was hidden under the light. After a while, he replied: “Maybe it’s because you are an ordinary person, Sean. Those superheroes who can fly in the sky and escape from the earth and are omnipotent are actually the same as everyone else. They You will also feel fear, fear, and even despair…”

“Many people can’t see this. Those pessimistic and helpless people don’t know that the superheroes under the armor and mask are also flesh and blood and can be defeated, killed, and eliminated.”

Tony walked up the steps, paused briefly, and whispered: “——And didn’t I say before, I don’t have many friends.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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