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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 263 Memory and the Past

With a rare feeling of trepidation, Logan opened the thick documents prepared by Yashida for him. As the pages of photos and written materials were turned over, the memory gate in his mind gradually loosened.

In 1845, an unprecedented murder case occurred in the Northwest Territories of Canada. One night, a drunken gardener killed the manor of the manor with a double-barreled shotgun. The stimulated little James, the son of the manor, , inspired the mutant genes in his body, and killed the assailant gardener Logan with the bone claws that grew from his arms.

However, this is actually a bloody story. The dead gardener was little James’s biological father. The panicked child escaped from the manor and depended on his brother Victor. They were both mutants and had long lives that were difficult to age.

The two participated in the Civil War that broke out at that time, the Battle of Verdun in World War I, the Normandy landing in World War II, and even the later Vietnam War… This pair of brothers can be said to have been involved throughout the entire United States. history, until he was later recruited by an officer named William Stryker to engage in special work and become a soldier to serve the country.

During an inhumane massacre, Logan, who was tired of the endless killings – he was still called James Howlett at the time, left Stryker’s special team alone, came to the Canadian Rockies to work as a lumberjack, and officially changed his name to Logan. Roots, and fell in love with a woman named Kayla and started a family.

If the story ends here, it will just end with a lone wolf retreating to the countryside. Unfortunately, real life often lacks beautiful love like fairy tales.

Keira is also a mutant, codenamed “Silver Fox”, and approaches Logan with ulterior motives. At the same time, her brother, the saber-toothed tiger Victor, who has disappeared for many years, also begins to come to visit, and many troubles follow.

His lover was killed and his brothers turned against each other. In a series of conspiracies and pursuits, Logan was persuaded by Stryker and voluntarily joined the Weapon Ahman Metal also re-grew a pair of indestructible sharp claws.

“I used a huge amount of resources and energy to go to Canada and find the logging camp. I obtained information about Colonel William Stryker from the US military to find your past and your lost memories… Logan, eternal life is not It’s an easy thing, I have a way to eliminate your self-healing ability!”

Logan was shocked and speechless for a moment. He never knew he had a brother or lover. He was a super veteran who participated in two world wars. It was said that he had joined the famous Howling Commandos. Maybe He also fought side by side with Captain America, the legendary hero in the best-selling comics.

Those memories that should have been stored in my mind like faded old photos were all taken away by an Ahman alloy bullet. Stryker wanted to kill him, but he only took away the first half of Logan’s life.

“I’m not ready to die yet, but you are ready… You can return to the life of an ordinary person, fall in love with a woman, get married and have children, build a warm family of your own, and then grow old… in One day die peacefully and naturally.”

Yashida’s hoarse voice woke Logan up from his trance. He put down the thick document that recorded his experiences in the first half of his life. This old man lying on the hospital bed, tortured by cancer, had desire shining in his cloudy eyes, like a greedy bird. And the hungry beast.

Logan, who goes by the name “Wolverine”, is all too familiar with this kind of gaze. The other person is like a hungry wolf staring at his food, saliva dripping from between the fangs, and he can’t wait to pounce on it and feast on it.

“Look, I’m glad to see you again, but I’m only here to say goodbye.”

Just as Logan was about to leave, his arm was held tightly by Yashida. It was unimaginable that a dying old man could burst out with such power in this dry and thin body.

“The great foundation I have built throughout my life…cannot collapse! This country needs me! Wolverine!”

No matter how Yashida called, Logan left without looking back this time. He needed to sort out the thoughts in his mind. Those vague memories that brought shock needed to be sorted out.

It is quite ironic to say that this lone wolf has been looking for the lost life, but after knowing the truth and uncovering the fog in his heart, he was not happy and full of confusion.

Outside the corridor, the heavy rain was still raging, and the lightning danced like a wild snake, throwing out blazing silver light.

The whole world was enveloped in wind and rain.


“I thought Tokyo would be very hot…”

Sean muttered something as he walked down the stairs. The girl in red who came to greet him didn’t understand this boring joke and held up a black umbrella to block the splashing raindrops.

The two hugged each other and sat in the car. The driver turned a blind eye to this, but secretly sighed in his heart. Who would have thought that “Black Sky”, the sole leader of the Hand and the fanatical believer of countless ninjas, would lean on a man’s arms?

“This city is trapped in shadow.” Erica said quietly, listening to the man’s powerful heartbeat.

Since cutting off the Hand’s five fingers, she and Wesley, under Sean’s instructions, have managed Hell’s Kitchen into their own private kingdom, while also gradually gathering the huge power of the Hand.

The Hand, which annexed the Rand Group and entered into business cooperation with Yashida Pharmaceutical, has gone through a huge change and has not declined. Instead, it has expanded and developed more intensively. As Sean said, one fist is stronger than five. The root arm comes even stronger.

“Wesley mentioned once that there were some unusual movements in Japan. I didn’t pay attention to it at the time. I thought it was just a way for the Yashida family to promote new products… delaying cell aging and enhancing human body activity. These are all at the same time It’s also Umbrella’s key research project.”

Sean’s warm smile gave people a warm and firm magical power, which made Erica’s tense body relax immediately.

“Tell me what’s going on, Harry’s disappearance, the urban ghost stories of the cannibal monster, Yashida’s secret… I think all of these should have a secret connection.” The man caressed the girl’s long black hair. , with a gentle tone.

“The Yashida family and the Hand have had a good cooperative relationship for hundreds of years. The ninjas we trained once helped this family control the central power during the shogunate era. At that time, Yashida was loyal to the general Minamoto Yoritomo who conquered barbarians. Later, the Kamakura shogunate After the destruction, the leaders of the Hand and the elders of Yashida lay dormant and endured until the defeat of World War II and Japan became a defeated country. The two forces re-emerged with the help of powerful funds…”

As the sole leader of the Hand, Erica knows something about the origins of this huge organization. Although the five fingers have taken root in different countries, Japan can be said to be the base camp with the deepest foundation.

“Murakami was once one of the five leaders of the Hand. He used the secret potion developed by Dragon Bone to win over Japan’s top political officials and business tycoons. Shiro Yashida was one of them. However, as Dragon Bone was exhausted, , Shiro Yashida, who was suffering from cancer, gave up his good relationship with the Hand and turned to another secret force.”

“Hydra?” Sean raised his eyebrows.

Erica nodded. If the Hand controls the underworld in Japan, then the power of the Yashida family is even more terrifying. After World War II, Japan, which became a defeated country, was in dire straits, and Yashida took the opportunity to invest heavily. Buy land and extend your reach to every industry in this island country.

In addition to biopharmaceuticals as the leading industry, there are also energy, military industry, manufacturing, etc., like a towering tree with intertwined roots, its roots penetrate deep into this country and penetrate everywhere.

“What exactly did they study?” Sean couldn’t help but wonder.

In the original timeline, Ichiro Yashida, who was critically ill, simply wanted to deprive Wolverine Logan of his self-healing factor, and then transfer it to his own body, so as to achieve the purpose of extending his life.

But now it seems that perhaps due to the butterfly effect, all this is more involved. According to Hydra’s technological capabilities, their cooperation with the Yashida family may not be as simple as researching new products that benefit mankind.

“Ancestor virus.” Erica answered.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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