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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 257 Magneto’s Ambition

Magneto deliberately showed a look of astonishment. In fact, the real purpose of his visit today was to obtain Wakanda’s vibranium resources. This was not only the task assigned by Sean, but also a key factor for mutants to gain a foothold on the African continent.

It was too slow to develop the newly built base into a country from scratch. At least Magneto felt that he did not have enough time to wait, but Sean provided him with a good place.

What could be a more suitable starting point for the development of mutants than an isolated African country?

Magneto knew that Ulysses Klaue was one of the few lucky people who had sneaked into Wakanda and escaped unharmed. He had a secret channel to steal vibranium.

An important aspect of this black marketeer’s fortune is the priceless vibranium resource. Although on the surface, this expensive metal with magical properties is equivalent to the price of gold, in private channels, I don’t know if it will exceed gold dozens or hundreds of times!

Vibranium, also known as sound-absorbing steel, comes from meteorites outside the sky. Because it is not radioactive like all metal elements with high relative atomic mass, it has unparalleled solid properties, and it also has the ability to absorb kinetic energy and store it.

Captain America’s shield contains part of vibranium material. It can still maintain strong defense against Iron Man’s cannon and Thor’s lightning.

Vibranium has a special molecular structure. Because its atoms are always at absolute zero, and the lack of movement in the atomic structure makes this special metal incapable of conducting energy from its roots.

The unique characteristics make vibranium very suitable as a material for making defensive alloys, because it can withstand extremely terrifying impact forces without harming the holder.


Magneto recited a sentence repeatedly, and a dark and unclear light flashed in his eyes.

“I’ve never heard of this place?”

The brotherhood leader showed good acting skills. He shrugged and asked: “Is it a place of nothingness similar to Shambhala? Or is it a desert oasis with mysterious treasures buried in the story?”

“There is indeed a treasure buried in Wakanda – vibranium!”

Ulysses Klaue continues to pique the interest of the mutant leader, and his fortune lies in these extremely scarce and expensive metals.

Many years ago, Crowe happened to meet a prince from Wakanda. After deliberately getting to know him, he persuaded him to help him steal vibranium. Unfortunately, he made a big fuss in the process and escaped. At that time, a bomb was detonated at the border, resulting in numerous casualties.

Since then, the name Ulysses Klaue has been on Wakanda’s wanted list. The current king once wanted to take him back and use blood to commemorate the dead people. However, this black marketeer was quite cunning and directly He hid on the west coast of New York and carefully managed his connections and smuggling channels, and he was able to let the other party return empty-handed several times.

“The production of vibranium is extremely rare in the world. Even a behemoth like Stark Industries cannot have the luxury of using vibranium for the research and development of various mass production equipment.”

There was a fire in the black marketeer’s eyes, which was the burning flame of greed and ambition. He lowered his voice and said, “But in Wakanda, vibranium resources are like ears of wheat in the rice fields, they can be seen everywhere.”

“Do you want to join forces with us, Mr. Crowe?” Seeing that Magneto finally got to the point, he stopped pretending and asked directly.

“Of course, I know who you are, and I also know who the people behind you are…” An excited look appeared on Crowe’s sweat-stained face, “I definitely can’t get it from Wakanda by myself. You can get enough vibranium, but you can—and isn’t that why you came to me?”

“smart people.”

Magneto nodded. Now that his words had been made clear, he simply stopped beating around the bush and said in a deep voice, “I need a guide, and you know a lot about Wakanda, so we should be able to reach cooperation.”

“In return, you may be able to get rid of your current identity. To be honest, Mr. Crow, I think that with your talents, you are completely more than just a black marketeer, even if you do a very good job.”

The pride of a king returned to Magneto again. He stood up and looked at the black people walking inside the ship through the glass. Boxes of weapons were being carried onto the ship and sent to the warehouse.

“With this, if you stay in this small world and become a serious businessman who monopolizes vibranium supply channels, will you have a better future than you do now?”

Ulysses Crow’s breathing quickened slightly and he swallowed silently. He realized that this would be a turning point in his life that would change his destiny.

“What do you need me to do? Sneak into Wakanda with a bunch of mutants and steal a large amount of vibranium?”

In the face of the huge benefits at his fingertips, Crowe still maintained the last trace of caution. He knew that Wakanda was not an easy place to break into. In addition to the country’s own advanced technology, every king would obtain the “Black Panther” The title possesses extraordinary power.


A series of laughter came from Magneto’s mouth. He looked at the black marketeer, without deliberately showing contempt in his eyes – but Crowe felt inexplicably small.

“Ulysses Klaue, we don’t want to be like a thief, sneaking into Wakanda, carefully transporting a little vibranium, and selling it through black market channels…”

The leader of the Brotherhood’s voice was passionate, and the invisible magnetic force vibrated. Ulysses Crow felt that the entire ship was vibrating and shaking, as if he was on a roaring ocean.

There was a rumbling echo inside the cabin, and the black men carrying the cargo were shouting and screaming, like tiny ants before the end of the world, running around in panic, but not knowing where the real exit was.

“I want you to give me detailed information about Wakanda and tell me everything you know.” Magneto ordered.

“In return, you will have a monopoly supply channel, and the name Ulysses Crow will disappear from the Pentagon’s blacklist.”

“In other words, you have been cleared, Mr. Crowe. By cooperating with us, you can have a legal official status. You no longer have to hide your head and tail, and you no longer have to fear Wakanda’s arrest.”

The smell was unpleasant, and the small space in the office was silent for about a minute. Ulysses Crow slowly came to his senses and replied crisply: “I am honored to be able to serve you all! “

Magneto nodded with satisfaction. He flipped the headset and said softly: “Tell your master that everything is ready. I am now waiting for him to give you an important bargaining chip.”

The leader of the Brotherhood covered his nose and strode out of the cramped cabin. The steel and metal automatically twisted and separated in front of him. The shaking and shaking of the ship stopped. Under Ulysses Crowe’s loud scolding, he was like a worker ant. The black people are busy at work again.

Boarding the observation deck of the ship, the fresh air rushed towards his face, and the air flow blew his purple cloak. Magneto looked at the muddy beach with a wide view.

Out of sight, the most powerful and valuable country on the African continent awaits the arrival of mutants, a brand new home.

ps: Thank you to the “AK56” guy for tipping on time after twelve o’clock every day. This is a good habit. I hope you will continue to stick to it (smile)~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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