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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 245 Old Era

The Port of New York was once the site of the battle between the Hulk and the Abomination. Two destructive and violent beasts almost completely destroyed the dock. After some reconstruction, it was restored to a completely new look.

An ocean-going cargo ship with the Rand Group logo was moored at the port. Containers loaded with cargo were loaded onto the ship one after another. The sound of the whistle pierced the night sky, and the ship was about to leave.

Sean was sitting in the car, and his driver was James Wesley, the current gangster king of Hell’s Kitchen. The window of the car was slowly lowered, and the gentle man sitting in the front seat said hello to the person in charge of the port terminal. .

“Let them wait for a while.” The person in charge wearing a safety helmet nodded without any dissatisfaction.

Sean seemed to turn a blind eye to all this. He looked at the figure sitting next to him. Doctor Doom, who was covered in a dark green cloak, was like a hard and cold steel statue.

Today is an important day for Victor Doom to leave New York and embark on the journey.

“You will have an account of an overseas company, and Wesley will be responsible for providing funds and manpower, purchasing arms and weapons, medical resources, and various infrastructure… These will be taken care of for you – provided you want to obtain legitimacy in Latvinia Status, those warlord leaders, noble lords who own a lot of land, you want to sweep them all into the garbage heap.”

Sean spoke lightly, with a cold tone in his tone. He wanted Victor Doom to bring hope to Latvinia, a small, backward and remote country in Eastern Europe. But before a peaceful life could come, he must Experienced a bloody baptism.

“The government of that country is rotten from top to bottom. Money can buy politicians, violence can eliminate warlords, and you, Victor Doom, the former rising star of Latvinia, have returned as the savior. Doctor Doom returns to his homeland…”

“You want to be the master there, whether behind the scenes or in a legal sense. In Latvinia, Doom decides everything. Even your softest breath is a law that cannot be blasphemed or violated.”

The silent Doctor Doom lifted the cloak on his head. Behind the steel mask with cold light, his empty eyes reflected the cold atmosphere. He nodded and said: “As you command, my master.”

The long period of painful brainwashing and indoctrination of memories almost created a brand new personality for Victor Doom, and in the fragmented picture in his mind, a golden sun hung high in the sky, emitting dazzling rays of light.

“I will do all this to bring destruction and rebirth to Latvinia, my mother country.” A metallic, sonorous voice echoed in the car.

Sean nodded slightly. Victor Doom was his first masterpiece. By placing the opponent in Latvinia, he could use that small Eastern European country to radiate his influence to the entire Europe.

Just like arranging Magneto to Africa, the North American continent is its base camp and the location of the foundation of its power. Through the rapid rise of Umbrella, mutants have been integrated, and the alliance has grown rapidly. Now it is basically facing the embarrassing situation of slow development. .

And Sean can’t just open up new territory. Only with the help of other forces, Latvinia under the rule of Doctor Destruction will sooner or later get rid of its previous poverty and backwardness, and Magneto can also bring peace to the isolated Wakanda. Bring a surprise.

Just like the moves in a chess game, he throws these people off the chessboard and gives them a certain level of help. He only needs to look forward to the day when they will bear fruit.

As for the issue of loyalty and betrayal, the young man never thinks too much about it. If he doesn’t want to abide by the rules of the game, just overturn the table and start the game all over again.

With his dark green cloak fluttering in the wind, Doctor Doom boarded the ocean freighter bound for Latvinia. In about twelve days of sailing, he would be able to set foot on his hometown.

At the same time, in Umbrella, Long Island, New York, the mutants will also embark on a long journey with an unknown future. Magneto, who once again put on his purple robe, stood on the top floor of the spire-like building, stretched out his hands, and felt the feeling that he had not seen for a long time. It contains the majestic magnetism deep in the earth.

“The boss said that after you have established a foothold in Africa, he will give you a person, who will be a strong guarantee for Wakanda’s large amount of vibranium resources.”

Bronsky stared at the silver-haired old man in front of him, secretly thinking how long it would take him to tear him apart if he turned into hatred.

“Wakanda? I have never heard of this country, but I have heard of vibranium. It is said to be extremely expensive, the same price as gold.”

Magneto ignored Blonsky’s malicious gaze and cleared the inhibitory serum from his body. The confidence and pride of the strong returned to his body again.

The leader of the Brotherhood looked down at the compatriots who chose to continue to follow him. Sabre-toothed Tiger, Toad, Master of Illusion… all of them were here except Mystique, and Raven was one of the conditions for him to regain his freedom.

With a low sigh, one setback could not dampen the fierce fighting spirit in Magneto’s heart. However, the thought of leaving this land and going to the distant and unfamiliar African continent inevitably made him feel a little melancholy.

“From this moment on, the strength of the Brotherhood will completely withdraw, leaving its base in North America and gradually moving to Africa.” Magneto glanced at Blonsky, and these words were naturally addressed to the other party’s boss. “Mutants deserve a future, and I will lead my compatriots to open up a new home.”

He raised his hands slightly, controlled the earth’s magnetic force, and flew straight into the sky. The biting cold wind blew his old white hair. Looking down at the earth under his feet, Magneto’s eyes showed deep nostalgia.

The old man couldn’t help but think of the first time he set foot on this land that symbolized freedom and light many years ago. At that time, he was filled with the anger of revenge and had not yet received the title “Magneto”, and neither did the other young man. Sitting in a wheelchair, he has thick black hair.



The two young people who met for the first time smiled at each other. Behind them was the Statue of Liberty holding the torch high, and surrounded by a group of energetic partners and friends.

Decades of scenes flashed by, and Magneto landed in front of the Brotherhood. He turned his head and glanced at the towering buildings, with a self-deprecating smile on his lips.

“Compatriots, the road ahead may be full of ups and downs, but at least we no longer need to repeat the original tragedy. The endless consumption and internal fighting will come to an end. We can use our hands to build our own home…”

The purple cloak fluttered, and the majesty and pride of a king once again appeared on Magneto’s face. He waved his arms, strode forward, and led the brotherhood members to disappear into the darkness.

At the same moment, the professor in Westchester put down the brainwave enhancement machine on his head. He sat blankly in the silent circular space. This was the search room on the second floor of the basement, where instruments were stored. The place.

“Goodbye, Eric.” After a long time, the bald old man said softly.

For old friends who have wanted to build a home for mutants throughout their lives, this may not be a good choice. At least it can prevent the next generation from continuing the fate of their elders and facing a hard life of suffering and hiding.

The professor slowly pushed the wheelchair and the door behind him closed. From this moment on, the old era ended. There would be no more fights and confrontations among the mutants. The fruits of peace and a new home would gradually be realized in the future.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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