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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 260 Prince’s Revenge

Beyond the blue planet is the vast dark universe. This mysterious galaxy is occupied by the nine kingdoms. They are not isolated from the world. As early as tens of thousands of years ago, Asgard has communicated with many civilized life forms. .

It was a cruel era of raging wars. Asgard’s legion was invincible. The god king Odin and his eldest daughter Hela conquered the nine realms with absolute force. Everyone knew the reputation of the Valkyrie, and the figure of the goddess of death was also unknown. It’s frightening to hear. In the continuous battles, the glory and majesty of Asgard is like the radiance of the sun radiating to all realms, brilliant and prosperous!

Even outside the distant star field, Asgard’s name is widely spread and shakes the galaxy, and the power of God King Odin is even more well known. Unfortunately, nothing in the vast universe remains unchanged.

Powerful civilizations will die, shining stars will collapse, even the sun that has burned for billions of years will one day go out…

After conquering the Nine Realms, Asgard stopped. On the one hand, Odin was tired of the constant fighting and fighting for years, and his people needed to rest and reproduce; on the other hand, because of the fear in his heart, the growth of his eldest daughter Hela The speed exceeded his expectations. As the reputation of the goddess of death became more and more famous, the other party’s connection with Asgard became closer.

Odin was afraid of his eldest daughter’s uncontrollable ambition and desire, and at the same time worried about Hela’s terrible idea of ​​dragging Asgard into the chariot. As the king of the gods of the Asa clan, he had to make a decision.

Odin, who sat on the supreme throne of the nine realms, sent out the Valkyrie Legion in their heyday, and they fought fiercely. The powerful artifact made by the dwarves from the branches of the world tree, the eternal spear that was said to be sure to hit after being thrown, pierced through the long… The chest of the female Hela was later imprisoned in the underworld of Helm and became a prisoner.

The King of the Gods, who intended to bring Asgard to peace, tampered with history, covered up the past, sealed all secrets in ancient books, and covered up the past plunder and conquest with a layer of beautiful lies.

“Asgard…Only that idiot Thor would believe that his father is a kind and wise king!”

Loki’s murmuring voice was soon swallowed up by the endless darkness. He wandered alone in the cold abyss, constantly thinking about the truth he learned from the book in his mind. Unlike Thor, he had been a child since he was a child. The only candidate for the future king was personally trained by Odin, taught martial arts and fighting knowledge, cultivated leadership skills, and established a solid prestige in Asgard.

The King of Asgard who picked him up from Jotunheim never thought of giving him any chance. When Thor was competing with the guards in swordsmanship, Loki accompanied the Queen Frigga, holding a The esoteric books buried in the library wander into the world of magic and knowledge.

But how could Asgard accept a future king who spends time in the library?

By the time Thor made outstanding military exploits and gained the name of “Thor”, Loki had already lost the chance to catch up and could only watch his brother bathed in glory and be crowned.

“Oh, false family affection…”

The embarrassed Prince of Asgard laughed at himself, no matter how beautifully Odin said it, the facts proved that Thor was his truly beloved son.

The barrier formed by magic wrapped his body, and Loki resisted the turbulent energy flow full of strong radiation in the dark universe. After he left the earth, he drifted in the desolate star field along the dark abyss at the root of the World Tree.

This place has long been far away from the nine star fields, and Heimdall’s sight cannot extend to such a desolate place. With the knowledge and secrets in his mind, Loki struggled to find traces of the Chitauri.

The living environment in the outer realm of the universe is extremely harsh. The unpredictable radiation storms and energy turbulence always put Loki on the edge of a narrow escape. His handsome face was scratched with several wounds, and his gorgeous and exquisite clothes became tattered. Damn, the once noble prince of Asgard is now no different than a down-and-out beggar.

The only thing that supported him was the burning fire of revenge in his heart. Loki, whose self-esteem was severely trampled by Odin, felt that he had been greatly deceived, so he vowed to take revenge!

He wants to get the throne of the King of Asgard and even the supreme power of the Nine Realms!

As long as he has the strong support of the overlord of the universe, Loki will be qualified to compete with Asgard. He can clearly see that Odin’s power is declining day by day, his ambition is no longer good, and he is no longer worthy of the gods. The great name of the king.

“Asgard… I will return to that place in the most noble manner!” Loki thought.

The cold air lingered on his body. Thanks to the blood of the Frost Giant, the Asgard prince would not freeze to death. In the vast dark universe, there was almost no sense of direction at all. The long trek was almost over. Use up the last bit of energy in your body.

Loki was unwilling to give up. He was now homeless and could not go back to humble himself and beg Odin for forgiveness. He could only place all his hopes on the Chitauri.

In Asgard’s vast classics, the origins and clues of the Infinity Stones are roughly recorded, and a terrifying existence known for its conquest and killing of the universe is mentioned. The Chitauri are his men, a group of people who plunder civilizations and plunder resources. space pirate.

During the boring trek, Loki gradually lost the concept of time. He set foot on a desolate planet. The land under his feet was cold and hard, like the huge ice caps accumulated over time in the North Pole. The surroundings were empty and silent, with only many numbers. Unclear huge rubble floats quietly, like a meteorite belt on the periphery of the planet.

“Maybe it’s here…”

Loki knew that the Chitauri did not have a fixed planet to live on. They wandered in the vast universe, plundering and plundering everywhere. Their race was not good at individual combat power, but was good at using cheap cannon fodder produced by biotechnology. Endless human sea tactics are used to bulldoze the enemy, so once the connection with the base camp is cut off, the mighty steel army will be paralyzed.

And this should be the Chitauri arsenal. Although the location is extremely secret, it still cannot be hidden from the shrewd and cunning prince of Asgard. He learned about this unknown from an ancient book that recorded outside the nine star fields. Secrets known to man.

“Thanos…I want to see the great master!”

Before he collapsed from exhaustion, Loki roared out this taboo name from his throat. He had to get the Chitauri’s response, otherwise his life was very likely to be in danger.

This group of inhumane space pirates would not care about the life of an Asgardian prince, not to mention that Odin would not lead an army to break through the nine star fields to avenge himself.

“Asgardians, arrogant and disrespectful people! How dare you… call the Supreme Lord by his name?!”

The alarmed Chitauri stepped on Loki’s head, their eyes filled with cold light, as if they were about to crush a poor insect to death.

“I brought clues to the Infinity Stones…”

Loki, who was breathing hard, finally said these words. When he saw the Chitauri’s eyes change, he knew that he had survived.

“The Infinity Stones… I know where they are…” After saying this, the Asgardian prince fainted.

The silent and dark desolate planet immediately became noisy and boiling like a dynamite barrel detonated by a spark.

The Chitauri leader wearing a dark golden robe, his dry skin twitching, finally made a difficult voice from his mouth: “Take this Asgardian to meet the great master!”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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