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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 242 Mr. Ten Million

Deadpool’s words were full of surprises. He put his legs together, covered his face with a red hood with his hands, and leaned on Sean’s shoulders in a coy move, as if he wanted to rush forward and kiss each other passionately, as if I met my brother whom I had not seen for many years.

“Can you please stop calling me that name? It sounds weird.” Sean’s face twitched slightly as he sincerely expressed his opinion.

It seems that he is not the only one on this mercenary’s list, but that guy Tony Stark is also at the top of the list.

“Of course, buddy, you are the second-in-command worth five million. Except for Tony Stark, the boss with a bounty of seven million, you have the final say on everything.”

Deadpool nodded generously and agreed. At the same time, he took out a computer from nowhere and tapped his fingers quickly, thinking about how to spend the huge five million bounty in the sound of “tap-tap”.

“If it were in the past, I would definitely visit the red light district of Brooklyn, but now that I have a girlfriend, Deadpool has said goodbye to the good old days… Well, first buy a luxury car, and then invest in Hollywood to shoot a movie. Movie, buddy, what do you think I will make a superhero movie? It will definitely be a hit at the box office! I will star in it myself. I will put on a handsome uniform first, otherwise people will always think that I am the little green spider. How about the uniform? No, it’s ugly! What superhero would wear green, or better yet red so the bad guys can’t see I’m bleeding.”

“You can also go to the center of Manhattan and rent an apartment. Well, the greatest mercenary in the universe! With this sign, the business will be booming! Deadpool accepts various commissions, as long as you give me money, even if you ask me to offer my dick But it’s not impossible.”

Punching his palm heavily, Deadpool seemed to be proud of his genius idea. He patted Sean on the shoulder, who had been unable to speak, and said in an extremely brotherly tone: “Brother, this is the first time I met For a business like yours that comes to your doorstep, in return, I can let you freely choose the way to die, a headshot with a pistol or an explosion? Or slice it with a samurai sword, or experience falling from a high altitude?”

Listening to the Deadpool next to him chattering like a chatty lunatic, Sean smiled gently, without any fear of being killed. He held the steering wheel with one hand and held the other person’s shoulder with the other hand, speaking in a tone of voice. He said sincerely: “It’s really unpleasant to think that the bounty is actually lower than that of Tony. Can I take the initiative to increase my amount? How about not adding three million, Mr. eight million sounds better.”

“You’re such a fucking genius!” Deadpool couldn’t help but swear, and praised sincerely: “You actually paid to kill yourself, man, I can’t bear to kill you, but eight million is enough for me to follow. It’s really painful to have money thrown around in Manhattan.”

“It doesn’t matter. I also hope that you can earn these eight million and go to heaven. I can also tell others that I died at the hands of the great mercenary Deadpool for eight million.”

Sean comforted the tangled mercenary, as if it was a conversation between two close friends. One was confiding his inner troubles, and the other was kindly explaining to his friend. However, in fact, the content of the conversation between these two people would simply make other people laugh. I think they are all crazy.

“But before that, can I make a small request?” Sean looked at Deadpool playing with his pistol and asked with a smile: “Who wants to buy my life?”

“Well, buddy, you know, as a mercenary, I have my own professional ethics and it is impossible to betray my employer’s information…”

“I suddenly think Mr. Ten Million sounds better. What do you think?”

“Bingo!” Deadpool snapped his fingers.

“Let me state in advance that I am definitely not doing it for the sake of money. I am telling you just because of our sincere friendship. At first, there was a bastard named Justin Hammer who offered two million to buy you. But I was not like this at that time. In order to abide by the noble moral character in my heart, I simply rejected him. Yes, that’s right, I refused two million without hesitation! But later, there was a bald man Dude found me, Indian Asan, he smelled like two bums fucking each other in a shoe full of piss…”

Sean waved his hand to stop Deadpool’s tirade. He now roughly understood how annoying this guy was, like a fly that couldn’t be killed, buzzing crazily in your ears.

But he didn’t expect that Hydra would actually target him? Or maybe they have their eye on the rapidly rising Umbrella?

This makes sense. Sean has close ties to varying degrees with Osborne Industries, which occupies the top of the biomedical industry, Stark Industries, which is rapidly expanding in the new energy market, and even the Department of Defense. The secret forces are intricately entangled. There was no reason why Hydra wouldn’t notice him.

The reason why Sean kept that huge organization hidden in the darkness was just to use them to deal with SHIELD. The ubiquitous Skynet was enough to destroy Dr. Zola who had migrated his consciousness into a supercomputer. The man who had become a human being since World War II The scientists of Hydra’s senior staff were the first key members to follow the Red Skull, and naturally knew many secrets about Hydra.

After the Red Skull and Captain America disappeared together, Hitler lost World War II without any suspense. Under the leadership of some people, Hydra, composed of Nazi forces, escaped the pursuit of intelligence agencies of various countries. Sweep away the Red Empire, quietly hiding in the turmoil of the political power, and plunder and develop itself before the collapse of the former Soviet Union.

It’s funny to say that S.H.I.E.L.D., which was still called the Strategic Science Corps at the time, was able to grow to its current level precisely because it defeated Hydra and obtained a large amount of resources from it. And because of this, S.H.I.E.L.D. All internal departments have been thoroughly penetrated. It is incredible to think that a senior Hydra executive like Alexander Pierce has even reached the position of director.

Therefore, no matter how well S.H.I.E.L.D. does its external confidentiality work, it is always one step behind Hydra. Except for the confidential files that Nick Fury knows alone, no other information can be hidden from them.

“Okay, the question and answer session is over.” Deadpool laughed strangely, interrupting Sean’s thoughts, “You shouldn’t refuse a friend’s kindness. Brother, I will kill you for 10 million and let Tony… That Tucker guy becomes the second best, remember to transfer money to me before you die, I accept electronic payments and cash payments.”

Sean smiled, took out his mobile phone with a relaxed expression, and transferred a bounty of two million to the mercenary’s account.

Deadpool was stunned for a moment, then laughed happily, raised the large-caliber pistol in his hand, and put it on the head of this interesting target. The cold touch could almost make people feel the breath of death.

“Pain only lasts for a short moment. Come and say it with me, Hallelujah.” Deadpool said pretending to be serious.

“Hallelujah,” Sean said with a smile.


There was a gunshot.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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