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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 26 Funding

The morning sun shines on New York, and the golden light falls on the steel jungle. This bustling metropolis seems to be awakening from a deep sleep, glowing with amazing vitality and vitality.

Dr. Connors, with messy hair, came to his laboratory as usual. As soon as he stepped through the door, he saw Davis, the director of the Osborne Group. This middle-aged man in a suit and tie often followed Norman Osborne. Ben’s side is responsible for handling various business matters.

Now, Mr. Davis walked into the laboratory arrogantly, looking arrogant as if no one else was around, and ordered his security guards to enter the archives room and start moving documents. The originally busy working atmosphere was suddenly broken. All the researchers looked at Connors with blank expressions.

“Sorry, Dr. Connors, Mr. Norman has given you enough time and funds, but your research project has not made breakthrough progress, so it is time for Osborne Industries to terminate this failed investment. .”

Davis wore a false smile. The one-armed middle-aged man in front of him was silent and his eyes were gray, as if he had lost all life.

It’s just that as the top management of Osborne Industries, Davis has no mercy in his heart. Dr. Connors spent a lot of money and time, but in the end he still failed to produce any successful research results. From a business perspective, In other words, Mr. Norman should have stopped this project long ago and reduced the company’s losses in a timely manner.

“You have two hours, please pack your things and take them away as soon as possible. This laboratory no longer belongs to you.” Davis looked at a group of incredulous researchers with a sneer on his lips, “By the way, You are not allowed to take away any documents related to the research project. If they are searched by the security guard at the door, you will go to jail.”

Gwen stood at the door in a depressed mood. She finally entered this laboratory as an intern, but not long after, she had to leave in such a humiliating and embarrassing way.

“My students are all good kids. They will not do such a thing, Mr. Davis…” Connors said angrily when he saw the tall man standing at the door through the window.

“You need to understand your identity, Dr. Connors!” Davis glanced at the faded scientist and said with disdain: “I have read your information, Kurt Connors, you are in the mainstream scientific community. It’s just a pitiful joke. No one thinks highly of your research! You are just a swindler who deceived Mr. Norman in some way. Now take your things and leave immediately!”

Listening to Davis’s merciless sarcasm, Connors’ whole face turned red. He was not good at words and could not make a strong rebuttal. He could only silently endure the humiliation and ridicule of the other party.

Looking at the laboratory that was about to be shut down, Connors was heartbroken. He knew that his scientific path had come to an end and he had lost hope in life.

“Doctor, are you okay?” Gwen asked with concern, holding a cardboard box in both hands.

The pretty blond girl looked around with a puzzled expression on her face. She didn’t seem to see Sean in the past two days, and he couldn’t be found in the school. She didn’t know what that guy was up to.

Connors waved his hand. He seemed to have aged ten years for a moment, and his whole person exuded a heavy air of twilight. The one-armed middle-aged man glanced around, but did not see Sean’s figure. Thinking of the other party’s solemn words, Connors waved his hand. Connors smiled self-deprecatingly at the promise of things. They were just big words spoken by young people with enthusiasm. To maintain the normal operation of a laboratory, an unimaginable amount of money was needed.

Sean is still just a college student who has not stepped out of the ivory tower. Even though he has extraordinary talent in scientific research, who would be willing to spend huge sums of money to sponsor a failed scientist when there is no result? ?

I shouldn’t have had my hopes up from the beginning. Connors staggered out of the research room. If the human experiments had not been interrupted that day, he didn’t know what the results would be. Even if he paid the price with his life, it would be better than having all the research results taken away like now. Then kicked out.

“Dr. Connors.” A familiar voice stopped Connors who left in frustration.

The one-armed middle-aged man turned around and saw a black Chevrolet parked at the entrance of the laboratory. Sean stepped out of the car, followed by a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

“Sean, you…”

Connors looked at the young boy with a bright smile and was speechless for a moment. The laboratory had been taken back and closed by Osborne Industries. According to the original contract, all research results and documents were All will be taken away.

“Don’t worry, Dr. Connors, all problems are solved.”

Sean was full of confidence. He introduced the young man next to him: “This is Mr. James Wesley. He has a passion and vision for science that transcends ordinary people. I told Mr. Wesley about your research project. He would be more than willing to sponsor you to continue this research.”

“Hello, Dr. Connors.” Wesley enthusiastically held the one-armed middle-aged man’s hand.

The well-dressed Wesley was smiling, and no one could tell that he was once the personal assistant of a gang boss: “Once your research is successful, it will be good news to countless disabled people. I am very optimistic about this project.”

“This…” The sudden good news stunned Connors, who had a dull personality. He never thought that Sean would solve this huge problem.

Looking at Dr. Connors who couldn’t accept it all at once, Sean smiled understandingly. He took a document from Wesley’s hand, walked straight into the noisy laboratory, and stood next to Dai who was giving orders. In front of Weiss.

“I don’t know who you are, but please stop what you are doing now.” Sean said bluntly.

Davis glanced at this young boy who appeared out of nowhere with disdain. He didn’t even bother to say anything, and directly waved his hand to the security guards to drag him out.

Colleagues who worked together on weekdays all looked at Sean in surprise, as if they didn’t understand why he had to stand up and stop him at this time. Even Dr. Connors couldn’t do anything. What could he, an intern, do? ?

“Sean…” Gwen shouted worriedly while holding the cardboard box.

Looking at the burly security guard approaching, Sean smiled coldly. He slapped the document in his hand on Davis’s chest and said, “Are you sure you want to do this? This is Mr. James Wesley and Osborne Industries The signed transfer contract also has Norman Osborne’s signature on it. This laboratory has been owned by Dr. Connors, and all your current actions are illegal!”

Every word spoken by the young boy was like a bolt from the blue. Davis took the document in a slight panic and flipped through it quickly. When he saw the signature and seal at the end, his face instantly turned pale.

“I’m… sorry, I didn’t receive this news…” Davis forced a smile and explained in a lowered posture.

“Well, now I give you an hour to restore all of this to its original state. Don’t take away anything from this research room, otherwise I will send you to federal prison.”

Finally, the young boy reminded him with seemingly good intentions: “That Mr. James Wesley, from Hell’s Kitchen, once served the famous Kingpin.”

When Davis saw the bespectacled man standing outside the door, his face became even more expressionless. Who in New York is not afraid of Kingpin’s vicious reputation?

Looking at the Osborne Industrial executives leaving in a hurry, Connors was a little confused and asked: “What on earth did you say to him? He seemed very scared.”

“I just told that gentleman that the scientist in front of you who seems to be talking nicely will turn into a lizard monster at night and then unscrew his head.” Sean shrugged and replied with a smile.

Connors smiled. How could such a lame fairy tale scare Davis? He did not continue to ask. Anyway, all the problems were solved and he could return to his research work.

“Thank you, Sean.”

The one-armed middle-aged man sincerely thanked him. If the other party hadn’t found a new investor for him, he would have lost all hope in his life.

“We can create a better future, Dr. Connors.”

A smile appeared on Sean’s lips. He had successfully taken the first step, and he would get more in the future.

ps: Ahhhh, the signing cover I have been waiting for for a long time is actually of this level…

Forget it, I’ll find a Taobao artist myself (╯︵╰)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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