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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 271 Ghoul Fighting

Tokyo, skyscraper tower.

This towering building named “X-Seed4000” was an idea proposed by Japan in 1995. The then Governor of Tokyo planned to build a super building with a height of 4,000 meters and a total of 800 floors, enough to house 5 million people. According to the designer’s rough budget, it will cost between 300 billion to 900 billion and take ten years to complete.

The total cost is higher than the mission to land humans on Mars. The astronomical investment funds have become the main obstacle, and many people say that it is simply wishful thinking to build such a huge building in earthquake-prone Japan.

As a result, the grand blueprint existing in fantasy only laid a foundation and was shelved indefinitely, never becoming a reality. The Japanese want to use huge manpower and funds to build a super building that will eclipse Mount Fuji, a giant city within Tokyo. Unfortunately, too many external factors have interrupted this project.

Sean stood on the foundation of the skyscraper tower. Even if a tall building has not yet been built, it is still much higher than ordinary tall buildings. From above, he overlooks Tokyo at night. The brilliant lights are in full bloom, like an eternal light. City.

The cold wind blew through with a cold current, lifting the young man’s clothes. The hooded Fang Cunquan was sitting on the steel beam, his feet dangling in the air, and his scarlet eyes shining with blood were particularly eye-catching.

“How do you know they will come here?” the girl asked, raising her head.

She recently followed Sean and found that he was far more mysterious and terrifying than she imagined. Not only was he powerful enough to defeat ghouls, but he also had other hidden energies.

The true face shown by this young man is just the tip of the iceberg, and the even bigger and more impressive features are hidden under the vast ocean.

“Your two little friends have no place to hide. The special organization ‘C-C-G’ specially established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is not a bunch of losers. They keep shrinking the encirclement, just to push the ghoul into a desperate situation. .”

Sean leaned on the steel beam. This was a high point with a wide field of vision. His eyesight was enough to catch all the disturbances.

“This is similar to hunting. A large number of people form an encirclement, which gradually shrinks. The prey with no way to go can only keep retreating, and eventually falls into the trap… Haven’t you noticed? There are more and more cases of cannibalism reported in the news recently. The more they eat, the more it almost exceeds the average level of eating for ghouls, which proves that they are starting to lose their minds and vent their anger by hunting humans.”

Wolverine Logan, whose self-healing ability has been suppressed, is staying at the Hand’s stronghold. Before ending the chaos in Tokyo, Sean does not intend to let the other party get involved. According to that guy’s violent character, the first thing he did after learning the truth , I’m afraid he just rushed to Yashida’s official residence and made a scene.

In fact, this is not to blame Logan. I guess anyone would do this. Who would have thought that the Japanese brain circuits are so amazing. The way to repay your savior is to take away your self-healing ability and make a “I This is all for your own good”, the ugly face.

He deserved that even his granddaughter couldn’t stand it in the end. Yashida Ichiro had been completely eroded by the fear of death and turned into a walking zombie-like madman.

“Kanabo graduated from Tokyo Medical University in his early years. Later he went to study in Germany and joined Hydra as a researcher to engage in scientific projects of genetic engineering… Japan is full of abnormalities and neuroses. This guy actually took the initiative to accept the ancestor virus. In vivo experiments, we stood out from the three hundred test subjects and became a handful of mutated ghouls.”

“Kamidai Ichirō is one of the few surviving mutated ghouls… Speaking of which, do you ghouls have the concept of being the same kind?”

Fangcunquan was silent for a moment, shaking his head in denial.

When they first escaped from Hydra’s Yokohama laboratory, they almost killed each other due to excessive hunger. Creatures like ghouls, which are very different from humans, only have the concept of food in their minds. Once they fall into a state of extreme hunger, anything visible to the naked eye will Any living creature can be used as a delicacy to satisfy hunger.

This is also the reason why ghouls divide their territories and occupy different hunting areas. They must be wary of humans, but at the same time they cannot trust their own kind.

“Then I shouldn’t have to take action tonight.” Sean smiled slightly.

Within his line of sight, two figures were approaching at an extremely fast speed. The helicopter belonging to C-C-G cast a shining spotlight, tracking the escaping ghoul. Behind him were a series of sirens, heavily armed SWAT police and barking hounds. , like a shark that smells blood, bites to death and stares at its prey.

The figure in the southeast has bone-like armor proliferating under the shoulder blades. Even if it is hit by ferocious firepower, it remains unscathed. Compared to Fang Cunquan’s bloody wings, this ghoul is obviously more focused on defense.

The figure on the other side had four tentacles covered with scales swaying behind him. He moved quickly, climbing and swimming among high-rise buildings like an octopus, trying to get rid of the tracking enemy.

The wind was howling. Jianabao, who was about forty years old, had never felt such a happy feeling before. After the mutation, his body took on a new look. He smashed through the glass window of a building, and the bloody tentacles like alien limbs were affected by consciousness. With his control, he rolled up several bulky large objects and threw them towards the helicopter in the sky.

If they want to get rid of C-C-G’s pursuit, they must first clear their vision. The Rc cells stored in the special sac-like organs in the body are greatly consumed, and the hunger and thirst are like roaring monsters, gradually eroding the brain’s sanity.

Janabo knew that he had to eat immediately, otherwise he would be at a disadvantage sooner or later in this great escape and be recycled and eliminated by the laboratory.

At the same time, Kamishiro Ichiei, who was getting closer, had the same idea. His situation was also more dangerous. The proliferating flesh and blood under his shoulder blades was like armor, which not only gave him strong defense, but also greatly reduced his mobility.

As the alienated cells in the body are exhausted, the genetically mutated eating organs begin to wail. Ordinary humans cannot satisfy their hunger and thirst, and must find more powerful creatures.

“Cannibalism… it’s so cruel.”

As a bystander, Sean had a pleasant smile on his lips. The exciting show that was about to be staged fully reflected the cruel instinct imprinted in the living body.

The two beasts in dire straits not only failed to cooperate with each other but worked together to break out of the encirclement, they also planned to target each other as prey and gain another evolution by devouring the same kind of flesh and blood.

“See, this is your nature… Oh no, in fact, this should be the nature of any living thing.”

Sean turned to look at Fang Cunquan. The girl’s face was slightly pale. She knew what would happen next. The ghoul itself was such a deformed creature.

Even though they have clear thoughts and emotions, they are essentially monsters in human clothes. Once they fall into a dangerous state of extreme hunger, any sanity will disappear.

“Aren’t you going to let me save them? You know, I have this ability.” Sean asked with interest.

Yoshimura Izumi shook his head. Creatures like ghouls should not exist in this world. They are naturally on the opposite side of humans. If they are allowed to multiply, they will only break the hard-won tranquility and plunge everything into chaos.

“Haha, this is why I made you ‘material’. Be a ghoul with upright views.”

Sean rubbed the girl’s little head, ignoring the angry look in her eyes.

At the bottom of the skyscraper tower, Kamidai Ichiei knocked over a truck, blocked the path of the chasing police car, crushed the car under his feet, jumped into the air with the force of the recoil, and then turned around and rushed into the building.

Jianabo, on the other hand, controlled four bloody tentacles and stood firmly on the edge of the building opposite, with hungry saliva hanging from the corners of his mouth.

In an instant, two pairs of scarlet eyes faced each other, filled with murderous intent.

Like wild beasts emerging from their cages, the two figures closed up and pounced on each other, passing through each other in mid-air, bursting into bright blood flowers!

PS: As a part-time + amateur + third-rate + street author, I have a lot of things lately, so the update time is erratic, sorry (;′⌒`)

Friendly recommended book, “The Sword Holding the Heavens”, please stay on Channel 6 for recommendations. Readers who like Zhutian Liu can give it a try.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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