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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 254 You are an actor

At night, Manhattan is brightly lit. On the criss-crossing highway network, the continuous traffic flow is like a long queue, like bright streams with complicated branches, flowing between densely packed steel buildings.

Sean leaned on the railing of the observation deck, holding a glass of champagne in his hand. Through the transparent glass wall, he looked at the high-spirited Tony standing on the stage, explaining the great idea of ​​new energy, calling it changing a world. The magnificent masterpiece of the era is comparable to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

Stark’s unique cold humor amused a large number of guests in the audience. These people may not understand the production structure of new energy and a large number of scientific terms, but this does not prevent them from actively carrying out research on Stark Industries. invest.

When the weapons manufacturing plant was closed and the military industry was transformed into the energy industry, most people in the outside world unanimously denounced Stark Industries, believing that this behemoth that stood at the top of the United States would be destroyed because of the playboy’s willful behavior. But when he encountered Waterloo, he was unable to recover and fell to the bottom.

Unfortunately, it turns out that in addition to having top talents in scientific research, Tony also has a keen business vision. While abandoning Stark Industries’ past, he found another huge gold mine, successfully gained a foothold, and continued to expand his territory. .

Sean felt the cool night breeze coming towards him. He raised his head and looked at the huge lettered sign above. He couldn’t help but feel a little sad for Tony. This towering building, which was built not long ago, will probably need to be renovated soon.

“What are you thinking about?” Miss Scarlett, dressed in a red dress, walked over gracefully.

The slender waist of the water snake, coupled with the turbulent white chest, killed the burning eyes of many men present.

“I’m sorry for leaving you there alone.” Sean took a sip of champagne. “I came out to get some air. I keep talking to you about boring laboratory experiences. I’m afraid you will find it boring too.”

“That’s not the case.”

Miss Scarlett blinked her big eyes, her eyes were rippling, and she said softly, “Most of what I know about you is from newspapers or magazines. In fact, I like you very much.” Listening to you talk about those trivial things…at least this way it makes you appear more real.”

Hearing the other party’s considerate words, Sean’s face showed just the right touch of emotion, and then quickly turned his head away, as if he was trying to cover up his inner nervousness by holding up the champagne.

Compared to his usual mature and steady state, Sean looked particularly green at this moment, like a high school student at a graduation prom.

“I never knew a New York genius could act better than his brains!”

After the speech, Tony sat on the sofa and chatted with Pepper. His eyes widened and he tried his best to pretend to be a young and ignorant chick. This was a trick he only used in college. He usually targeted those who were passionate and unrestrained. Senior sister.

“Mr. Stark, who is experienced, is stronger than Sean, there is no doubt about it.” Pepper immediately broke down.

She had dealt with countless women who had one-night stands for Tony. When it came to picking up girls, this New York’s number one playboy could have written a best-selling book.

Tony coughed twice and looked at the man and woman on the observation deck outside getting closer and closer. He sighed and shook his head. Can’t you be more careful in public?

He turned around and talked to Pepper about SHIELD. He agreed to provide Nick Fury with the design ideas and technical support for the Helicarrier.

Similar to anti-gravity metal and aircraft carrier engines, these are Tony’s private research and development products. Although he is relatively familiar with the black director, as an increasingly qualified businessman, he still has to get the necessary funds.

Anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a lot of money, and they didn’t raise any objections to the expensive fees proposed by Stark Industries. They simply paid the money and left, making them the perfect father of Party A.

“What have you been studying with Mr. Richards recently? Susan has complained to me several times.” Pepper asked with a sideways look.

She usually wouldn’t interfere with Tony’s research projects, but it has been unusual recently. Reed almost moved his family to the basement of the Stark mansion. The two of them stayed up almost all night, immersed in sorting out data and editing programs.

According to Susan’s words, she almost doubted whether Reed Richards really existed in this world. To be honest, if Pepper hadn’t been very sure of her employer’s sexual orientation, she might have doubted Tony and Reed. Is there any super-friendship between them?

Of course, privately, Susan and Pepper, two rotten girls, occasionally joked that Sean and Tony were a better match.

“I’m just giving Jarvis an upgrade, no big deal.”

Tony waved his hand and ignored the topic. The development of the Ultron program was not as easy as imagined. There were too many problems to overcome, so he and Reed worked together to temporarily get a clue.

“It’s a pity that Sean can’t help… people?”

Talking to himself, Stark turned his head and found that the two people on the observation deck had long since disappeared.

In the corner conference room on the top floor of the building, the door was pushed open and then closed. In the dark environment, a man and a woman were kissing passionately.

In fact, Miss Scarlett was very confused. At first, she just wanted to get more information about Umbrella from Sean’s mouth, as well as those research projects that were well kept confidential.

But I don’t know why, as the conversation deepened, the atmosphere seemed to become wrong. The other party’s body got closer and closer, and his hot breath almost hit her face.

This is not the first time Miss Scarlett has encountered this situation. According to her usual way of dealing with it, she has to show an ambiguous attitude of being distant and absent. This is like fishing. You come and go between the two parties, and each other develops. The offensive consumes the opponent’s energy and emotions, and in the end the passive or patient side often wins.

The development of the matter was beyond Miss Scarlett’s expectation. First, Sean proposed to find a quiet place to sit. Faced with this obvious suggestion, she should refuse and welcome him to show her female reserve. , and then gave a passionate and deep kiss in the other person’s lonely eyes, bringing a perfect end to the night.

Unfortunately, everything happened too quickly, like a tornado that swept over unexpectedly. After the passionate kiss, like a reckless young man who had lost his mind, Sean dragged Miss Scarlett into the quiet conference room.

Immediately, the beautiful girl in a red dress was pushed against the hard table. A strong hormonal aura was released. The young man’s movements were wild and rude, without any rules. He was no different from a high school student attending a graduation prom. The whole person looked… Extremely impatient, as if completely smitten by his own charm.

But… why is he so skillful in unbuttoning his clothes?


The other party blocked her lips and kissed her passionately and deeply, as if she was suffocating.

“Wait…calm down…ugh!”

Miss Scarlett restrained the passion stirred in her heart. In her original plan, she might let Sean taste some sweetness, but she would not sacrifice her own body.

Two palms were placed on the young man’s shoulders, and when he was about to push the young man away, a deep voice sounded in his ears——

“Miss Scarlett, you are such a good actress…”

The beauty’s movements paused. Could it be that the other party discovered her true identity?

“I mean, you’re so charming…it almost drives me crazy…”

The sweet words poured out, and Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but the passion that followed spread quickly like a blazing flame.

This smart and rational female agent didn’t understand what was going on until she was pressed on the table.

This bastard’s flirting methods don’t look like a novice at all, okay?

ps: Start saving the manuscript, and I will update it three times next month. Ahem, I hope I can do it (feeling guilty)~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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