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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 275 Raid

In the sky covered with dark clouds, a golden light shimmered fiercely, like a majestic sword piercing the sky, thrown by the gods from above the clouds, and piercing the earth.

A faint roaring sound came from a distance, and Yashida Shingen, who was sitting in the enterprise building, felt a shaking, but he had no intention of paying attention. He stared at the leader of the Hand opposite with burning eyes.

“Why did you choose me?” he asked in a dry voice.

The eldest son of the Yashida family is not living a happy life. Although in the eyes of outsiders, Yashida Shingen will inherit the family business sooner or later and become one of the top figures in the country, standing at the top of the power pyramid.

But only Yashida Shingen himself knows that his aging father still controls most of the power and can mobilize massive funds and resources with just one sentence. He is just like a puppet who is supported to power. Any major decisions must go through Yashida. Ichiro personally intervened.

Just like the secret laboratory built in Yokohama, the investment cost alone was as high as billions of dollars, causing many small and medium-sized enterprises under the Yashida family to go bankrupt. Yashida Shingen had no right to refuse, so he could only be filial. The son helped his father hide financial statements and deceive the board of directors and shareholders.

He thought that in this way he would gain his father’s trust and hand the family business into his own hands. Who knew that Yashida Ichiro would choose Mariko in the end.

“You are the most suitable candidate, Mr. Yashida.”

Erica raised her eyebrows. She met with the eldest son of the Yashida family on behalf of Sean, preparing to draw him under her banner to consolidate forces, strengthen the Hand, and at the same time divide the Asia-Pacific region into the future. within the territory.

“Your father obviously doesn’t trust you enough. He took a fancy to your daughter Mariko and threw you aside – those concealed financial statements and the huge amounts of unaccounted money. If you can’t sit at the helm of the consortium, If everything is exposed, I’m afraid the outcome will be worrying.”

Based on the information investigated by the Hand and part of the information given by Sean, Erica gradually attacked Yashida Shingen’s psychological defense with words.

“Isn’t this the reason why you cooperate with the gang? To assassinate Mariko and then naturally take over the power.”

Erica met Yashida Shingen’s suspicious eyes and said calmly: “Don’t be so surprised. The Hand controls 80% of the dark forces in Tokyo. You can’t hide it from us by cooperating with the gang.”

“Is this a threat?” Yashida Shingen tried his best to straighten his back, trying to regain some dignity as the eldest son of a large family.

“No, this is a bargaining chip.” Erica said coldly.

She turned her gaze to the window. The lights of Tokyo were brilliant under the night sky. Huge plumes of smoke and dust rose in the distance. The thick clouds swirled and flashed with bright electric light.

It seems that Sean has already dealt with the ghouls, and the next step is Hydra’s secret laboratory. As for Yashida Ichiro, there is nothing to fear.

In fact, if you really want to choose a collaborator, the ruthless and scheming Ichiro Yashida is the best target. Unfortunately, Sean thinks that the old guy is too ambitious and has unsatisfied desires, and is not a simple character that can be controlled.

In comparison, Yashida Shingen is much better. His ambition is limited to the family business, and his own abilities are average. Otherwise, Yashida Ichiro would not have kicked his son away and replaced his granddaughter with taking over the family business.

“Mariko is in our hands. Yashida Ichiro is dead. If you control the current family heir, you can take the initiative.”

Erica’s tone was calm, but the eldest son of the big family sitting opposite was very excited. Yashida Ichiro’s ruthless actions cut off the last trace of nostalgia for family ties in his heart.

If you get rid of your own daughter, you can ascend to the throne of the helm of a large Japanese conglomerate. I believe Yashida Shingen will not hesitate too much. Living in such a big family, family ties are not as important as real power and wealth.

“My father…” Yashida Shingen hesitated, as if he noticed a clue.

“The dead will not be resurrected, whether true or false.” Erica interrupted.

She looked at the eldest son of a big family, with a trace of disdain on her lips. She couldn’t help but think of Sean’s comment, ‘Save your life for big things, forget your life for small profits’, hoping to gain the trust and admiration of Yashida Ichiro. , so he concealed the financial statements and deceived the board of directors. However, when he learned that Mariko was the one who took over the helm of the family, he became so mad that he sent someone to assassinate his daughter.

This series of actions all reflect that Yashida Shingen is a cowardly and scheming mediocre person. It is no wonder that Yashida Ichiro, as his father, despises him.

“The Hand had a good friendship with the Yashida family hundreds of years ago, and I hope this can happen again.”

Yashida Shingen lowered his head and nodded silently after a while.


Yokohama, secret laboratory.

Mrs. Viper was sitting at a luxurious desk, having a conversation with the virtual projection of a sinister man wearing one-sided glasses.

“You’re making too much noise there, SHIELD may take notice.” The sinister-looking man frowned, “Nick Fury has always been suspicious. After the secret invasion in the last century, he won’t Whoever you trust, all the core secrets are kept in his head.”

“I said, don’t touch the people on SHIELD’s monitoring list.” His tone was quite dissatisfied.

As one of the top executives of Hydra, Baron Strucker didn’t like the feeling of things getting out of control, which would give him an unknown sense of crisis.

“Mr. Baron, you are making a fuss out of a molehill. It’s just a small accident. Besides, Harry Osborn is not a target of SHIELD.” A smile appeared on Mrs. Viper’s charming face.

“But Sean Sipers is! Nick Fury pays close attention to both him and Umbrella, and even sends Natasha Romanoff to each other’s side. This proves that there is something about that New York genius. Let Nick Fury take it very seriously!”

Baron Strucker’s tone was stern. Before Hydra officially appeared in front of everyone, he didn’t want to attract the attention of SHIELD, which would mean endless trouble.

“Then what do you want me to do?” Mrs. Viper asked dissatisfied.

“Give up everything? I finally reached a cooperation with the Yashida family. I will soon be able to use them as a springboard to infiltrate the top leaders of this country. The research on the ancestor virus is also gradually progressing. The new generation of tyrant zombies is comparable to super soldiers. …A series of plans have not yet been launched, and I will never leave!”

As one of the factions within Hydra, Lady Viper and Baron Strucker, who is based in Eastern Europe, belong to the same camp, but it is obvious that there are differences between the two sides.

“Don’t touch SHIELD rashly. Now is not the time to mess with this behemoth. Only when Alexander and the others take the initiative will Hydra have the opportunity to take the stage.”

Baron Strucker warned coldly that he was conducting experiments on transforming people in Eastern Europe. Compared with the super soldiers that Alexander valued, Madam Viper regarded the core of the ancestor virus. This remnant of the Nazi Party who was born in Germany believed that Transformation talents are the future.

“Long live Hydra!” The two shouted a slogan and cut off communication.

There was a trace of contempt in Mrs. Viper’s eyes, like Baron Strucker stationed in Eastern Europe and Alexander Pierce lurking within S.H.I.E.L.D., they were both too conservative.

In her opinion, S.H.I.E.L.D. is far less terrifying than she imagined. As long as they obtain a batch of biochemical weapons, plus the finished products of tyrant zombies and ghouls, it means that they have the scepter to conquer the world, and everything is at their fingertips.

“Speaking of which, who killed the ghoul?” Mrs. Viper was full of doubts. That terrifying blow that destroyed the world almost made her liver and gallbladder burst.

Unfortunately, the surveillance screen was cut off and Mrs. Viper was unable to obtain more useful information. It may be some kind of weapon of mass destruction, such as the space-based weapon code-named “The Rod of God” that the US military began to develop in 2012.

This is a powerful kinetic energy weapon system consisting of two satellite platforms located in low orbit. One of the satellites carries a metal rod called the “Rod of God”, which is made of tungsten, titanium or uranium metal. It is 30 centimeters in diameter, 6.1 meters long and weighs several tons.

These high-density metal rods can use the huge kinetic energy generated by small rocket boosting and free fall under satellite guidance. The tungsten rod projectiles they launch can hit the target at the speed of a meteor. They have powerful attack capabilities and a wide range of strikes. Precision strikes can be carried out against high-value strategic targets in any area on the earth at any time.

After the Rod of God is launched from space, it does not rely on any ammunition and relies entirely on kinetic energy impact to produce destructive power on the target. However, the attack effect is comparable to that of a nuclear weapon and it is a purely physical attack on the target.

After some discussions with her scientists, Mrs. Viper agreed that the destructive golden light falling from the sky was undoubtedly some kind of powerful space-based weapon. They really could not imagine what kind of creature could release such terrifying energy.

A neighborhood in Tokyo was flattened by the shock wave from that energy.

“Prepare to perform reconstructive surgery on Yashida Ichiro.” Mrs. Viper said coldly.

Even without Wolverine Logan, the Ancestral Virus can still play the same role. Although the price is to become an inhuman monster, Yashida Ichiro, who wants to survive, should not care about this.

The moment she walked out of the office, a harsh buzz echoed throughout the underground steel building.

The alarm sounds!

ps: Quanqin saved it!

Sprinkle flowers~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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