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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 27 Conflict of Beliefs

After a busy day at work, Matt Murdock returned to his shabby apartment. He did not turn on the lights, put aside his usual walking stick, walked straight to the living room and sat on the sofa.

In the silent darkness, Matt’s perception is more acute. He does not need to fumble forward like other blind people for fear of tripping over some obstacles. The developed senses allow this blind lawyer to see different things. world.

Matt was abandoned by his mother when he was young and was raised by his father, a boxer. Later, his father paid the price with his life because he was unwilling to fake boxing for the gang. At a young age, he became an orphan without anyone to care for him.

In an accident, young Matt’s eyes were contaminated with radioactive materials, causing him to become blind. However, this strengthened his other senses. Later, under the rigorous training of a blind martial arts master, he mastered his superpowers. Senses, and developed extraordinary skills, becoming a powerful warrior.

Matt, who grew up in an orphanage, realized the need for rules to restrain people’s behavior from an early age, so he made up his mind to study law. After some hard work, he was admitted to Columbia University. He successfully obtained a doctorate in law. After graduation, he suddenly discovered that the law was actually just a tool manipulated by the rich and powerful. So he angrily put on the red devil suit and transformed into the Daredevil of Hell’s Kitchen, using violent methods to maintain the law. justice.

“Kingpin is actually dead?” Matt, sitting in the living room, still couldn’t believe it.

Using his identity as a lawyer, he investigated Kingpin, the man behind Hell’s Kitchen, and found out that the other party’s true identity was actually the famous real estate tycoon Wilson Fisk.

This gang boss who has packaged himself as a real estate tycoon and social celebrity has been conducting various illegal businesses in private, including drug smuggling, arms trafficking, and even using illegal means to forcibly demolish and enclose land. It is completely called a heinous crime. It is Hell’s Kitchen. A huge cancer!

Matt once transformed into Daredevil and tried to send the gangster whose hands were stained with the blood of innocent people to the police station prison. Unfortunately, reality once again shattered his innocent thoughts.

At least half of the people in the police station were bribed by the other party, and even the mayor and the district attorney were chatting and laughing with him. Not only Hell’s Kitchen, but even the whole of New York was shrouded in Kingpin’s dark power.

Just when Matt was completely desperate, the underworld emperor hiding in the shadows and ruling the underworld of New York suddenly died like that!

When he learned the news from the Braille newspaper, he even couldn’t believe it. According to the official answer from the police department, the famous New York real estate tycoon Mr. Wilson-Fisk was attacked by a group of terrorists on the night of the 16th. Unfortunately died.

It’s all so unreal!

Matt knew what kind of terrifying strength Kingpin had. He had fought against the huge bald man and his bodyguard Bullseye before. He was totally powerless to fight back and almost died at the hands of the gang boss. If the Punisher hadn’t suddenly burst out and saved him.

However, such a powerful and terrifying pair would actually die in an attack? !

This is neither reasonable nor logical.

“Frank…why are you coming to my house?”

Matt, whose thoughts were in turmoil, suddenly seemed to hear some unusual noise, and then asked aloud.

“You’re still as sharp as ever, Matt.”

A tall, burly man climbed through the window from the fire escape. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a skull printed on it. He was fully armed, like a mobile arsenal.

“I thought you had left Hell’s Kitchen.” Although Matt couldn’t see, his other senses could completely replace the functions of his eyes.

The burly man known as “The Punisher” laughed twice, “I don’t want to leave this chaotic place. Only Hell’s Kitchen will have so many villains, thugs and robbers!”

Matt frowned. He didn’t agree with the Punisher’s method of killing any criminal without mercy. It was too cruel and too extreme.

“Hey, barrister, you know, that Kingpin guy is dead!” The Punisher said with some regret in his tone, “He was actually taken one step ahead. That damn fat man was my goal all along.”

“Tell me why you’re here, Frank. You won’t come to me for no reason.”

Matt asked directly, the Punisher who makes criminals fearful is not a guy who finds people to chat with.

“Hehe…” The Punisher chuckled. He looked at Daredevil sitting in the dark and said, “Matt, haven’t you noticed anything unusual yet?”


“Hell’s Kitchen has changed! This sinful place filled with drug dealers, gangsters, and hippies is changing. With Kingpin’s death, everything is different!”

The Punisher took out the bullets from the magazine and put them back one by one. In the darkness, the burly man’s face showed a trace of solemnity.

This man, who was more cruel and violent than the criminals, told everything he discovered: “I have been following Kingpin’s gang for a long time. They have always had business dealings with the Japanese Hand, trafficking in people and drugs, and they take children away. Treated as a container for transporting drugs, smuggling activities are carried out secretly.”

“Tonight, I was planning to go there and destroy the smuggling factory alone, but when I went there, I found that there was no one inside. I caught a gang leader and asked about the whereabouts of those children. Guess What answer did I get?”

Matt remained silent and did not speak. Since the audience did not support him, only one person from the Punisher continued: “The gang leader whose arm I broke off said that the drug business and smuggling activities under his control were all… They have all stopped, and some people have handed over these shady illegal businesses to the Hand and the Russians.”

“Hahahaha! Isn’t it funny? After Kingpin died, his men actually changed their ways!” The Punisher laughed sarcastically.

“Someone manipulated all this?”

Matt mused that there was more to Kingpin’s death than that, and what was coming out of Frank’s mouth was confusing.

“I’m very interested in the guy who killed Kingpin. I really want to know what he’s going to do? Transform Hell’s Kitchen?!” The Punisher clenched his pistol and revealed a ferocious smile.

“Frank, you’d better calm down. Someone who can kill Kingpin must not be messed with.”

Matt admonished and said that because his family was massacred by gangs, Frank was full of hatred and hatred for all criminals, so he usually struck without mercy. The gangs he targeted often couldn’t find anyone alive.

“Stop preaching, barrister. If you still believe in the law, how can you become Daredevil? Those rich people and gangsters who do all kinds of evil, as long as they can afford a luxurious team of lawyers, they can Seizing all kinds of legal loopholes to escape sanctions… The justice and fairness of the law? Bullshit!”

The Punisher was indignant. He stood up suddenly, his burly body like a hill, “Since the law can’t punish those bastards, then I can do it for you, in a more cruel way!”

Matt was silent. He had been in conflict in his heart. He once believed that the law could bring criminals to justice, but the reality was often cruel. As Frank said, in the hands of the rich and gangsters, the law became corrupted. For a piece of paper.

“…You’re too extreme, Frank.” Matt said weakly.

“Someone is planning a big conspiracy! Matt, Hell’s Kitchen will soon usher in a complete change, and we will all have to make a choice then.”

The Punisher sneered and left. He looked at Daredevil sitting on the sofa, a trace of disdain flashed in his heart. If he didn’t have a firm and strong heart, why would he put on that red devil’s suit?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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