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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 270 Inside Sensoji Temple

Sensoji Temple is the oldest temple in Tokyo and a very popular tourist attraction. Nearly 30 million people come here to take photos every year. Especially around New Year’s Day, the number of pilgrims who come to worship is even larger.

A long cordon was set up here today, and the Metropolitan Police Department mobilized a large number of manpower to maintain order and safety. Outside, reporters and citizens swarmed in, forming a surging tide.

The streets and highways surrounding Sensoji Temple were all cleared and blocked. Black cars, like long winding queues, stopped in front of this historic ancient temple. Many dignitaries wearing black suits and solemn faces got out of the cars. They were all mourners who came to pay their respects.

The wide streets were filled with luxury cars. In addition to relatives and friends of the Yashida family, there were also elites and celebrities from all walks of life. Even the governor (mayor) of Tokyo came in person to lay wreaths and elegiac couplets. It is said that the Prime Minister was also there. I took time out of my busy schedule to call Yashida Shingen to express my condolences, and prepared to award medals to Ichiro Yashida for his outstanding achievements.

That a person can have such a sensational scene after his death is enough to prove how prominent the Yashida family is in this country.

Although 80% of the Japanese believe in Shintoism, Buddhist funeral ceremonies are generally adopted after their deaths. Yashida Ichiro’s body was placed in the central hall of Sensoji Temple, and bursts of chanting could be heard in the main hall.

Logan got out of a black car. He had already booked a flight, but the sudden death of Yashida Ichiro disrupted the plan. Logically, he had to wait until the funeral was over before he could leave.

Tycoons and celebrities from the business and political circles arrived one after another and entered the Sensoji Temple, which had long been sealed off and emptied. The gate with the four characters “Wind and Thunder God Gate” was engraved with four characters on both sides. There were statues of Nio who protected Buddhism. He had an eyebrow raised and his eyes closed tightly. Lip; the other is mighty and majestic, commanding evil.

A huge lantern weighing 670 kilograms hangs above the gate, which is very eye-catching. Following Yukio, who is wearing a black kimono, Logan walks into Sensoji Temple step by step. The bodyguards on both sides of the road hold submachine guns openly and look alert and solemn.

Arriving at the pavilions deep in the courtyard, the men of the Yashida family were wearing suits and the women were wearing kimonos. There were monks in yellow cassocks and white hats surrounding them. Logan’s eyes were drawn to the Yashida family standing there. The mighty armor next to Tian Shilang’s portrait attracted him.

“That suit of armor belongs to the Silver Warrior, and he will stand there forever guarding the soul of the elder.” Yukio explained softly.

The Silver Samurai is the most powerful warrior in the Yashida family. He is like a legendary being that no one has ever seen with his own eyes.

Standing in the crowd, Logan frowned. Since arriving in Tokyo, he has fallen into an unspeakable confusion. A vague sense of danger surrounds him, as if he is in a dark valley, with dangers in all directions. The unknown danger is like being stared at by the coveted eyes of a hunter.

Logan’s mind was filled with confusing thoughts. At this time, under the guidance of the monks, Mariko, the granddaughter of Yashida Ichiro, gradually came to kneel down and salute in front of the portrait. He calmed down, knowing that he would leave in a few days anyway.

“Wait!” Logan inadvertently glanced at the ferocious tattoo on the monk’s arm.

His keen intuition drove him to step out of the crowd, and regardless of the scoldings of the bodyguards behind him, he grabbed the monk who had exposed his flaw. Unexpectedly, the other party directly pulled out a firearm from the large monk’s robe, and shot a bullet with strong kinetic energy directly through his lower abdomen. .

As if a spark detonated explosives, the crowd screamed in panic, and gunshots were fired continuously. They were caught off guard and were attacked. The bodyguards around them were shot and fell down. The monks who were gathered in a group opened their clothes. robe, the ferocious green and black tattoos are clearly revealed.

If it had been normal, Logan would have braved the dense hail of bullets, showed off a pair of Adamantium alloy claws, and rushed forward to kill. However, an inexplicable feeling of weakness lingered all over his body. In his blurry vision, Mariko was kidnapped and taken away by a group of gangsters. Walk.

The silver claws pierced the flesh and blood. Logan took a few breaths and finally regained some strength. The Adamantium alloy claws pierced the chest of the gangster in front of him. He looked around. The Senso Temple was in chaos, like a boiling oil pan. Guns A mixture of sounds and screams echoed.

In his long career, Wolverine has never encountered such a situation. It is as if he is sick. His always abundant energy and strong resilience, these innate talents have all disappeared, as if they had never existed.

“What the hell is wrong with me?”

Logan cursed in a low voice. Seeing Mariko being taken away by the gangsters and about to leave his sight, he immediately struggled to rush over, but he was pulled by a strong arm.

“I advise you to take a rest.” Sean supported the panting Wolverine and turned to look at the little girl wearing a baseball cap. “Leave it to you, be restrained and don’t make it too bloody.”

Yoshimura Izumi, who had messy short hair covering her eyes, curled her lips and trotted to catch up with the gun-wielding gangsters who had reached the outskirts of Sensoji Temple. She was now an “experimental material” under Umbrella’s name. In addition to cooperating with Sean’s experimental tests, she also had to Gotta do some errands.

Thinking of the other party’s promise, Fang Cunquan’s heart shone with a little hope. If he could get rid of his identity as a “ghoul” and return to a normal life, no matter how much he had to pay, it would be worth it.

“Why are you here?”

Logan squinted at the young man. He had taken the time to go back to school and had naturally heard of Sean’s series of exaggerated legendary stories, such as punching Stryker, kicking Magneto, and talking and laughing about the fraternity. This kind of thing will turn into ashes.

It’s like a crappy story from a third-rate comic.

“You should have some respect for your savior.”

Carrying the 300-pound Logan in one hand, Sean walked in the Sensoji Temple as if he was strolling. Any gun-wielding gangster who stood in front of him was bounced away by the invisible force field.

The two walked through the chaotic crowd and came to the five-story pagoda in the southern corner of the temple. This towering ancient pagoda was burned down during the Tokyo air raid. It is the second tallest pagoda in Japan. In the northeast corner is the famous Asakusa Shrine. At that time, the general Tokugawa Hidetada once enshrined his father, Tokugawa Ieyasu, here.

“Haven’t you noticed yet? Logan, you are very weak now.”

Sean looked at this strong man. Logan had lost his family, ability, and life three times in his life. If he hadn’t intervened, this brave and fierce Wolverine would have lost his self-healing ability and was even almost killed. Tian Shilang took away his life.

“Damn, how could this happen?”

Logan leaned against the wooden beam of the five-story tower, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and the abundant energy in his body dissipated. He looked up at Sean, and his vision suddenly blurred, like a shaking camera, and finally cut to black.

“Just rest first, you don’t need to take care of the rest.”

Sean looked up and saw four sickles stuck on the top of the towering ancient tower. There were various strange theories. One said it was set up to seal away the resentful spirit of Prince Shotoku. There was another legend. If you look at When the sickle points upward, it is a year of good harvest, when it points downward, it is a year of famine.

“Yashida Ichiro faked his death to deceive everyone, and then deprived Logan of his self-healing factor to regain his youth and life. His son Yashida Shingen colluded with the gang and wanted to seize power in one fell swoop. The two parties were in cahoots, and there was Hydra. Watching with eager eyes…”

The undercurrent of Tokyo is like a huge dark cloud hanging over it. According to what Izumi Fangmura said, two other ghouls are wandering in the city at night, constantly hunting and avoiding the pursuit of C-C-G.

“Then I’m going to appear too.” The young man chuckled.

The small figure stands under the towering ancient tower, and the maple leaves on the mountain in the distance are dancing like fire.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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