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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 28 Hellfire Club

The news of Kingpin’s death initially caused huge waves in Hell’s Kitchen. The underworld emperor who controlled countless gangs and ruled the New York underworld died inexplicably.

Whether it was the Japanese Hand, the Russian Mafia, or the Mexican drug traffickers, they all couldn’t believe it for a moment, but the chaos they expected did not happen. James Wesley, Kingpin’s personal assistant, stood first came out and won the support of many people – of course there were also those who opposed it, but those people disappeared after expressing their opinions and could never be found again.

In this way, the seemingly gentle personal assistant became the recipient of Kingpin’s huge inheritance. What followed was a series of asset reorganizations and the distribution of various businesses. Weiss was originally responsible for handling these matters for Kingpin. Li, handled the situation quite well, and separated the illegal business from the seemingly legitimate company at an extremely fast speed.

In other words, Mr. Wesley cleared himself in the shortest possible time and became an upstart tycoon with substantial assets.

As for the other gangs who originally wanted to take the opportunity to swallow up Hell’s Kitchen, after Wesley negotiated several times and divided the lucrative drug and smuggling businesses between the Hand and other gangs, everything returned to its usual calm. Despite the expected bloody fights and gang fights, Hell’s Kitchen is still moving forward according to its original life trajectory.

“The Hellfire Club…what a fitting name.”

Sean, wearing a hood, stood at the door of a nightclub, with a lifelike flame burning on the colorful signboard.

“Hey kid…”

The burly security guard guarding the door was about to stop this young boy who looked like he was still a student, but was stunned by his cold gaze.

“Be respectful, I am your boss’s boss…” Sean said seriously, and then walked past the security guard and walked into the hot nightclub.

Huge and boiling sound waves rushed towards us, and the walls on all sides were faintly shaking. Under the dazzling and shining lights, many lonely and empty men and women swayed their bodies, releasing their inner emotions to their heart’s content. DJs dressed in trendy costumes on the stage kept detonating the music. with people’s enthusiasm.

The air is filled with the smell of alcohol and hormones. This is a breeding ground for sin and desire. Sean observes the surroundings. In addition to the urban men and women who come to have fun, there are also many private dealers selling marijuana and drugs, as well as hot people dressed in fancy clothes. Prostitutes, these are the huge group that truly make up Hell’s Kitchen’s underclass.

“This is the real world…” After a little sigh, Sean, under the guidance of the waiter, went to the luxurious private room on the second floor. The sound insulation effect here was good, and the noisy sounds from outside could not be transmitted in at all.

“It’s not easy to meet you, Mr. Wesley.” Sean put down his hood, revealing his young face.

“Boss, you really know how to joke. If you hadn’t insisted on hiding your identity, you should be the one sitting here now.” The elegant man offered red wine and cigars attentively, “These are the best, boss.” Want to try it?”

Sean waved his hand, indicating that he didn’t need it, “You’re doing a good job. We don’t need to rely on those illegal businesses to make huge profits. Those other gangs entrenched in Hell’s Kitchen think they have taken advantage. Sooner or later, the Night Demon will People like Heroes and Punisher will come to them, 80% of the real estate in Hell’s Kitchen is in our name, as well as the business district of Manhattan, which is enough for you to maintain the operation of the company.”

Wesley nodded. He glanced at the young face of his new boss and felt some complicated emotions in his heart. Who would have thought that such a sunny boy who looked harmless to humans and animals would actually kill Kingpin and Bullseye, in one fell swoop, helped him become the upstart of Hell’s Kitchen.

“Isn’t there going to be a problem with Mr. Leland?” Wesley asked. Leland was also one of Kingpin’s confidants. He was a financial expert and was responsible for managing accounting books and business transactions.

“Smart people know how to do it, and I’ve always been good at problem solving.”

Sean smiled faintly, and Wesley couldn’t help but lower his body slightly. He was also a smart man, so he naturally knew how the new boss would solve problems.

“I don’t need you to be the boss of Hell’s Kitchen at the moment. Now let those gangs fight and rob. We don’t need to care… When we no longer need to keep a low profile, we can work together to destroy those who are like wild dogs. When all the gangs are eliminated, you will become the second Kingpin.”

“The new ruler of Hell’s Kitchen, the new emperor of the New York underworld!”

The young boy spoke in an understatement, but the beautiful prospect he described was enough to make Wesley’s heart surge and his blood boil. How many people could not sit in that position throughout their lives.

Wesley suppressed his inner excitement and said calmly: “All of this belongs to the boss.”

Sean was noncommittal. Smart people always have ambitions. He was not afraid of Wesley’s betrayal at all, because the other party saw clearly that even a powerful hero like Kingpin would still die in his own hands. As long as Wesley puts himself in the shoes of the King and compares himself to the Kingpin, he won’t try to make some stupid decision.

“I should be quite busy recently. If you have any problems that cannot be solved, you can contact me.”

Sean sat in the luxurious private room and admired the scene of the demons dancing downstairs for a while before getting ready to leave. There was a little loli waiting at home.

Kingpin’s funds and industry are the cornerstone for Sean’s first step. He has no interest in being the underworld emperor of New York. After all, underground forces cannot come to the fore. Compared with military industry giants like Stark Industries and S.H.I.E.L.D. The powerful institutions are really far behind.

Anyway, after solving Connors’ experimental funding problem, it should be Osborn Industries’ turn next. I believe that after such a long time, the Green Goblin and Spider-Man should have a final showdown.

After all, the news said that Norman Osborn had not shown up for a long time. It was obvious that the human enhancement potion had completely stimulated the negative emotions in his heart. Now that body is already occupied by the dark personality of the Green Goblin. Take the lead.

“There should be a good show to watch.”

Sean thought as he walked out of the nightclub. He glanced at the flames on the sign and thought of the mutants again. It was not the right time to contact them, especially before he could not resist the bald professor’s psychic ability. He still tried to keep his distance. good.

“Kingpin, Norman Osborne, who’s next?”

Silently calculating the good cards in his hand, Sean couldn’t help but feel satisfied. He was getting rid of his weakness little by little and growing rapidly. Even when the era of superheroes came, he would already be standing in the world by that time. the forefront.

Coming to such a dangerous and wonderful world, how could Sean be willing to just stand underneath and look up to those superheroes? He wanted to control his own destiny, and at the same time control other people’s!

“Hellfire Club…interesting.”

The young boy’s eyes were deep and his back gradually disappeared into the darkness.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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