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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 261 Trip to Tokyo

It’s raining outside the window.

Sean sat on his seat and looked towards the porthole glass. Outside was a dark night sky, with raindrops floating in the clouds. Occasionally, he could see the shining beacon light, like a looming lighthouse on the sea when a rainstorm was approaching.

His thoughts were like floating clouds, constantly spreading out. Sean was sitting on a private jet heading to Tokyo. After spending a pleasant and peaceful week, a certain guy who didn’t make people worry gave him Found a bunch of things to do.

Yes, Sean is talking about Mr. Osborne, who lives a leisurely and wealthy life. If his life were a bloody TV series at eight o’clock, then Harry Osborne would be the undoubted heroine.

Because every time the other party caused any trouble, he would be on the way to rescue or rescue them. This was true for SHIELD and the Asgardians in New Mexico, as well as this trip to Tokyo.

“You said, why don’t these people pay any attention to the price? They just go to S.H.I.E.L.D. or Tony Stark to cause trouble…Do you think I’m easy to bully?”

Skynet, the subject of the inquiry, remained silent. As one of the most powerful artificial intelligences on the planet, it probably understood that Sean’s emotions were temporarily in an unstable state.

As a rising star in the biomedical industry, Osborne Industries has quickly occupied a monopoly in the upstream industrial chain through genetic drugs and amputated limb regeneration technology, and maintains close cooperation with Japan’s leading company Yashida Pharmaceutical.

As early as two days ago, Harry took a private plane to Tokyo to attend the recently held pharmaceutical exhibition. As a partner of Yashida Pharmaceutical, he received a warm reception as soon as he got off the car. However, eight hours later, Osborne The young master’s signal disappeared in Tokyo, and all traces were erased.

After receiving the news, Sean used Skynet’s surveillance and hacked into the entire city’s cameras and signal hotspots before finding the missing Harry. The other person’s life was not in danger, but he had temporarily lost his personal freedom. Hydra, which was rooted in Japan, The branch forces seem to be eyeing Umbrella’s biotechnology.

Perhaps because of Sean’s good relationship with the Department of Defense and his complicated connections with many superheroes, Hydra obviously did not target the founder of Umbrella, but instead targeted his college classmates. Harry Osborne, also business partner.

“It always feels like something weird is going to happen.”

Sean leaned back in his seat. Under the influence of the butterfly effect, the trajectory of the world gradually shifted beyond his control.

The feeling of no longer being in control of the overall situation was a headache, but it was also full of novelty and unknowns, which made the young man feel excited. For example, during this trip to Tokyo, he had an inexplicable premonition that the guys from Hydra would give him a surprise.

Just by browsing the recent news, you can tell that Tokyo is not peaceful during this time. Vicious incidents of large animals attacking and injuring people frequently occur every night. Even though the Metropolitan Police Department has dispatched various forces to investigate, it cannot give the public a satisfactory answer. explain.

In particular, the number of victims continued to increase, so much so that the police chief issued a martial law prohibiting going out at night in an attempt to control the number of casualties within a certain range.

Connected with the scene of Yashida Pharmaceutical in the original timeline, coupled with the ability of the Hydra gang to cause trouble, Sean couldn’t help but have a bold idea in his heart.

“Resident Evil? Or Tokyo Ghoul?” the young man thought to himself.

Logically speaking, as the founder of Umbrella, shouldn’t he be the one to use viruses to create biochemical weapons and trigger a zombie crisis?

Hydra…this is stealing the show!

As the airliner sailed above the bumpy clouds, Sean drummed his fingers on the table, thinking it would be nice to enjoy some hors d’oeuvres before facing off against the overlords of the universe and his hordes of aliens.


The plane landed at the airport in the night. A red-haired woman carrying a sheathed samurai sword and a tall man in ragged clothes got into the special car that came to greet them.

The man was sitting in the back seat. He was unshaven and dressed in rags. He looked like a savage living in the deep mountains and old forests. The driver, who was wearing a black suit and had a stereotyped face, couldn’t help but look at him several times. It wasn’t until the red-haired woman cast a stern look that he realized that he was If you are rude, quickly look away.

According to Japanese etiquette, if he were not driving, the driver would probably bow at a ninety-degree angle, then kneel on the ground, begging the red-haired woman for forgiveness in a panic.

This is not an exaggeration. There is such a description in “The Chrysanthemum and the Sword”. Japanese society emphasizes hierarchical order, uses different honorifics, bows and kneels in daily life, and staggering regulations in work dealings. Each level and level has its own duties and responsibilities, and those who exceed them will be punished.

The man didn’t care about the strange look in the driver’s eyes. He leaned on his seat, and the bright neon lights reflected in the car window. He seemed to have not been in contact with the outside world for a long time, and he was a little dazed for a moment.

“Don’t let the appearance of prosperity fool your eyes. Japan is in its darkest period recently…”

The red-haired woman said in a strange tone, as if she was prophesying something, but also seemed to be a kind reminder.

“Many people believe that once Lord Yashida leaves, a shadow will fall.”

The man looked at the huge billboard coming along, which was playing a corporate advertisement for Yashida Pharmaceuticals. It was said that they were developing a brand-new drug to slow down the aging process of human cells and were currently in the clinical trial stage.

“Do you think he is God?” the man asked in a light tone.

“No, we believe that he is a mortal, but he has extraordinary achievements. After World War II, it was Lord Yashida who helped rebuild this country, and his family business became Japan’s largest giant.”

The red-haired woman’s eyes were full of enthusiasm, but the man was noncommittal. He had never believed in any gods in his life, at least in his long life, that thing had never appeared before.

The Japanese limousine drove into the wide courtyard, which is the official residence of the Yashida family. Security personnel wearing suits and armed with guns could be seen everywhere. They were unabashed and had no scruples about openly holding weapons.

“A lot of bodyguards.”

Perhaps it was the animal instinct in his body, but the man felt a depressing and dull atmosphere. He couldn’t help but think of what the red-haired woman had just said, that Japan was in its darkest period…

“There may be attacks at any time, deliberate kidnappings, assassinations, etc. The mobs and villains are getting stronger day by day, and the government’s ability to control is gradually weakening.”

The red-haired woman looked solemn. This country was on the edge of danger. Those terrible creatures hidden in the darkness were rising!

I don’t know since when, stories of nighttime ghosts began to circulate in Tokyo. News of man-eating monsters spread like wildfire on the Internet. Pedestrians who came out at night would be dragged into dark alleys or dark corners and then bitten. The horrific end of devouring flesh and blood, and by the next morning, only a mutilated and mutilated corpse was left.

At first, the government was able to suppress the spread of public opinion, but as the number of people increased and such incidents occurred more frequently, panic spread rapidly. Even if the Metropolitan Police Department mobilized a large number of police resources, it was difficult to contain it for a while. .

“Every citizen living in Tokyo knows that you should never go out at night.”

The red-haired woman looked at the man who was doing a full body check to prevent weapons, and there was a hint of warning in her tone.

ps: Deep down in my heart, I still want to write some interesting plots. If you want to die, just die~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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