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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 24 One vs. Two

“Sean, you have to be careful, those two guys may not be dead.”

On the top floor of the building opposite, a cute little loli wearing a purple wig and tights was speaking to the communicator. She was almost knocked to the ground by the huge recoil of the rocket launcher just now, and her shoulders were still sore.

“I knew I shouldn’t have let you come.”

A headache-inducing voice came from the communicator. Sean was originally planning to break into Kingpin’s high-end apartment alone and deal with the underworld emperor who secretly ruled the New York underworld.

But who knew that Minty discovered his plan, and Little Lolita, who was always interested in violence, clamored to join the action. After Sean thought about it carefully, he finally agreed to her request, except that he really couldn’t stand Little Lolita. In addition to Li’s cuteness and chattering, Mindy’s own good fighting ability is also a big reason.

After all, this little loli is not as weak as she looks on the outside. Underneath her cute and innocent disguise, she is a super-killer who has been cruelly trained to become a murderous weapon!

“Plan A failed, implement the second plan.” Sean issued an order from the communicator. He sneaked into the high-end apartment floor where Kingpin lived early. “Mindy, when will Kingpin’s men arrive?”

“I cut off the power supply to the elevator. You have about ten minutes.” The little Loli was still very reliable at critical moments.

“That’s enough, interfere with the surveillance equipment in the building and let me give Mr. Kingpin an unexpected surprise.” Sean said calmly. He had been carefully planning for tonight’s assassination operation for a long time.

The luxuriously decorated apartment room was now in a mess, with broken glass scattered on the floor, thick smoke filling the air, and streaks of flames licking the bookcases and carpets. The embarrassed underworld emperor got up from under the desk. The shocking impact of the rocket explosion did not seem to cause much damage to him.

“It’s an experience I haven’t had in a long time…” Jin Bin licked the corner of his mouth, with a hint of cruel bloodlust on his seemingly honest face.

The sturdy underworld emperor took off his tattered white suit, and his shiny bald head was covered with dust. Since he became the ruler of Hell’s Kitchen, no one has dared to carry out such an assassination on him, not only It was because he was afraid of Jin Bin’s crazy revenge and terrifying reputation, and after his hostile forces lost countless capable people, he realized that it was almost impossible to get rid of the underworld emperor.

In addition to the bodyguard Bullseye who always guards Kingpin, the underworld emperor himself is also extremely powerful. Before he rose to become the ruler of the New York underworld, there were rumors that he once beat a hostile gang leader alive. Horrible rumors about Bolognese.

“Bullseye, are you dead?” Kingpin held the cane tightly. He did not think that his capable man would be killed easily.

There was a slight noise in the fireplace in the apartment room, and a muscular man wearing a black trench coat and tight leather pants crawled out. There were scorched stains on his face, and he looked even more embarrassed than his boss.

“Boss, someone has sent us a big gift.” Bullseye gritted his teeth. This bloody and cruel killer was filled with the desire to kill.

“I’m afraid one rocket is not enough. There should be a group of gunmen, maybe a group of mercenaries from the Central Asian battlefield.” Kingpin wrote lightly. As the ruler of the New York underground world, he did not know how many storms he had experienced. A small attack could not scare him.

In fact, the underworld emperor has some expectations in his heart. When he throws those corpses into the Hudson River tomorrow morning, the whole of New York will once again feel the blood and terror contained in the name “Kingpin”, and The enemies who planned this attack would also end their lives in painful cries.

“Just a game to kill boring time.” Kingpin thought.

Dong dong dong——

The door of the room that was well preserved in the huge explosion was knocked, and a rather young-sounding voice came from outside the door: “Mr. Wilson Fisk, please sign for your express delivery.”

Kingpin and his subordinate Bullseye looked at each other, and the muscles in his body tensed instantly. Sure enough, the next second, the heavy door was kicked open with a bang, and a black shadow with a cold chill rushed into the room.

Without too much nonsense, Bullseye immediately threw two sharp darts. The cold light flashed, cutting through the air at extremely fast speeds, pointing at the intruder’s throat and eyes, while Jin Bin on the other side Holding the heavy cane in his palm, the extremely strong and huge body rushed towards the black figure who came to visit in an unfriendly way, as if carrying rolling thunder.

The black shadow was not blocked by the sharp darts fired from him. He stepped lightly, like a faint afterimage flashing past Bullseye’s attack. A majestic wind and thunder struck down, which came from Jin Bin. With the heavy cane attached to his body, there is no doubt that if he were hit by this blow, the head of the attacker who rashly broke into the underworld emperor’s residence would explode like a watermelon in an instant, rendering it an extremely bloody and terrifying scene.

Sean, who had only stepped into the room for less than ten seconds, encountered a series of fierce attacks. First of all, he had to admit that Kingpin did have extraordinary strength. No wonder even Daredevil, Punisher, Spider-Man, etc. None of the superheroes have benefited from each other. In terms of the power displayed by this underworld emperor, he is no longer inferior to those powerful street heroes.

Sean’s pupils contracted, and the power that had been accumulated in his body for a long time surged out like a river. Those invisible tiny molecules surged in every cell, like a scorching fire, stimulating every fiber of the body. nerve.

An incomparable sense of power lingered between his hands. Sean’s eyes suddenly turned cold. He exerted force on his feet and moved his body in an incredible trajectory. The heavy cane seemed to be made of steel, smashing the bookcase behind the wall. , all of a sudden, the room looked like a ruin, with scraps of paper flying all over the sky.

A very fast flying knife locked onto Sean’s path and shot into his chest. At the same time, Kingpin also cooperated with tacit understanding and swung his cane to slash at him. That one seemed to be worth a lot of money. A jet-black cane shoots out a blazing white current. This is the secret weapon prepared by the underworld emperor for himself. It is like a high-tech equipment from a science fiction movie. It has various attack capabilities and can emit lasers, poison, and smoke. , it can also emit electric shocks when used as an electric baton in close combat, which is enough to make the opponent unable to guard against it.

Bullseye and Kingpin smiled at each other. They already had an amazing tacit understanding of cooperation. The two of them had never failed together, whether they were mercenaries from the South African rainforest or ninja assassins trained by the Japanese Hand. Under the eyes of the flying knife and Jin Bin’s iron fist, everything turned into a cold corpse. This is why the underworld emperor did not choose to escape at the first moment of being attacked.

The two of them are the most terrifying thugs and villains in Hell’s Kitchen, so how can they be afraid of those extremely weak killers? !


Kingpin roared wildly, and the huge sound wave shook the wall. His strong and huge body was like a mountain, squeezing over quickly, and Bullseye’s cold gaze like a poisonous snake was locked on Sean, and he was affected by it. There was no trace of panic in the eyes of the young boy who was being attacked from both sides. It was as if the flying knife that was about to pierce his chest, the cane that was striking fiercely, and the blazing white current that shot out were all non-existent.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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