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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 281 The Beginning of Tragedy

The sea surface of the North Atlantic was calm and calm. The Quinjet flying at full speed was close to the water, and the air flow stirred up circles of ripples, leaving two obvious traces.

Its cabin carries two crucial passengers. To put it bluntly, they may be responsible for the important task of saving the world.

One is a war hero who has been sleeping for seventy years, and the other is a big green guy who can destroy half of New York when angry.

“We will arrive at the headquarters in about forty minutes. Dr. Banner and Captain Rogers are both here.”

Coulson ended the communication with the headquarters, took off his earphones, and turned to look at the two people talking to each other.

“I always thought you were a character in comics. When I was a kid, my school would often organize visits to the World War II museum, and your video would be shown in every patriotic education class…”

Banner, who was sitting in his seat, was in high spirits. Since he chose to stay in SHIELD, he had not lost control and transformed for a long time, and it was as if the Hulk in his body had never existed.

As promised, Fury only asked Banner to participate in the secret research of the Cosmic Cube as a scientist, but did not make too many other requirements, which made him gradually relax his original vigilance.

“I heard that you once planned to copy the serum you used on me?”

Steve was obviously not very good at chatting, and one sentence directly put the situation into a rather embarrassing situation.

The gamma ray experimental accident was a scar in Banner’s heart. He was lucky to survive, but he was forced to live in this human body with another beast.

“It was an accident, and Dr. Banner was also a victim.” Coulson tried to smooth things over and continued: “You are the first successful superhero in history. Many people hope to reproduce the great achievements of Dr. Erkins. , the military made a huge investment, but was never able to achieve its goal, and finally Umbrella completed the creation of the super soldier.”

“Actually, when Dr. Banner is not transformed, he is almost like Stephen Hawking.” The middle-aged agent deliberately joked.

Banner forced a smile, while Stephen looked confused. As an old man who had been sleeping for seventy years, he didn’t know who the “Mr. Hawking” Coulson was talking about.

“Dr. Banner, is there any way you can track the Cosmic Cube?” Seeing the silence, Coulson had to change the subject.

“It depends on how many spectrometers you can find. If you use a large number of spectrometers, then calibrate them to gamma rays, set up a tracking algorithm, and through identification and filtering, you should be able to narrow down the target in a large range.”

Banner thought for a while. He is an expert in gamma rays. The Cosmic Cube itself is an energy source and releases weak interference rays all the time. It is not difficult to locate the approximate location.

The Quinjet crossed the clouds, was disturbed by the airflow and swayed slightly, quickly dived and landed, and finally stopped on a huge aircraft carrier.

This is the helicarrier that Nick Fury spent a lot of money to build and produce. The anti-gravity engine designed by Stark himself can lift this steel behemoth to an altitude of 10,000 meters. It is equipped with dozens of fighter jets and cruise missiles. The launch system and the background reflector with optical camouflage are like invisible ghosts.

The helicarrier’s maneuverability and stealth are enough to become the new headquarters of SHIELD. Like a city in the sky that never falls, it overlooks the planet and pays attention to the disturbances anywhere.


While the Avengers were gradually gathering, Loki, who had caused all the turmoil, held the scepter inlaid with blue gems and meditated alone. This was a generous gift from the great being, and it was as precious a treasure as the Rubik’s Cube.

The gem on the scepter exudes a faint light, instantly transporting its owner to another world, a desolate and dark cold space.

“The Chitauri are starting to get restless. You need to open the door to the galaxy as soon as possible.” A blurry shadow gradually became clear among the jagged rocks.

“Let them prepare themselves. I will lead my army in a great war.”

Loki’s spirit spoke to the Chitauri elders through the gems that shone with cold light. In the virtual illusion, he turned into the handsome prince wearing a deer-antlered helmet and exquisite clothes.

“War?” Elder Chitauri dismissed it, “Against those weak Earthlings?”

In their understanding, the earth’s civilization level is backward and barren, and it is not worth mentioning at all. Otherwise, Lord Thanos would not let the Chitauri army serve as the vanguard. If the opponent were the Nova Corps or the Kree, a well-known and powerful civilization in the universe, that great being might just send out the Dark Order.

Loki sneered in his heart. He didn’t bother to tell this group of arrogant Chitauri that the earth was much more dangerous than they imagined. For example, the golden figure in New Mexico last time defeated the strongest armor in God’s Domain in one fell swoop. Thor, who has regained his divine power, is no match.

From the perspective of the Chitauri, the Earth is just one of the nine kingdoms protected by Asgard. It is a primitive planet in a barbaric wilderness. When the army arrives, victory will be easy.

“You shameful loser, if Lord Thanos hadn’t put the scepter in your hands and given you ancient knowledge and new ideals – you would be nothing more than a lost dog!”

Elder Chitauri was full of disdain. He didn’t understand why that great being would hand over the power of leadership to this cunning Asgardian.

“I am the king of a country! The king of Asgard! I have been betrayed…”

Loki’s face twitched and he subconsciously retorted that it was precisely because he could not accept Odin’s deception that he took a huge risk to meet the infamous overlord of the universe.

Now that he has the Chitauri army, as long as he offers the Cosmic Cube and takes over the earth, he will soon be able to use the Chitauri biotechnology to plunder a large amount of resources and people, produce a steady stream of cheap cannon fodder, and form an invincible army. army, and then conquered the nine kingdoms, came to Asgard as a monarch, and sat on the throne again.

“Your ambition is insignificant and full of childishness. Our eyes are not just on the earth, but on the broader world that the Cube will reveal.” Elder Chitauri looked at Loki coldly, “Go and win this war. , Asgardian.”

“Remember, once you fail and don’t get what Lord Thanos wants, then you can’t hope to conquer the Nine Realms. There will no longer be a corner for you to live in the universe. No matter where you hide, we will Can be found…”

“At that time, I will make you wail and let you know what true pain is!”

Amid the stern warning from Elder Chitauri, the illusion collapsed and Loki returned to the real world. He held the scepter in his hand tightly and his body trembled slightly.

The prince of Asgard embarked on a journey of no return. He knew very well how many planetary civilizations were buried behind the illustrious name of the overlord of the universe. The countless corpses were enough to pile up into mountains that could cover the sky and the sun. Fill the vast ocean.

Wherever the Dark Order goes, it will exterminate half of the population on that planet, regardless of women, children, old or young, and its cruel reputation is widely spread.

Loki quickly got up. He relied on the scepter to control SHIELD’s Hawkeye Barton, thereby finding a group of SHIELD’s old enemies-Hydra.

They temporarily hid in a secret base. If they wanted to use the Cosmic Cube to open the door and summon the Chitauri army, they had to create a stable reactor and achieve the quantum tunnel effect with the help of a powerful power source that continuously outputs.

All of this requires a lot of equipment and manpower, and it just so happens that the secret organization with the Hydra beast as its emblem can provide all of this.

“Dr. Selvig, how much longer do you need?” Loki asked.

“There is still a shortage of iridium metal to build the reactor. It can form antiprotons. This stuff is very popular and difficult to find on the black market.” Selvig, whose mind was controlled, replied.

Both his and Barton’s consciousness were trapped in a gorgeous halo, and the colorful energy was like invisible threads, restricting their actions.

“I know where to find it.” Barton took out a compound bow, his eyes reflected a cold color, “Umbrella.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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