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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 269 Material

Under the dim light cast by the street lamp, the air flow stirred up fine dust. Perhaps due to the influence of alcohol, the two drunk black men reacted rather slowly.

When they saw the girl who suddenly appeared, their eyes were full of excitement, but the lewd gaze only lasted for a moment, and what followed was endless pain——

A ray of blood passed by, and the blood-colored light growing out of the shoulders pierced the chests of the two black officers like a storm. The infiltrating sounds that cut into the flesh and bones and chopped off the bones were dense and violent. In just a few breaths, The two burly bodies were like tattered rag dolls, flying and hitting the wall, wiping out blood stains.

The obedient and docile girl in the hot spring bath had an innocent and harmless smile on her face, and the light wings formed by the proliferation of flesh and blood on her shoulders suddenly grew in size! The sharp wings penetrated the two lifeless bodies and pulled to both sides!

Blood splashed on the walls and floors of the alley like a fountain, like bursting tomatoes. Human organs jumped out from the torn body, twisted intestines, white stubble of bones, The half heart that was still beating… appeared in front of the girl’s eyes in a real and bloody way.

The girl licked the corners of her mouth. The smell of blood was fragrant and delicious, like top-quality wine that had been stored in wooden barrels for many years. She took a step and then paused immediately.

A strong look of disgust flashed through the other eye that contained human emotions. The scarlet light dimmed for a moment, as if the wings made of blood-colored flames were gradually splitting and folding.

“That’s disgusting.” A soft voice murmured, not knowing who it was talking about.

Glancing at the puddle of flesh and blood stumps with abstract patterns, the girl sighed and wanted to leave, but at this moment, her dimmed scarlet eyes flashed brightly!

The originally shrunk blood-colored wings spread out like sharp wings and shot out suddenly from the shoulders! The blood light that seemed as light as feathers, like alien limbs extending from the body, crashed into the darkness!

The powerful force that is enough to penetrate steel did not have the expected effect. It was as if it was blocked by a hard wall. The force of the shock was transmitted to the body. In severe pain, the girl leaned forward and her toes exploded with huge force. Power, like an arrow from a string, it pounces forward and rushes into the dark shadows hiding other creatures.

Almost at the same time, the ghoul who rushed forward with a strong attitude turned into a sharp straight line and flew backwards, smashing the street lamp standing in the alley and falling heavily to the ground.

“I still prefer you in the hot spring bath, Miss Fangcunquan.” A joking voice passed by in the night wind.

A tall figure stepped out of the shadows, and Sean stared at the girl lying on the ground. The physical fitness was comparable to that of a super soldier, the diverse alien limbs in combat, human thoughts and emotions…Hydra did have some abilities.

This kind of creature, which they named “ghoul”, is more interesting than the beast-like biochemical weapons. According to the information obtained by invading the laboratory database, they were originally the first batch of test subjects of the ancestor virus, also known as As the “first generation species”.

Because the ancestor virus overstimulates the human body’s immune system, it integrates its own genetic material into the chromosomes of test somatic cells and symbiotically exists for a long time. During this period, the genotype of test somatic cells will be changed due to the integration of virus chromosomes, thus forming Such a strange creature.

One thing that distinguishes the first generation species from zombies is that the content of Rc cells in their blood is far higher than that of humans, so much so that special sac-like organs are formed in the body to store such differentiated cells.

At the same time, under strong emotions or under conscious control, ghouls can release a large number of Rc cells from the sac-like organs and protrude from the skin to form unique predatory organs of various types.


Wiping the blood on her lips, the girl’s scarlet eyes were dazzling, and violent and ferocious emotions flooded her brain.

The air flow made a sharp scream, and the blood-colored wings on the shoulders were like exploding bullets, launching a fierce attack on Sean who was standing on the spot. The dense rain-like bombardment was enough to pierce an adult’s body with holes.

The sound of metal clashing echoed in the alleyway late at night. A semicircular invisible force rose in front of Sean. Hundreds of violent attacks failed to break the hard defense.

The sharp golden light flashed from the hand, like a hot knife cutting through it, bright red blood flowers bloomed, the wings on the girl’s shoulders were cut off violently, and a powerful arm stretched out and strangled her neck.

The petite body was raised in the air, like a soft and weak white flower, swaying helplessly in the strong wind.

“Why didn’t you eat those two people?” Sean asked with interest.

“According to data, ghouls prey on people once or twice a month. However, both you and the other two friends have committed almost forty cases of cannibalism in total. This proves that you are in urgent need of food. To replenish energy.”

The girl’s scarlet eye shrank to a small point, her lips were pursed tightly, and she turned her head away, unwilling to answer the question.

“Stubborn little guy.”

Sean grinned, swung his arm, and slammed the seemingly weak body into the wall. Amidst the splash of bricks and stones, he stepped on the docile face with the sole of his foot.

“You are artificially created monsters that retain human emotions, but due to biological instincts, you have to hunt humans and feed on flesh and blood… Is it painful? That feeling of entanglement and suffering? It goes against your inner morality. And bottom-line self-blame and disgust?”

The girl who hit the ground blinked her scarlet eyes and shed tears silently. At this moment, the ghoul instinct gradually receded from her body.

According to Hydra’s experimental data, during the infection process of the virus, it will be hindered by the human immune system. White blood cells try to kill the infected cells, and usually adopt the “die together” method, which leads to the occurrence of symptoms in the human body. A lot of necrotic tissue.

In order to repair tissue damage and restore the function of the immune system, a large amount of food is needed to provide materials and energy sources, which causes the infected person to have a strong appetite.

However, more importantly, the viral substances have completely changed the eating habits of the ghouls. Human food will become particularly weird in their tastes and eating organs such as mouths and esophagus, as if filled with a fishy and rotten smell.

For unknown reasons, ghouls can only survive on human flesh and blood to relieve the ever-present hunger in their hearts.

“Although creatures like you must have had tragic experiences, you must not be willing to become like this. After all, everything is Hydra’s fault.”

Sean let go of the soles of his feet, with a gentle smile on his face, and the golden light in his deep eyes flashed with a strong sense of oppression.

“But if I sympathize with you, then who will sympathize with the innocent people who have become food? Just like what you told me in the hot spring bath, failed countries must be punished, and those who have done wrong cannot be because of the deepest feelings in their hearts. If you apologize, you can pretend that nothing happened…don’t you think so?”

Perhaps because she felt the breath of death coming towards her face, there was a trace of fear on the girl’s dull face, but the human eyes were full of relief.

“But you are very lucky tonight – you are the first ghoul I found. You are very good material. It would be a pity to kill them directly… If you had eaten those two black men just now, maybe I wouldn’t have to do this. Tangled.”

Sean squatted down, stared at the astonished girl and said, “How about this? You just be a good experimental material, and I can help you return to human form. It’s a very good deal. Okay?”

The petite body that sank into the concrete floor trembled. Tears mixed with the stains on her face. She trembled slightly and suppressed the crying in her throat.



Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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