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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 247 Legion

“Is this still me?”

John looked at himself in the mirror. The black fabric was well-tailored and fit extremely snugly on his body. It fit tightly at the waist and highlighted the chest and shoulders, showing a strong sense of strength. The shoulders, collar and cuffs are embroidered with exquisite silver patterns, the right arm has a bright red flame armband, and a red and white umbrella-shaped metal badge is worn on the chest.

The style of this uniform is quite close to the style of the German SS, exuding a solemn and cold atmosphere. Of course, what is more important than the gorgeous shape is that it uses new materials cultivated by symbionts and is developed by Umbrella. , which has various combat functions such as being light and thin, bulletproof, and optical camouflage. It has not yet been officially promoted and applied in the military.

With the gradual implementation of the Mutant Registration Act, most young people in the academy have chosen to disclose their identities and become officially registered mutants. The government departments and Mr. Sipers have not gone back on their promises, and have been granted In exchange for their legal status and social welfare protection, they enjoy all civil rights in this country.

Unlike Iceman Bobby’s hesitation, John and a group of friends joined Umbrella. Mutants like him and Colossus Pete, who had excellent combat capabilities, were assigned to the new company to become a Security personnel receive generous salaries every month, and can even receive military awards for outstanding performance.

The sudden change did not make the young and impulsive Powder feel confused. On the contrary, he was full of fighting spirit. John was not the introverted and obedient friend Bobby, nor was he like the good-natured Colossus Pete. He had his own ideas and ambitions.

In the original timeline, Pyro John finally chose to follow Magneto instead of returning to the professor’s academy and continuing to be an obedient baby, which shows that he is different from other students.

Due to Sean’s influence and interference, except for Magneto’s havoc in Manhattan, mutants did not cause any disturbance in the world, and John’s original idea of ​​following the strong also changed.

The Pyro once believed in the supremacy of strength, but when he heard that the veteran strongman among the mutants fell at Sean’s feet, he began to doubt his previous thoughts. Stryker, known as the Mutant Butcher, died in Siper. In the hands of Mr. Si, the professor also showed his trust in him, and after Magneto heard that he was exiled, he took the brotherhood members to distant Africa. A series of achievements shocked John.

It wasn’t until he entered Umbrella that John really saw what a big shot looked like. Even Mr. Blonsky, a powerful warrior who could turn into hatred, maintained a respectful attitude towards Sean, and those scientists who were extremely knowledgeable, Ray Neither superheroes nor powerful government officials showed any contempt for this seemingly ordinary young man.

No one is willing to be ordinary, and no young person will have passion and ideals, but they will be gradually worn away by the years.

Pyro John doesn’t care about his moral stance. In his view, the professor’s idea of ​​peace between humans and mutants is outdated. He agrees more with Magneto’s ideas. Mutants who are at the forefront of evolution are inherently better. , and higher than the existence of ordinary people.

It’s a pity that the old-timer Magneto suffered setbacks and failures in the hands of Sean, which made John couldn’t help but give up his previous ideas. During the short time he spent in Umbrella, he saw the charm of power.

Those high-ranking military officials and high-ranking government officials with arrogant expressions have a completely different attitude towards Mr. Sipers. This change cannot be achieved by pure force.

A strong man like Magneto can make human beings fearful, but he cannot truly make everyone surrender and bow down, but the combination of money and power can easily do it.

This gave John a great impact. In the hearts of young people, there must be a figure leading them forward. This goal was very vague at first. It might be the professor or Magneto, but after Sean appeared, for him Uncovering the real world standing at the top of the pyramid, the figure that existed in my mind suddenly became clear.

“I also want to be a big shot like him.” John looked at himself in the mirror with a straight uniform and said silently in his heart.

Striding out of the door, figures in black uniforms lined up in the lobby. This is a new company located in the northern suburbs of Long Island, and they are all members of the Umbrella Security Team. The training instructor is a former retired special forces soldier, Emile Browns. base.

At first, some of the mutants felt contempt for this little man who exuded a strong aura, but soon they all abandoned this ridiculous idea – when a certain unlucky provocateur was transformed into the hated Blonsky. After the blast, the talents and abilities of these young people selected from many mutants were simply not enough in front of such experienced combat veterans.

“Rookies, forget your previous identities. Now you are Umbrella’s private army, serving our common boss, Mr. Sipers!” Bronsky looked around, and his oppressive aura made everyone subconscious. Avoiding it, “You young rookies who think you have superpowers that are far beyond ordinary people, please always remember the last failure! It was a shame! It is also a scar branded on your body!”

A week ago, this group of newly joined young mutants conducted a practical exercise with the Thunder Agents under General Ross. The super soldiers who had been injected with human enhancement agents, coupled with well-equipped and powerful weapons with sufficient ammunition, fought from start to finish. The tail pinned them down and won easily.

This is what Sean meant. He was not surprised at all by the tragic defeat. The mutants were indeed powerful, but they did not know how to cooperate and fight side by side. When they encountered elite soldiers with rich tactics and full experience, they were defeated. It started out normal.

The young boss sitting behind the scenes wanted to let this group of mutants know that their abilities were not enough to cope with everything. He first severely eliminated the energy and pride in his heart, then handed it over to Bronsky for strict training, and finally got a An invincible army of mutants.

“The average annual salary of an ordinary soldier is about 30,000 U.S. dollars, while the income of an officer reaches 70,000 U.S. dollars. You rookies! Good-for-nothings! You receive nearly double the salary, but you can’t even do what a bunch of American soldiers do.” but!”

Blonsky roared angrily. As a veteran who had spent the first half of his life fighting on the battlefield and in the army, he was extremely familiar with the process of training new recruits.

In a collective, these young mutants will soon forget their previous identities. They are gradually assimilated, like iron blocks in a huge oven being forged and smelted until they become real warriors, absolute warriors. obey orders.

In the foreseeable future, these people will become Umbrella’s sword and shield to the outside world. Bronsky couldn’t help but secretly sigh in his heart, what kind of grand goal does the young boss have? In terms of power and power, he is already a big shot at the top of the country’s pyramid.

According to Blonsky’s observation, even though he reached this point at a young age and was called a genius with a bright future, sitting on power and wealth, Sean never showed satisfaction or slackness, as if something was behind him. As if he was desperately trying to catch up, he still tried to run forward, as if the road ahead was endless.

“Is the end of the world coming?” Bronski was stunned and shook the cold joke out of his mind.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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