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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 280 Gathering

Tony, who had tidied up fresh and clean, was humming a pleasant tune. He was about to go on a date and carefully prepared a romantic candlelight dinner. He was recently busy with the design of the Ultron program, which somewhat neglected Pepper, who was running the company.

As the number one playboy in New York, Stark, who has been wandering around the flowers for many years, is certainly not like the incomprehensible nerd Reed, who turned a blind eye to his resentful girlfriend and devoted himself to scientific research work. To be honest, Susan has not yet understood this man. Mr. Fantastic kicked him off, which can really be called a miracle.

“That guy Sean is really not doing his job properly. He actually went to Japan to be cool… I’m not envious at all. Compared with the life of fun and debauchery before, I prefer this fulfilling feeling now – okay! I miss the bikini in Hawaii. Girl!”

Tony stood in front of the mirror wearing a tie, a burgundy shirt and an expensive hand-customized suit, and put on a pair of sunglasses. He had regained his previous style.

“Sir, Agent Coulson from SHIELD is calling.” Jarvis said in a full British accent.

“Say I’m not here… you really know how to find a time. Even if the president wants to meet me, he has to wait until tomorrow.” Tony curled his lips, he didn’t want to pay attention to the SHIELD gang.

The helicarrier and anti-gravity technology have been handed over to SHIELD, and his responsibilities as a scientific advisor have been completed. As for other tasks, it depends on his mood.

“I’m not Fury’s errand boy. Unless the world ends, no one can interrupt my romantic date.” Tony muttered softly.

“Sir, it’s a call from Miss Potts.” Jarvis’s voice rang again.

“Wow, Pepper can’t wait to date me?” Tony answered the phone excitedly, “Pepper, I’ll be there soon. There will be a fireworks show tonight at the Sky Garden in Manhattan… That bastard Coulson Did you call me?”

“Hello, Mr. Stark.” The call was transferred, and a kind-hearted middle-aged man said, “Sorry for using this method, but I have to contact you. SHIELD needs Iron Man.”

“Does Fury never give you a vacation? Or do you never have private time? Coulson, I don’t need SHIELD! This is my private time! Is the end of the world coming? I can’t even have dinner with my girlfriend. Will not work?”

Tony spit out a long list of questions. He hated the feeling of being ordered to do work, especially as a prodigal son with a bohemian nature and a love of freedom. Stark had always disliked SHIELD’s rigid work style.

The black director always hides many secrets and never shares them with anyone, but he just wants everyone to open their hearts to him and trust him completely.

“I’m afraid the end of the world is really coming, Mr. Stark.” Coulson said solemnly.

Just four hours ago, Nick Fury used the energy transmission of the Cosmic Cube to blow up the top-secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D., but unfortunately he still did not prevent the invaders from taking away the cube, and even Hawkeye Barton and Dr. Selvig was controlled, and the three of them disappeared without a trace.

After listening to Colson’s explanation, Tony was silent for a while, sent a message to Pepper, and then walked down the metal spiral staircase.

Not long after, a burst of fire shot into the sky.


In the Basteco Building, Natasha was sitting on the sofa with her legs in her arms, slightly in a trance.

The flames in the fireplace were swaying, emitting warm heat. She had been close to Sean Sipers for some time, but the other party had not revealed any flaws, even though the two had the most intimate communication.

Apart from being flirtatious and demanding, that young man can be regarded as a perfect lover. He can always guess your thoughts and create surprises unexpectedly, such as having an ordinary meal the morning after you sleep in the same bed. For breakfast with love, or on a date, I will play a self-composed song just for you in the restaurant…

Natasha had to admit that if she were not a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but Miss Scarlett from Los Angeles chasing the star dream, she would have fallen in love long ago and been immersed in sweet love.

It’s a pity that this is not a beautiful fairy tale. Natasha’s trance-like eyes turned sober. She had received the most professional agent training in the former Soviet Union. Restraining emotions and remaining rational are the most basic qualities.

This female agent known as the “Black Widow” is not the kind of innocent girl who is easily carried away. She has seen the darkness and cruelty of this world and has an extremely strong psychological defense.

The phone on the table buzzed and vibrated. It was a text message from SHIELD’s encrypted channel. Only Nick Fury knew the contact information.

“The Cosmic Cube was taken away by the enemy. Barton was under control and returned to the headquarters quickly.”

Natasha looked stern. Hawkeye Barton was one of her few friends within SHIELD. She jumped up from the sofa and stepped on the ground with her bare feet.

After taking off her floral dress, putting on a casual outfit, and shaking off her burgundy wavy hair, Miss Scarlett’s identity stopped and she returned to become a Romanov agent.

Looking at the warmly decorated bedroom, Natasha sighed, closed the door and left.


S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters on the Potomac River.

In the empty training room, a tall, strong and handsome man hit the sandbag. Every punch was very powerful, and the muscles all over his body were stretched, revealing the beauty of masculine strength.

As the speed of punching increased, some distant memories flashed back in his mind. On the battlefield filled with artillery fire, he fought side by side with a group of comrades and defeated the Hydra soldiers to a rout.

He remembers the fight with Schmidt the Red Skull, the plane crashing into the glacier, and the dance that was seventy years late…

When he opened his eyes again, the world had changed a long time ago. His former comrades-in-arms had passed away one after another, his former lover was old, and an invisible wall separated him from the world.

He was like a veteran who had returned from the battlefield with scars all over his body. He could only caress the mottled and rusty weapons, recalling the past glory filled with flowers and honors.

With a vigorous punch, the heavy sandbag flew away and hit the wall with a loud bang.

After taking a few breaths to calm down the excitement in his heart, Steve lifted another sandbag from the ground and continued to vent the abundant energy in his body.

“Can’t you sleep?” Nick Fury’s figure appeared at the door.

“After seventy years of sleep, sir, I think I’ve had enough sleep.”

Steve continued to punch. It had been some time since he woke up from his slumber, but he rarely went out. He usually stayed at SHIELD or occasionally returned to his hometown in Brooklyn.

It has become an old city. Howard Stark, an old friend who has passed away long ago, bought the block. It is said that Peggy still lived in the old house for a while.

“When I passed out, the world was at war. When I woke up, I heard that we won. I wonder what the price of victory in the war is?”

Steve took off the white cloth belt on his hand, knowing that Nick Fury would not come to the door easily.

He is a soldier who abides by military discipline and morality, and this one-eyed black man is an agent who never cares about means. There are obvious differences between them.

“You have a mission for me, sir?” Steve asked.

“Captain, you have to save the world again.” Fury handed over a folder, which contained SHIELD’s Level 7 confidential files, the core secrets about the Cosmic Cube. “Howard Stark found this from the sea when he was searching for you. He and I both thought it was the key to extracting unlimited energy.”

“Someone snatched it four hours ago.”

Steve handed back the folder. He knew the cube in the file. Schmidt, the Red Skull, had been extremely fascinated by it. Hydra also used it to develop energy weapons, which could blow the human body into ash with one shot. .

“I am a soldier and I am only responsible for performing tasks.”

The war hero of the last century picked up his backpack and walked toward the door. He did not refuse Nick Fury’s invitation.

“Do you have any specific suggestions for retrieving the Rubik’s Cube?” the black director asked from behind.

He cannot allow the Cosmic Cube to fall into the hands of an outsider. This is a precious item that SHIELD has kept for many years and cannot be lost.

“You should leave it in the sea.” The captain replied without looking back.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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