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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 266 Monster

Yokohama, secret base.

On an isolated island stands a long-abandoned watchtower, surrounded by rusty steel buildings and overgrown weeds and branches. The broken walls covered with cobwebs, collapsed walls and load-bearing columns formed this desolate ruins covered with a thick layer of dust, as if no one had set foot on it for a long time.

This was originally a supply station for passing ships. It was damaged and collapsed in the earthquake a few years ago. The government departments were unwilling to spend money on repairs and reconstruction. Moreover, with the opening of a large number of ports along the coast, the associated industrial and warehousing industries have gradually moved. It was gradually forgotten.

A ferry docked at the shore, and Dr. Green, who had temporarily left Yashida’s official residence, stepped off the boat. This charming-looking private doctor had flaxen shawl curly hair, a green tights under his beige coat, his legs were straight and slender, and his body was full of radiance. Exudes a charming atmosphere.

In the distance, the sea and the sky join together and form a line. Dark clouds hang low. Snow-white waves hit the hard rocks and break into tiny drops of water. The roaring tide washes against the shore, making a monotonous sound.

Under the cloudy sky, the private doctor of a large family suddenly appeared on a desolate island. It was really strange. No matter how you looked at him, he was not a lover of outdoor adventure.

Dr. Green stepped into the inside of the watchtower, her high heels making a “click-click” sound. The building was filled with a rotten smell. She stood in the middle of the building. In less than ten seconds, the floor tiles under her feet suddenly changed. It sank, and a dull rumbling sound came out.

After a brief period of darkness, a bright light was projected above. Who would have thought that underneath this long-abandoned observation tower would be Hydra’s secret laboratory.

The light shines on the steel building inside. Many staff members wearing white research uniforms are busy walking around. Dr. Green has an unimpeded path. She seems to have a very high status. The alloy door panels that separate different areas open automatically, as if nothing is needed at all. permission authentication.

“how is the progress?”

Standing on the upper floors of the building and looking down from top to bottom, this underground laboratory looks like a tightly operating machine.

“Dr. Marcus combined leech gene fragments with the ancestor virus and isolated a brand-new virus, which mainly enhanced the characteristics of recombination of biological genetic factors…” the manager holding the experimental log said respectfully.

Doctor Green is just the identity used by the Yashida family. This charming and beautiful woman’s real name is Ophelia Sarkistan. She is one of the top leaders within Hydra and is known as “Mrs. Viper”. , a master of toxin production, has the special ability to be immune to poison, and is also a high-level spy and lurking expert.

“Show me the test subject directly.”

The well-known Viper Lady within Hydra waved her hand. She didn’t care about the complicated and massive research data, she just wanted to see the test subjects infected with the virus with her own eyes.

The manager nodded in agreement and took the elevator to the third floor. In the many rooms isolated by reinforced glass, there were many humanoid creatures wandering and roaring – they had lost their basic human appearance, and their skin seemed to be rotting and peeling off, leaving only complete The muscle fibers and organs and internal organs are exposed in the air, and the strong body is full of power. The strong red and white muscles are twisted and twisted, like twisted steel wires, and the blood vessels are clearly exposed, like densely packed green snakes. A pair of arms have evolved into sharp bone claws.

Just from the appearance, it is quite intimidating.

“This is Tyrant.” Dr. Marcus, who serves as the director of the laboratory team, proudly introduced, “My masterpiece! Although most organisms cannot adapt to the mutation of this new virus, once it succeeds, humans can withstand the virus. Your strength and physique will undergo unprecedented changes!”

“The virus gives the ability to accelerate the body’s metabolism. We have tested that even after being fired by machine guns or even bombarded by howitzers, the tyrant can still remain alive and recover slowly, and his strength and physique have been greatly improved! It’s a perfect biological weapon!”

Dr. Marcus was so pleased with himself that he glanced at the Hydra executive casually, hoping to get a big compliment from him.

“Good, keep improving.”

It’s a pity that Mrs. Viper turned a blind eye to this and just said it lightly.

She stared at the test subject with scarlet eyes, cruelty and madness. Compared with the inferior product-zombie produced before, this biochemical weapon called “Tyrant” was obviously more powerful, but it still had flaws.

Hydra wants a biochemical army that is not afraid of death. It is not a virus weapon that destroys the world. It cannot obey orders and carry out effective combined actions like super soldiers. These zombie creatures derived from the ancestor virus can only be used as cannon fodder. Use – the point is that they are not cheap, and a survival rate of one in 10,000 means a high enough price.

“Have you caught those first-generation species that escaped from the laboratory?”

Feeling Mrs. Viper’s cold eyes, Dr. Marcus’s hands trembled. He knew that his predecessor had accidentally allowed three mutated first-generation species of the Progenitor virus to escape from the laboratory, and was thrown into the breeding room by the other party. Feed the zombies.

The painful howl of being eaten by a group of wild beasts still makes Marcus feel horrified. It is an absolute nightmare!

“They are being tracked! They are a species similar to humans, with the same appearance and biological emotions, and they have the ability to infect. Once they hide in human society, they are difficult to identify.”

Marcus was sweating coldly. The three first-generation species called “ghouls” were “monsters” created by the mutation of the ancestor virus. Different from the terrifying zombies, they had human bodies and the ability to think and live. Emotions, and have a certain ability to infect.

The only thing that is the same as zombies is that ghouls also feed on human flesh and blood, and have also evolved special predatory organs.

“Catch them! At any cost!” Mrs. Viper said solemnly.

Compared with tyrant zombies, ghouls are undoubtedly more valuable. They retain the simple wisdom and learning ability of human beings, and their various physical qualities have been strengthened and improved to varying degrees. If trained, they can form a powerful army in an instant. army.

“Monsters cannot be exactly the same as humans. They will always be exposed, hunt and prey… This is a characteristic imprinted in biological genes, no matter how hard you hide it, it will be useless.”

Mrs. Viper looked at Dr. Marcus, a smile appeared on her charming face, like a colorful poisonous snake, gently spitting out the letter.

“Tokyo has become a huge hunting ground. Ghouls can’t hide for long. Let the gang of trash from the Metropolitan Police Department mark out places where cannibalism cases occur frequently. These first-generation species, like animals, have their own hunting areas. It’s easy to spot the clues.”

Dr. Marcus nodded. Hydra agents who have penetrated Japan’s top management have already ordered the formation of a special department called “C-C-G” to hunt down ghouls.

Those first-generation species that escaped from the laboratory have a certain probability of infection. If they continue to be left unchecked, the whole of Tokyo may become a monster paradise.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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