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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 246 Good Spring

The dazzling sunlight shone in. Betty slowly turned her body sideways, her long eyelashes gradually parted. The dappled and dazzling light made her unconsciously squint her eyes. After a while, the scenery in the room came into view.

This is an elegantly decorated apartment. There is a mug with cooled black tea on the bedside. Two handmade wicker chairs are placed in the corner. There are a few books stacked on the small table and a The crystal ashtray is shaped like a castle, with a Latin motto engraved on the bottom: Be firm in action and gentle in attitude.

Looking up, the ceiling is covered with light blue wallpaper, on which is painted a whale jumping into the sea, splashing a cloud of snow-white waves. The brush is immature, but full of childishness, which reminds Betty of her childhood days. Her mother has not yet passed away, and her father is not a powerful and majestic general. The family of three lives in a desert base in New Mexico, living a happy and contented life.

A breeze blew by, and the copper wind chimes hanging on the window swayed, making a crisp sound when they collided. Betty held a corner of the warm quilt, and her hazy consciousness gradually woke up. She looked at the loose and comfortable nightgown on her body, and tried her best to Thinking back to what happened last night, and where is this?

The room was quiet. Betty sat up straight, stepped on the soft carpet with her bare feet, and sat in front of the mirror on the dressing table. Her long brown hair was spread over her shoulders, and her loose nightgown could not hide her plump breasts. There was a delicate line of snow-white, and the delicate face looked a little confused.

A slight dizziness lingered in her mind, and Betty couldn’t help but rub her eyebrows. Suddenly, a movement came from outside the door, a soft voice floated into the room, and then a familiar figure appeared.

Sean opened the door curtain and walked out with a hot breakfast. He placed sandwiches, toast and a cup of hot milk on the bedside, and looked at Betty, who looked stunned, with a smile.

“……How will you be here?!”

The brain’s reflex nerves were delayed by two seconds, and the girl in the nightgown asked in shock, like a kitten that was stimulated and suddenly exploded.

“This is my house.” Sean spread his hands and smiled, as if the prank had succeeded, “You were drunk last night, and I originally wanted to send you home, but who knew that the elegant and generous Betty The lady vomited all over me. I believe the general didn’t want to see his daughter in such a mess, so he brought you to my apartment…”

Betty’s brain didn’t seem to be enough to put those fragmented memories together for a moment. About two minutes later, she buried her head deeply into her knees, her face turning red.

Like most men and women who break up, Betty, who has an independent personality, also experienced a rather sad time. Although it did not reach the terrible point of crying and living as if she were dead, the beautiful relationship that she originally had expectations for had not yet begun. Being nipped in the bud is an uncomfortable feeling after all.

She hides in her room every day, drawing healing power from her favorite literary novels. Over time, the figure hidden in her heart seems to gradually fade away. Just when the brave and fearless Miss Betty thinks she can start a new life, the man named Sean – The bastard from West Perth invaded her world again.

At a celebration dinner held by the Ministry of Defense, General Ross attended with his beloved daughter. Afterwards, of course, he met a young man who also came to the banquet. The general gave Sean a look that was very understanding of a man, and then he laughed. Walk away laughing.

This made Betty, who felt cheated, very angry. When she saw that familiar yet unfamiliar face, she almost turned away and left. She was not a girl who was willing to share her love with others, even though she did have a good impression of Sean that went beyond friendship. Not enough to sacrifice dignity.

The following story is just like a bloody drama at eight o’clock in the evening. Men and women with subtle and complicated relationships talk to each other. The former smiles gently but politely throughout the whole process, while the latter keeps sarcastic and sarcastic several times. He despises the other person’s greed and insufficiency. He is a shameless bastard who plays with emotions and is an insatiable playboy.

In this back-and-forth confrontation, the two parties fully demonstrated an awkward relationship similar to that of their ex-girlfriends, while the bartender watching the show mechanically handed out one glass after another of martinis.

When the banquet was over, Miss Betty, who came from a military family, had fallen unconscious on the bar. Occasionally, she would burst out with a few angry curses. As for the target, there was no doubt that she was the one who carried her into the car. Sean.

“That’s what happened. I just changed your clothes… Please, don’t look at me with such surprised eyes. To be honest, no one would be interested in a female drunk under such circumstances… “

With a bang, the soft pillow hit Sean hard on the face. Betty angrily drove him out of the room. She glanced at the simple breakfast placed on the bedside, but a wisp of warmth surged in her heart.

“Damn it! Don’t be fooled by sugar-coated bullets. This is just a trick that guy is good at. Don’t be fooled by Betty!” She said to herself, biting into a piece of crispy bread, “Well, it tastes okay.”

Sean was sitting on the sofa in the living room. Nothing happened between him and Betty yesterday. In fact, everything that happened depended on General Ross who was eager to promote a happy marriage. It seemed that this powerful old man , he was indeed very satisfied with himself, so much so that he impatiently wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law.

In this regard, young people of course have a relaxed attitude. If they can win the heart of a beautiful woman, then it will be great. Otherwise, it is not a big deal. After all, love is just a spice in life to relieve the boring and boring days. If you take it too seriously, you will get stuck and get hurt.

Turning on the TV, it was the morning news, and the Stark Tower came into view on the screen. Tony was proudly introducing his latest masterpiece in front of the news reporters, a towering building powered entirely by new energy sources, claiming that this It will be a new generation landmark building in Manhattan and will soon be fully promoted.

This towering building with a huge name printed on the top symbolizes the effectiveness of new energy sources. Stark plans to build one throughout North America as a way of publicity and promotion.

Judging from the eloquent speeches on TV, this Iron Man has indeed changed his appearance. It seems that he has invested all the energy and time he used to pursue beauty into his career and scientific research. This makes those young, beautiful and hot models can’t help but It’s sad to know that in the past, if anyone could climb into Tony Stark’s bed, they could attract enough public attention and increase their worth would not be a problem.

How many girls who think they are beautiful and charming want to be the hostess of the Stark mansion, but it is a pity that the number one playboy in New York miraculously turns around and changes from his former dissolute life. This makes people who always like to arrange scandals The anecdotal Bugle Daily felt very sad. Without the fun-seeking Iron Man, where would they find such gossip gossip with guaranteed sales in the future.

“Sit over here.”

As Sean’s thoughts flashed, Betty, wearing a large white shirt, squeezed onto the sofa, sitting cross-legged and leaning to the side. Her graceful figure was looming, which could stimulate male hormones.

“You are a dangerous person, Sean. I have always wanted to stay away from you, but I don’t know why, but it always ends up being self-defeating…” Betty looked at the young man with calm eyes, biting her lip, “Actually, you can Lie to me, for example, explain to me that you and Gwen were just in the heat of the moment, and that night was nothing but passion… I don’t mind if my future husband has a lover outside. People like my father who remain faithful to their marriage are not in the upper class. not much.”

“I can tolerate flaws in marriage. All I need is that you give all your love and allow me, as your nominal wife, to enjoy all legal treatment. As for other women, they are just underground lovers, no big deal…”

Betty spoke faster and faster, and finally became incoherent. Maybe even she herself didn’t understand what she wanted to say. The complex and tangled emotions put this independent girl into a situation where she was at a loss.

Some people are like this, making you want to explore everything about them involuntarily. Your curiosity is like a kitten scratching with its claws, stirring up your restless heart all the time.

“Okay, Betty.”

Sean interrupted, he slowly approached, lifted the other person’s lowered face with his fingers, touched the girl’s moist lips, and then leaned down.

“I never make a choice, especially about what I want.”

“Maybe you were just forced to submit to this bastard. You tried to resist, but failed, so you had no choice but to let the other party take it… none of this is your fault.”

Sean blew into Betty’s ear, and the little courage the girl had just mustered up suddenly disappeared like a cloud of smoke, and her resistance faded away little by little along with the tingling current spreading throughout her body.

“You bullied me, Sean.”

Betty met the young man’s eyes, and then a pitiful and weak expression appeared on her face, like a white lamb unable to resist.

Sean took a deep breath and silently rushed forward. At this time, actions are often more effective than words.

The sofa in the living room was like a ship on the sea, becoming bumpy and rocking, and the creaking sound lasted for a long time.

After the passion, the man and woman cuddled up to each other, and the sun shone through the screen window into this warm apartment, which was quiet and beautiful.

ps: Ahem, there will be a limited exemption tomorrow. Updates will continue as usual. If you don’t read the comment section these days, you can’t help it~

I’m in a bad mood, and typing is inefficient, so in order to update energetically every day, readers, please be merciful and squirt~

I’m a newbie, my level is a bit low, but my attitude is very serious ̄▽ ̄


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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