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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 253 Choice

In psychology, there is a role-playing effect, which means that during the process of role-playing, people gradually put their own personality into this role, changing from imitation to deep self-expression.

In a normal society, most people will role-play their own behavior to a certain extent. For example, from a new boss to a scheming person, their leadership role will make their desire for dominance and power more intense; for example, a newly graduated college student will As screws in mechanical work, their role as employees strengthens their sense of dominance and their willingness to obey control.

There are countless examples like this, but there is also a special situation. Some people are born to play various roles. They are hypocritical, full of lies, cold and rational… They tend to hide their truest personality and wear a Hypocritical masks wander among all kinds of people.

Natasha wiped the steamy mirror, and the blurry fog dissipated. A rare and beautiful girl appeared on the mirror, with a graceful figure and a beautiful face. Her long burgundy curly hair fell down, sticking wetly to her face. On snow-white skin.

Those beautiful eyes seem to hide many secrets, and the charming aura they occasionally reveal is enough to make any male creature feel itchy, like a lazy cat.

The top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha Romanoff, also known as “Black Widow”, was trained by the former Soviet spy organization “Red Room”. Her body was injected with genetic agents that delay aging, and she is proficient in fighting skills and psychological tactics. The only female member of the Avengers.

The above is roughly the past resume of this beautiful girl. She now plays the role of an actress who came to New York from Los Angeles to pursue her dream of becoming a star. She has a mature and generous character who is at the same time insecure.

Natasha believes that a beautiful woman alone in a foreign land can more arouse the male creature’s desire to protect, and a certain degree of mature experience can stimulate hormonal desire in the male body.

The beautiful girl walked into the room wrapped in a bath towel and opened the closet. Inside was a dazzling array of designer clothes. She ran her fingers over the hangers. After thinking for a while, she selected a simple red dress.

Reasonable tailoring mainly highlights the curves of the waist and hips, and the chest neckline can reveal a ray of white and greasy skin, but it is not too exposed and gaudy, and the beautiful spring scene is more attractive.

Then came the high heels, perfume, hair and makeup. It took about an hour, and a new and beautiful girl appeared in the mirror, with flaming red lips and beautiful curves, like a stunning beauty born to arouse desire.

Picking up a black handbag, which contained various essential equipment parts, such as a lipstick that served as a tape recorder, a foundation box that could take photos, etc. After getting ready, Natasha looked in the mirror and showed a shy and soft smile. After practicing it several times, I went out with the “tap-tat” sound.

As a female agent with a long career, Natasha is very good at digging out the secrets behind others, regardless of gender.

The former can be approached through external beauty, using disguise and deception. Even the most cautious men will fall for the bait unknowingly. This is based on the instinct of male creatures to show off in front of the opposite sex.

The latter is sometimes simpler. Women are more emotional and have slightly weaker psychological defenses. They can win sympathy by playing the weak, or create various opportunities for understanding, and then quickly gain trust.

These are almost all instincts imprinted in the body. The education she received from childhood was not to play with dolls or be a housewife, but to assassinate, steal, sneak in, deceive, etc.

The car stopped at the Stark Tower in Manhattan. The towering skyscraper was brightly lit, and the huge letters on the roof could be seen even from several blocks away.

“It’s so rude that I asked you to come by yourself in the car. I should have picked you up in person.”

Sean looked at his female companion tonight with a sincere apology on his face. For this inauguration ceremony of Stark Tower, he invited the beautiful and charming “Miss Scarlett”.

“I haven’t attended such an occasion for a long time. Maybe it will embarrass you later.”

Miss Scarlett covered her mouth, seeming to inadvertently reveal her nervousness and shyness, which made people want to take care of her.

The man and woman, who had their own thoughts, were joking with each other while holding hands in an intimate posture as they walked into the banquet hall on the top floor of Stark Tower.

“I think the title of New York’s number one playboy should be placed on your head.” Tony teased as usual.

“For the understanding and research of women, Mr. Stark is an unsurpassable monument.” Sean glanced at the red-haired beauty beside him and shot back.

If you put aside the identity of the other party, this charming Miss Scarlett is indeed the kind of beauty who can attract a lot of attention wherever she goes.

“Aren’t you going to go on stage and say a few words later?” Tony coughed twice and changed the topic, “The completion of Stark Tower is also due to you, although compared to me, it is very insignificant.”

“Since you said so, why should I, a guy who has made a small and insignificant contribution, steal Mr. Stark’s limelight?”

Sean hugged the beauty next to him and said nonchalantly: “My task tonight is just to accompany Miss Scarlett. It is not a gentleman’s behavior to neglect a beauty and make a show of herself.”

Tony felt a chill. Although he had often used this method to win women’s favor before, the sudden words coming from Sean’s mouth gave him a rather strange feeling.

Instead of disturbing the other party’s plan to pick up girls, Stark curled his lips and ran away, lamenting whether his mentality was getting older, especially in front of a young guy like Sean.

You know, half a year ago, he was a famous playboy in New York, living a debauched life and completing the amazing feat of sleeping with all the cover girls of magazines…

But what about now? I am busy every day with new energy projects, the Ultron Project, and the upgrading of the Mark armor series…

Tony shook his head with a wry smile. This was all his choice. Just like Pepper said, everyone must accept growth.

Turning to look at Sean, who was sitting on the sofa with his female companion, chatting and laughing, the Iron Man, who was only in his thirties, said with a smile: “It’s good to be young.”

Turning, he turned his attention to the stage in the hall. The holographic projection of Stark Tower was displayed. As Jarvis’s voice sounded, an introduction to new energy sources was given.

ps: Don’t ask me why this chapter is so short. Every author will experience losing a manuscript. This is a kind of growth! I’m not sad at all!

In addition, I recommend a beautiful girl’s driving work, “Devil Host”, Little Train Dirty~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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