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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 279 Before the Crisis

Nick Fury stared at the Cosmic Cube in the center of the metal instrument. In his heart, he always regarded this small cube as one of the core cornerstones of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Red Skull, the leader of Hydra during World War II, obtained it from a church in Norway. Legend has it that the Cosmic Cube is the most precious gem in Odin’s treasure house and possesses incredible power.

Red Skull Schmidt used it to develop energy weapons, which almost caused the Allies to retreat on the battlefield. If Captain America hadn’t led the Howling Commandos to destroy Hydra’s lair in one fell swoop, creating a chance for victory in the war, perhaps the great wheel of history would have been It will rumble into another trajectory.

Later, Captain America Steve Rogers crashed his plane into a glacier, and the Cosmic Cube was salvaged from the deep sea by Howard Stark and handed over to the Science and Strategy Corps, the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., for safekeeping until Nick Fury took over. Director, determined to restart the research plan of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

“Did you see what activated the Tesseract?”

The black director was skeptical of Dr. Selvig’s explanation. S.H.I.E.L.D. had kept the cube for many years, and no such strange phenomenon had ever occurred. According to the calculation model on the computer, the Cosmic Cube releases interference and radiation, and the values ​​continue to rise, and will soon break through the highest peak.

In Dr. Selvig’s opinion, this is not a good phenomenon, and the troublesome thing is that they can’t find any effective way to turn it off for the time being, so they can only observe and wait.

“No one has been in or out. The doctor is innocent.”

Hawkeye Barton, who was staying high up and overlooking everything, slid down the rope. He was the guard of the experimental center and was also responsible for monitoring everyone.

Nick Fury, who has always been suspicious, can’t just hand over the Cube to others with confidence. Deep down in his heart, he vaguely feels that there is a turbulent undercurrent hidden within SHIELD. It is an old enemy from the last century, and the ghost is still there. The scattered ghosts of the Third Reich.

Since the defeat of World War II, Hydra fell apart, and some of its people moved to the red empire, where they began to lurk for a long time until the collapse of the former Soviet Union. S.H.I.E.L.D., which was still a scientific and strategic corps at the time, absorbed and digested the cutting-edge technology and underlying strength of the Third Reich, and at the same time exposed huge flaws.

Even though the black director has been committed to dividing authority levels and implementing strict confidentiality measures since he took office, he still seems unable to get rid of the ubiquitous Nazi remnants.

“If there is a problem, it will definitely not be on our side, sir.” Barton said seriously. “Dr. Selvig said that the Cosmic Cube is the door to the other side. What if this door is two-way?”

The words of his capable subordinate caught Fury’s attention. He only wanted to use the Cosmic Cube to draw unlimited energy to create cutting-edge technology, just like Schmidt the Red Skull did before, but he ignored the risks involved.

The black director stroked his eye patch. He would never forget the painful lessons of that secret invasion. Not only was SHIELD severely damaged, but it even lost a reliable comrade and a brave and fearless heroine.

“Dr. Selvig, do everything you can to close the Cosmic Cube!” Fury ordered loudly, then looked at Hawkeye Barton, “Speed ​​up the evacuation. It’s still like this after forty minutes, ruining it!”

The black director looked at the Cube without any hesitation in his eyes. He could not let the Cube attract an unknown and powerful enemy. Long before he was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury knew that in this vast universe, there was more than just one splendid civilization on Earth, and humans were not a unique race of life.

But before Nick Fury could react, the energy released by the Cosmic Cube reached its peak, a burst of dazzling blue light burst out, and the entire underground base began to shake.

A whirlpool-like space channel expanded and opened, and strong fluctuations swept through it, like water waves spreading, and a figure kneeling on one knee loomed.


Stark Mansion.

Tony, who was immersed in improving “Ultron” on the workbench, took a long breath, raised his hands and stretched. Sitting for a long time made his body feel like it was rusty.

After constant additions and improvements with Reed day and night, Tony finally designed an almost perfect artificial intelligence program framework based on the intelligent butler Jarvis and the Red Queen provided by Sean as a reference.

In Tony’s vision, Ultron should have unparalleled computing power, connect to the online world on this planet, and be able to grab information from the Internet at all times and learn more knowledge – simply put, it has the ability to Humans have the same learning ability, not only can they understand it, but they can also use it.

This is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough for artificial intelligence. Usually AI only uses mechanical thinking to judge and cannot have the same real perception as humans, so the “Turing test” came out.

As early as last century, Alan Turing, the ancestor of artificial intelligence, first proposed the concept of “machine thinking”. In 1950, he published a landmark paper, “Can Computers Think?” “, and later proposed the famous Turing experiment.

One person asks a question to the computer, and another uninformed person tries to distinguish between the human and the computer from the answers. If the computer is not recognized, it means it has passed the Turing experiment.

This process seems simple, but no matter how powerful the program weaved by the computer is, it always lacks human understanding and will gradually reveal its flaws through constant questioning, especially for problems that are creative and require real understanding.

For example, “The cat sits on the blanket because it is warm – what is warm?” In this sentence, a general artificial intelligence will fall into a logical trap because it cannot accurately recognize the pronouns and cannot connect the cat, blanket and warmth. Come together.

What Stark has to do is to create an artificial intelligence that truly has the ability to think. It can not only answer such basic questions, but also form independent thinking.

Rubbing his sore eyes, Tony leaned back in his chair and looked at the densely packed virtual projections with a look that appreciated art. The massive amount of information constituted a huge data stream and gradually outlined a blurry face.

That is the most perfect creation that exists in Stark’s mind.


He and Reed wanted an artificial intelligence that would break through the complex calculations of 0 and 1, break through mechanical thinking, and truly think like humans.

Therefore, these two world-class geniuses, in addition to building a computing framework, must also weave a meticulous and complex “logical network” to gradually allow Ultron to evolve its self-awareness through continuous data calculations.

“You will be a shield to protect the world.”

Tony murmured softly, his eyes gradually softening, as if looking at his own child.

If I had to describe it in a more precise way, it would be the newborn baby he and Dr. Richards created together.

Although Ultron only has a simple prototype, like a toddler, Tony firmly believes that it will only take a short period of time for it to grow into an adult and then carry out its due mission.

“Good night.”

Tony waved his hand, and countless virtual projections dispersed. The lights in the laboratory went out, and only a computer in the center was still calculating data continuously.

In the dark environment, the red light spots of the computer flashed like blinking eyes.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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