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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 250 Terminator

As the night got darker, Sean sat alone in the conference room. With the help of the ubiquitous Skynet consciousness, he kept a close eye on Doctor Doom’s road of conquest from a distance.

“Dum lost control?” Skynet’s mechanically cold voice sounded.

It ended a brief call with Victor Doom. The Latvian did not follow the original plan. Instead, he took the lead in provoking local gangs and warlord leaders and robbed a box of weapons-grade plutonium. An important raw material for the nuclear industry, it can be used as nuclear fuel and fissile material for nuclear weapons.

“He is doing something very dangerous.” Skynet judged.

According to the regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency, nuclear bomb raw materials uranium 235 or plutonium 239 whose purity reaches 92%-93% are called weapons grade. When they reach a certain amount, they can cause a nuclear explosion. It is generally believed that a nuclear explosive device can be made with 6-9 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium and 12-16 kilograms of uranium.

With the good lessons and scientific talent Victor Doom had received, there was no problem in using weapons-grade plutonium refined by electrolysis to create a small nuclear bomb with sufficient lethality.

“Doom have any explanation for this?” Sean did not show any surprise. He seemed to be extremely relieved about Doctor Doom who had undergone personality indoctrination and memory transformation.

“He believes that the plan we have formulated is too slow. It will take at least three or four years to fully enter the core of power in Latvinia, and this is if everything goes well.”

Hearing Skynet’s answer, Sean raised his eyebrows. He regarded Magneto who went to Africa and Doctor Doom who returned to Latvinia as idle moves, and did not expect them to work immediately. I just want to slowly expand the territory.

All the energy of young people is currently focused on the development and growth of the North American continent to welcome the arrival of the cosmic overlord and the Chitauri army. That is the huge crisis that will determine the direction of the world.

“In fact, Doom is right. If he wants to develop quickly, the plan we made is indeed too slow – can Doctor Doom provide any better plan?”

Sean didn’t feel dissatisfied. He just created a new personality for the original Victor Doom and did not conduct a thorough brainwashing. Therefore, it is not surprising that the other person has his own ideas.

“What I need is a ruthless conqueror, not a submissive puppet. A Doctor of Destruction with self-thinking and cognitive abilities will be more useful to me – if I want to brainwash a robot into an absolutely obedient robot, there is no need. Drafting Victor Doom and putting so much time and effort into him.”

“Sir, are you creating a threat for yourself?” Skynet was still puzzled, “Victor Doom, he will become a tiny variable.”

Judging from the thinking of artificial intelligence, any variable should be nipped in the cradle or made into a controllable existence. Otherwise, according to chaos theory, uncontrolled variables will eventually lead to huge differences in the results obtained.

A widely circulated folk song vividly explains this——

A nail is missing, a horseshoe is missing. A horseshoe is missing and a war horse is lost. Without a war horse, a battle is lost. A battle was lost and a country was lost.

Sean put his hands behind his head, with a relaxed smile on his lips, and said softly: “This will be more fun, won’t it?”

“Not to mention your existence. Doom wants to become the uncrowned king of Latvinia and establish a mechanical kingdom. How can it be possible without the help of Skynet? Has the first generation of metal bionic robots been built?”

“Mr. Ivan Vanke has made the first generation prototype, using a newly developed new composite material, which combines hard metal and soft foam rubber and can convert between the two properties. The material contains Bismuth, indium and tin are mixed with porous silicon foam, which is soaked in the molten alloy and then placed in a vacuum environment, so that the gas in the foam’s pores disappears. Instead, alloys are used…”

“The melting point of this alloy is very low. When the temperature exceeds the melting point, it will melt and the new material will become fully flexible. When the material cools, its rigidity will increase, but it can still be bent at will. Ivan -Mr. Vanke plans to improve it to obtain liquid metal that can be changed at will, with the hardness of super alloy, to create a second-generation machine.”

Sean was stunned for a moment, as if he remembered something interesting, and said with a smile: “Name this robot ‘Terminator’, as long as Victor Doom obtains the right to rule Latvinia, mass production Machine, and then kick away the local gangs and warlords, he will be the uncrowned king of that land.”


Latvinia, in a prominent palace located in the city center, the sparkling Swarovski crystal chandelier hangs on the tall dome, the splendid hall is brightly lit, and various dinner plates are placed above the white silk table mats. The gloved waiter took out a bottle of red wine and slowly poured it into the goblet.

This majestic palace, which cost a lot of money, is called the “Prime Minister’s Palace” by the people of Latvinia. It is the center of power in the country. As the owner of the palace, Bonucci finished his dinner and wiped it with the napkin under his collar. Wiping his mouth, he glanced calmly at the warlord leader aside, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

“Do you know how much effort I put in and how many promises I gave to get that box of weapons-grade plutonium from the party leaders supported by Western forces? I gave it to you in exchange for more New weapons, helicopters, tanks, artillery shells…but you messed up.”

Lazio’s fierce face was dripping with cold sweat. If he hadn’t wanted to maintain the last bit of dignity, he would have wanted to kneel down and lick the opponent’s shoes, begging for forgiveness in the most humble manner.

There is no real king in Latvinia. As the leader of the majority party, the prime minister is the greatest controller of power in the country. Not to mention a warlord leader like Lazio, not even the old aristocrats standing behind him dare to do so. Easily offended.

“Twenty-four hours, bring back that box of weapons-grade plutonium. As for that guy who appeared out of nowhere, you can do whatever you want. I don’t care if he is a bold desperado or a mercenary. Just get rid of the trouble.”

Bonucci took off his napkin. Apart from his own ability, he could not be in the position he is today without the support of the old aristocrats. However, any mature politician who wants to achieve greater achievements would not be able to do so. Be willing to be a puppet on the table.

If you want to gain the support of the people and seek more rights and development, you must make a separation from the old aristocrats who only know how to obtain benefits. Otherwise, when they are unwilling to obey, they will be able to support another person to come to power.

In recent years, the contradiction between the political parties and the old aristocracy has become increasingly acute. Both parties are waiting for an opportunity. Although they maintain good cooperation on the surface, they are secretly accumulating strength and want to eradicate the other party in one fell swoop.

Warlord leaders like Lazio take advantage of the opportunity to play both sides and make profits. There are many such opportunists in this country. They think they are extremely smart. In fact, if they are on the wrong team, they will lose everything and lose their fortune. The best outcome.

Bonucci has had some contact with the huge organizations entrenched in Eastern Europe. Instead of letting those rotten old men drag this country to hell, it is better to make a deal with the devil directly. The mysterious force with Hydra as its symbol has a huge appetite. Surprising, but at least they were sincere.

The human enhancement potion that had just been promoted in the US military, the new energy weapons from Umbrella, and the box of weapons-grade plutonium… these were enough for Bonucci to raise a group of his own private weapons.

“The future of this country cannot be ruined in the hands of a group of old guys.”

He drove Lazio away casually. Although the other party was just a vulgar warlord leader, he did have enough influence in Latvinia.

Bonucci walked into his office and study at a leisurely pace. Eight well-trained professional bodyguards guarded the door. The magnificent building known as the “Prime Minister’s Palace” was heavily guarded and tightly defended. It is the most dangerous and safe place in the country.

Bonucci, who was sitting in the chair, did not turn on the light. The dark environment was conducive to active thinking. He propped up his chin with both hands. Cooperating with Hydra was just to drive away tigers and devour wolves. He wanted to become a leader. The sole master of Vinia needs more careful planning.

While the powerful Prime Minister was thinking about national affairs, a figure emerged from the shadows, his dark green cloak carrying a hint of wind, like a ghost.

“Good evening, Prime Minister.” Accompanied by a metallic cold voice, a steel mask reflecting the cold light came out.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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