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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 258 The Wind Rises in Asgard

In distant Asgard, the gatekeeper Heimdall stands at the observatory, holding a sword in both hands, monitoring the changes in the nine realms. In order to prevent Loki from forcibly destroying Jotunheim, the home of the Frost Giants, Thor used Mjolnir to smash the Bifrost Bridge.

Under the impact of the huge energy tide, the Rainbow Bridge broke and collapsed, and the nine realms immediately fell into chaos and turmoil. For Asgard, the Rainbow Bridge built a long time ago is of great significance. It is a powerful strategic weapon in itself. At critical moments, it can extract majestic energy tides and directly destroy a planet, just like Loki tried to exterminate the world. Like the frost giants of Dunheim,

Secondly, the Rainbow Bridge is one of the guarantees for Asgard’s dominance. With the cutting-edge technology of space transmission, Odin can radiate his authority to every corner of the Nine Kingdoms at any time. If anyone dares to challenge Asgard’s With majesty and strength, the expeditionary legion can immediately prepare to go out and eliminate all small enemies in the cradle.

To sum up, repairing the Rainbow Bridge has become Asgard’s top priority. Heimdall can see wars and killings happening almost every day. Without Odin’s suppression, conflicts between various races in the Nine Kingdoms suddenly broke out. And there are signs of intensification.

Only Midgard, which was once backward and remote, maintained a rare peace. Those seemingly weak humans, relying on science and knowledge, actually got rid of their previous reputation as a barren land.

If Thor hadn’t returned from his trip to Midgard, Heimdall wouldn’t have believed it. That wild world, which would never have given birth to a brilliant civilization, was gradually rising and developing rapidly in this short period of time. Compared with the Asgardians’ long life span of five thousand years, the speed of the earth’s development is indeed short-lived.

You know, the last time Asgard came to Midgard, it was a war with the Frost Giants. Laufey tried to use the extremely cold air from the Ice Box to return the entire planet to the Ice Age, so that the Frost Giants would There was a second home, but Odin led an army to stop the other side.

Since then, Asgard has regarded itself as the protector of the nine realms. The earth, which was still in its primitive stage at that time, was certainly among the protected.

Heimdall’s eyes can see the nine realms. He has been paying special attention to Midgard recently. He can’t help but sigh in his heart. Human beings are really strange creatures with endless creativity and imagination, but this is how they are favored by God. Races have many bad qualities, struggles between big countries, conflicts between regions, collisions between beliefs, and collusion between government forces and interest groups…

These trivial things have always constrained them, preventing the people living on this planet from casting their sights on the vast Milky Way.

Like an ignorant fool, he only cares about the land under his feet and ignores the starry sky above his head.

Heimdall often talked with Odin, and they had the same worries in each other’s hearts. Asgard has a long history of tens of thousands of years. Since defeating the dark elves and frost giants, the pace of development has stalled, and the people of the kingdom have been immersed in In the illusory dream of the co-lord of the nine realms, enterprising spirit and creativity have been almost completely lost.

There is no difference between Asgard hundreds of years ago and now. The divine realm ruled by Odin seems to be trapped in some kind of shackles, while the earth that once needed to be protected by the Asgardians is moving forward quickly. Running, there are gradually signs of catching up with the giant ahead.

While everyone else was running wildly, he stayed where he was. This situation inevitably made the King of Asgard worried, and Heimdall, as Odin’s most trusted confidant, also felt the same way. .

Asgard has stopped for too long. The long life has made the population’s ability to reproduce low, and it is not worth mentioning compared to humans on earth. Moreover, after the war of the Frost Giants, many people have been peacefully cultivating and recuperating for many years. All have lost their vigilance against danger.

“Heimdall, have there been any changes in Midgard?” Thor strode over, wearing a mighty armor and carrying Mjolnir.

The Rainbow Bridge has been rebuilt a long time ago, but it will take some time for repair work to restore the function of space transmission.

“Ha, the scenery here is so beautiful, I haven’t noticed it before.”

This prince of Asgard often comes to the observatory of the Rainbow Bridge recently, and even chats with Heimdall for a long time when he has nothing to do.

The guardian of the Rainbow Bridge can see that the last experience of coming to earth has made Thor gradually mature. Although he still has the pride and bravery of the Asgardians in his bones, he has grown a lot in other aspects.

“Do you care about Midgard that much? Or is there something worthy of nostalgia there?” the tall and burly Heimdall smiled.

Of course he knew the purpose of Thor always coming here. This resolute and brave prince, his highness, was obviously attracted to a certain girl on Earth.

“Asgardians have a long lifespan, Thor. From the perspective of choosing a partner, Midgardians are not a good choice.”

Heimdall spoke with sincerity, but time is cruel and merciless, and it is enough to destroy any beautiful feelings or things.

“I know that, Heimdall, thank you for the reminder.”

Thor rarely showed sadness. He went to Earth for the first time and met a unique girl – she was different from the women in Asgard. Because of the prince’s identity and bloodline, they all were submissive to him. She has no independent thoughts, even the brave Sif.

But the girl named Jane Foster was different. She had a charming charm that deeply attracted Thor. He had never met such a woman, who was strong and independent, and full of knowledge about the outside world. Desire and understanding.

These all fascinated the Prince of Asgard, but Jane always seemed to be evasive about his enthusiasm and was unwilling to accept it readily.

“You are the future king of Asgard, Thor. Both your father and mother must want you to find an outstanding woman – at least a true partner who can go hand in hand with you.”

Heimdall said seriously that he admired Thor’s straightforwardness and bravery, and did not want the prince to be troubled and tortured by a relationship that was destined to be impossible.

Thor nodded blankly, seeming thoughtful in his heart. Things he had decided would never be changed easily. Unless Jane refused, he would not give up.

But who would turn down a future king of Asgard?

“Where is Loki? Father said you have seen him before.” Thor changed the topic.

After the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, he still has to quell the chaotic conflicts in the nine kingdoms, so he probably won’t have much time to think about his children’s personal relationship.

“He disappeared at the edge of the dark abyss, and finally left the Nine Kingdoms.”

Heimdall was holding a heavy sword. He didn’t have a good impression of the prince who was full of conspiracies.

Asgard has a culture that advocates bravery and strength. It is naturally difficult for a weak person like Loki to be as popular as Thor.

“By the way, Loki has been to Midgard before and stayed briefly, but you know… he has the ability to hide from my sight.”

Thor turned his head and glanced at the splendid palace. He thought that his troubled brother would return to Asgard sooner or later. After all, this was his real home.

ps: Are you surprised? Is it surprising?

Thank you for the 10,000-dollar reward from “The happiest thing is that you are fatter than me”. I just have a chapter on hand and I will finish it with more updates. Yohoho~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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