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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 251 The Gunpowder Plot

The moment he heard the unfamiliar voice, Bonucci reacted immediately. His palm quickly moved to the alarm button under the table, while his other hand reached toward his waist.

Are those damn old nobles finally taking action against him?

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and then his consciousness was swept away by a sharp pain. The figure under the dark green cloak moved faster than him, and the dazzling electric light flew past, paralyzing half of Bonucci’s body.

The mysterious guest who broke in rashly slowly removed the pistol from the Prime Minister’s waist, strangled the opponent’s neck with his steel arms, and brought the slightly bloated body to the office and study room like he was dragging a wild dog. in the resting compartment.

“Tsk, tsk, that’s really classy…”

Doom saw many SM tools hanging on the wall, such as handcuffs, oral balls, whips, etc., which were just for children. There were also some sexual abuse tools that he had never heard of or seen before. It seemed that the Prime Minister of Latvinia, Often when he is busy with national affairs, he never forgets to add spice to life.

Dr. Doom, who was wearing a dark green cloak, took off a nine-tailed cat and played with it carefully in his hand. He cast his empty eyes at the Prime Minister who was thrown on the soft bed, and struck Bonucci with a “crackling” blow. On the body.

Compared with the usual SM fun, Doom is not so gentle. Before the cat-nine-tails was widely used as a sex prop, it was used to carry out whippings. European fleets in the Age of Navigation were usually not equipped with special equipment. For the execution whip, we had to use local materials and let the victim cut a section of cable by himself. Spread the front of the cable and keep the back as it is, so that the front can be used as the spike of the whip and the back can be used as the handle.

Because the loose part of the cable will be divided into nine thin ropes, this kind of whip is called the “cat with nine tails”. Most people will be whipped to death if they receive more than 300 blows.

Doom silently slapped her ten times. Bonucci, who couldn’t bear the pain, wailed and begged loudly for mercy: “What do you want? Money or anything else, I can give it to you! If it’s for that box of weapons-grade plutonium, Come… I, I can immediately cancel the wanted order for you!”

This madman with a steel mask on his face beat himself without saying a word, without asking for any information or making any demands. In the silent and oppressive atmosphere, the Prime Minister, who still had a strong psychological defense, had no choice but to be the first to beg for mercy. .

“I don’t want anything.” The hoarse voice contained a hint of joking.

Doom threw the cat-nine-tails aside. He stared at Bonucci, who was filled with fear. He took off the black gloves on his arms, and a steel palm covered with metal and flesh appeared.

There was a sudden “sizzling” sound in the air, and the white electric current was like a small snake, lingering and flickering on the fingertips. Bonucci looked at all this in surprise. He had also heard of the existence of superpowers before. But I have never felt it so intuitively.

“History Qu0026A time, Mr. Prime Minister, what day is November 5, 1605?” Doom asked softly.

“The Gunpowder Plot!” Bonucci, who had studied history and literature, searched for answers in his mind.

He is a smart man. The guy in front of him with weird behavior and crazy behavior is obviously not something he can resist. Rather than not cooperating with the other party and suffering more pain, it is better to show a submissive posture in order to survive.

“Bingo.” Doom nodded with satisfaction, “Guy Fawkes, this bold maniac, tried to blow up the British Parliament Buildings and kill James I and his family who were holding the opening ceremony of Parliament. “

“Unfortunately, the plan was leaked and he was arrested and executed opposite the Houses of Parliament. First he was hanged, then beheaded, disemboweled, burned, and finally quartered.”

“But today, the real Gunpowder Plot will happen again in Latvinia.”

“What exactly do you want to do?” Bonucci asked tremblingly, full of doubts that overcame fear.

Doom did not answer. His finger stretched out towards the current switch. There were continuous crackling and popping sounds in the air. The continuous current seemed to be drawn and poured into his body. The dark green cloak fluttered suddenly, like a strong wind. move.

Then the lights in the room suddenly went out, and Bonucci heard the bodyguards’ inquiries in the darkness. About half a minute later, eight well-trained full-time bodyguards opened the study door.

This sparked a glimmer of hope in Mr. Prime Minister’s eyes. He didn’t know what this mysterious stranger wanted to do, but in the face of hundreds of security personnel in the palace, what could even a person with super powers do?

The blazing electric light carrying high temperature shot out like a spear, knocking down the incoming bodyguards one by one. Doom dragged Bonucci along the corridor. The lights flickered on and off, and from time to time there was a flash of light. Electric light bloomed, piercing groups of security personnel, and the air was filled with a burning smell.

In Doctor Doom’s view, the so-called heavily guarded security is nothing more than a fragile fence that can only block wild beasts and children at best, but cannot pose a threat to him at all.

Amidst the sound of the alarm bell, Doom took Bonucci to the top floor of the Prime Minister’s Palace as if at leisure. Of course, the reason why they did so easily was because the secret service personnel in charge of security were concerned about the Prime Minister’s life and did not use heavy firepower. Weapons are not irrelevant.

“Sniper No. 1 is in position…”

“Guarantee the Prime Minister’s life safety…”

“Find the location of the intruder…”

“Wait for orders!”

A series of instructions were given, and through the scope, the sniper saw the terrorist who held the Prime Minister hostage. He wore a ferocious and cold steel mask on his face, and his whole body was covered by a dark green cloak.

Just wait for the shooting order to be issued, the sniper will pull the trigger, and a 7.62x54mmR rifle bullet can penetrate the opponent’s head in an instant.

On the top floor of the Prime Minister’s Palace, Doom, who seemed unaware of all this, lifted Bonucci up, held him in front of him, and asked in a deep voice: “Mr. Prime Minister, do you like symphonies?”

Bonucci, who was full of fear, nodded subconsciously. It was the first time he encountered such a madman, and he couldn’t guess what the other party’s purpose was.

“Then do you like Schubert, or Mendelssohn? Or Liszt? Tchaikovsky?”


“Okay, it just so happens that I also like this greatest classical musician in Europe.” Doom knocked on the brass pipe on the top floor, as if talking to himself, “Click on “Symphony No. 40 in G Minor” “.”

Lyrical and tragic music suddenly resounded throughout the city, coming from various radio and television stations. It was angry and passionate, bold and violent, seeming to express the helplessness of life, the sadness in the heart, and the exciting fanaticism. With a hint of depression.

“You must be full of curiosity, why did I bring you here? What exactly do you want to get?”

Doom took Bonucci to the top floor, overlooking the lively city surrounded by a grand symphony. His hoarse voice revealed a sense of sadness: “Mr. Prime Minister, do you know? My biggest dream when I was a child was to be able to move into In the city, you don’t need to live in the ghetto.”


“The day I got my quota, you praised me personally and called me Latvinia’s ‘rising star’ in front of the media. After my success, the people in my hometown also gave me gifts. I got this steel mask with the words ‘The Glory of Latvinia’ written underneath – you must have remembered it.”

Bonucci’s eyes widened in surprise and he squeezed out a name from his throat: “Victor Doom…is that you?”

“Of course it’s me.” There was a hint of coldness in the expression under the mask, “I have returned to this land to bring it new hope, but before that, some obstacles need to be cleared.”

“I know that snipers are in the building opposite, ready to shoot me in the head at any time, but Mr. Prime Minister – there is more than just flesh under this mask, it is something beyond your imagination.”

The symphony is coming to an end, and the sad tune floats in the night sky with lingering sounds.

“Thank you for the box of weapons-grade plutonium. I made some minor changes and left it in your room.”

Doom’s voice suddenly became cold, and he said word by word: “Latvinia will definitely convert under the name of the Doomsday God. Your death will bring peace.”

Dazzling white light erupted from the Prime Minister’s Palace, like a roaring wave, and the dark green cloak fluttered like a fluttering flag.

ps: Haha, the limited exemption is over, and I can happily browse the book review area again. Dear readers, please shout~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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