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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 241 Meeting Deadpool for the First Time

Many people say that New York is a city that is always noisy and never sleeps. Only the brilliant lights under the dark sky can truly show its prosperous appearance.

After leaving the Stark mansion, Sean sent Gwen back home, and then drove alone on the road. In the cold night, he controlled the steering wheel with both hands, and his thoughts and consciousness spread around. Hard in the distance The Xun River shines brightly, and the high-rise buildings are connected together like a lush jungle made of steel.

After Sean was initially surprised by the Ultron project that suddenly popped up in Tony’s mind, he took it for granted. The high-profile and conceited Iron Man was an extremely insecure guy deep down.

In the original timeline, after the Battle of New York, Stark almost suffered from anxiety and wished he could stay in steel armor 24 hours a day. It seemed that only this could provide him with a slight sense of security.

The emergence of the Hulk destroyed Tony’s self-confidence. He began to realize that the power of Iron Man alone was not enough to face the increasing and huge crises, so the Ultron Project was born.

Find cooperation with Reed Richards, who is also one of the world’s top talents, and use Jarvis and the Red Queen as the basic framework. Who knows what will be created in the end.

Sean is looking forward to this.

At the same time, SHIELD was not restless. Nick Fury felt that the world was facing a huge change, so he began to develop the Cosmic Cube. The manufacturing of the Helicarrier was also officially put on the process. Obviously, this black man The director has full preparations and plans, trying to make SHIELD, a huge organization, a veritable strong shield on this planet.

However, the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny. The one-eyed black man underestimated the coming new era, the mutants in two camps, the Chitauri army coming with killing and conquest, and the Ah who is willing to cause trouble. Prince Loki of Sgard, various disputes in the nine kingdoms, such as the sleeping dark elves, the imprisoned goddess of death Hela…

Of course, the biggest crisis is the overlord of the universe who has spent his whole life collecting six infinity stones. This is a powerful enemy that SHIELD cannot fight against. Moreover, this huge organization like Leviathan has long been destroyed. It has been completely penetrated by the Hydra, living in the body like a virus, constantly absorbing nutrients.

“The calm before the storm.” Sean sighed softly.

The black car was running on the highway with endless traffic, and the consciousness that was always covering the area around him jumped suddenly. Following the divergent spiritual threads, he saw a masked weirdo sitting on the railing of the viaduct, wearing a red and black shirt. Wearing tight clothes, her legs were dangling leisurely, and she seemed not to be afraid of the tragic consequences of falling. She was also singing “Shoop” with unpleasant lyrics, and her off-key singing was drowned in the roar of passing cars.

A smile appeared on Sean’s lips, he was an interesting guy.

He knew this masked weirdo who looked insane. He had two samurai swords on his back, powerful large-caliber pistols on both sides of his thighs, a bulging ammunition bag on his waist, and he was wearing airtight red and black tights. Clothes, if it weren’t for the rich equipment mentioned above, maybe others would think it was Spider-Man.

But this neurotic masked weirdo is not a good neighbor in New York. He is a strange mercenary who can accept anyone’s entrustment. He has the ability to talk like no one in the world, and the ability to heal himself beyond imagination. Ability that gives many superheroes a headache.

His existence will tell you that meeting an annoying psychopath is not the most tragic thing. The most tragic thing is that you still have no way to get rid of or even solve this guy.

“Hey, man, is the scenery up there nice?” Sean shouted loudly as the black car was about to pass through the viaduct.

Although this masked weirdo is not mentally healthy and is still an extremely scary chatterbox, the young man really wants to get to know the famous Deadpool.

“Hey, who is this bastard who is not as handsome as me, not as tall as me, and not as elegant as me? Let me think about it, I don’t seem to know him… Think about it again, I may have taken care of his business in some bar.” Deadpool He laughed loudly, nodded and said: “Although he is not as handsome as the great Deadpool, he seems to be very rich. Maybe you can invite me to the red light district of Brooklyn to have a sex! Light up two hotties Girl, no, two are not enough!”

Deadpool, who was immersed in his own world, stretched his waist, stood up straight, then jumped off the viaduct, and landed safely on the passenger seat with a “bang”.

“Don’t you feel any pain?”

Sean had a strange look in his eyes. Fortunately, he had already lowered the roof of the black car. Otherwise, this nonsensical mercenary might have broken through the sunroof and staged an action movie on the highway.

“It hurts? How could the great Deadpool hurt! Hey, something feels wrong. What went wrong? By the way, why did I hear the sound of something breaking just now? Wow, my two huge precious balls! There was a slight error in landing…”

Deadpool’s legs happened to be sitting on the car’s control column. Judging from the speed of falling, the fate of those two precious balls was worrying. Just looking at this scene made people feel cold.

“Wait a minute, let me adjust my position. It feels like someone kicked my balls to pieces and then had my anus exploded… This is related to Vanessa’s lifelong sexual happiness.”

Mr. Mercenary struggled to stand up in the small car body, still talking incomprehensible nonsense, and finally sat back down.

“Are you a superhero?” Sean asked with interest.

“I may be a super, but I am far from a hero. Man, I am the best mercenary in the universe – Deadpool! Is there anyone you dislike? I can help you solve it. Business has been bad recently. Do it, considering that you just blew my anus…oh no, it was your car joystick that blew my anus, I will only charge you 50% more.”

Deadpool said shaking his head while making various weird actions towards passing cars.

“Thank you Mr. Deadpool for your sentiments, but I usually have as many friends as enemies, so I’d better keep it as is.” Sean shrugged and said with regret.

He wasn’t too bored, so he wanted to tease this weird mercenary who didn’t play by the rules. Although Deadpool’s chatty nature was indeed annoying, his superb fighting skills and sharp swordsmanship, coupled with his powerful healing ability, He is a difficult opponent, and it would be a good choice if you can get in touch with him.

“I can only charge you 30% more. Business is not doing well now. Brother, please think about it. I was originally waiting for a bunch of bastards, but there was no sign of anyone in the past four or five hours…”

While chattering, Deadpool took out a stack of paper from his belt, with clumsy and ugly cartoon heads drawn on it. He turned over a picture of a funny-looking man with a moustache, and found another cartoon with a cartoon on it. A man in a weird suit.

“Why do you look so familiar to me? Wait a minute, it turns out you are the second child!” Deadpool exclaimed exaggeratedly, “Oh God, Jesus, Christ, you are the second child worth five million !Dude, you’re a bunch of shiny Franklin now!”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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