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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 283 The Adventures of the Hydra Team

Loki’s intrusion caused a panic. Umbrella has a strict security system. The Asgardian prince knocked down two security guards and broke into the hall. The Red Queen immediately activated the security alarm.

As a scientific research institution that cooperates closely with the military, it is undoubtedly a very reasonable thing to have its own private armed forces. Heavily armed elite soldiers swarmed in, trying to break into Umbrella rashly, and committed murders and injuries. Keep the dangerous elements in people under control.

There was a scream in the air, and long arrows tore through the airflow, accurately inserted into the soldiers’ necks, and quietly took away their lives. At the same time, a modified and reinforced Paramount Predator crashed into the hall. , the glass curtain wall shattered and splashed.

A group of fierce mercenaries jumped out of the car and quickly controlled the panic situation. The researcher in white uniform held his head in his hands and squatted on the ground, while Loki held a golden scepter like a noble prince. , looking down at all living beings with a proud attitude, looking at the trembling humble insect.

“You should be born like this. This is the unspoken truth of mankind. The temptation of freedom has deprived you of the happiness in life. You long to be enslaved. You pursue power and status crazily, but your bones are full of servility. Sooner or later, you will succumb to violence. at his feet.”

Loki spoke in a high-pitched voice as if giving a speech. His nature was such that he liked to perform and deceive, and loved vanity and praise, which was completely different from his brother Thor who advocated bravery and strength.

“Who is willing to tell me who the warehouse manager is, Mr. Benjamin?” Loki asked, looking around.

The elite warriors drawn from Hydra had already ascended along the elevator and entered Umbrella’s Tower of Babel building. Their help to the prince of Asgard was not just out of enthusiasm.

As a secret organization that has been lurking within S.H.I.E.L.D. for a long time, Hydra, like Nick Fury, is concerned about this rapidly rising scientific star. The only difference is that the black director is wary of Sean Sipers, and this The Nazi remnants took a fancy to Umbrella’s cutting-edge technology.

The Hydra team headed by Brock Rumlow hijacked a senior executive, used the other person’s work badge and iris fingerprint dual authentication, and took the elevator directly into the Tower of Babel building.

Perhaps because of the early warning issued by the Red Queen, no one was seen along the way. The senior executive was knocked unconscious by Rumlow and thrown aside casually.

They followed Bronski’s original route and broke into the giant botanical garden known privately as the “Garden of Eden”. The artificial sun hanging high above their heads simulated a suitable temperature, the humid air rushed towards them, and the lush and huge plants covered the sky. Blocking out the sun, on the green vines like pythons, there are rare animals of all sizes, such as sloths and koalas. The swamps are home to fat and clumsy rhinos, and the murky deep pool crocodiles are like pieces of dead wood. carrying float…

A complete ecological world opened its door to the Hydra team without any precautions. The originally closed area suddenly opened. Brock Rumlow was on alert. He didn’t know why there was such a huge thing inside this building. botanical garden.

The realistic wall cut off the sight of the Hydra team. The group walked through the lush jungle like a tropical rainforest. Rumlow couldn’t help but sigh from the bottom of his heart. Umbrella’s ecological simulation technology could actually achieve this level. He I almost thought I was in the Amazon rainforest of South America.

“Stoke…Sir, Stoke is behind!” came an exclamation from behind.

When the Hydra team passed through a swamp, the person following the team disappeared. In the quiet environment, there was only the sound of the breeze passing by and the rustling of insects. The water plants under the swamp were swaying and rippling. There were turbid ripples, and the long military boots stepped on the mud, as if they would sink at any time.

A sudden depressive atmosphere enveloped this team. They are all elite warriors of Hydra. They have performed many missions in dangerous areas such as Africa, South America, and the Middle East. In particular, team leader Brock Rumlow is a god. The captain of SHIELD’s rapid response special forces has rich combat experience, brilliant achievements, and an amazing resume.

“Keep quiet and move on.” Rumlow listened attentively and did not notice anything suspicious.

He had no choice but to wave his hand and move forward. The scope of this botanical garden located inside the building would definitely not be too large, and it would not take long for the boundaries to be found.

However, the Hydra team did not know that the upper and lower fifteen floors of the Tower of Babel building were connected. From the moment they entered here, they lost their sense of direction, as if they were walking in a wide horizontal tunnel.


In the swamp, predators attack brazenly!

A brown-skinned giant crocodile opened its bloody mouth, biting and rubbing with sharp fangs. In just one breath, the heavily armed elite warrior broke into two pieces at the waist, and blood gushed out like a fountain, dyeing it red. Rotting muddy ground.


Following Rumlow’s order, the powerful firepower hit the dark brown hard skin, splashing a few sparks, and the giant crocodile seemed to feel some itch as it swung its tail, smashed up large pieces of soil, and the huge sliding body collided. It came and directly knocked away the two team members who had no time to dodge.

Seeing that the Hydra team lost four members in a row, Langlom quickly retreated while holding an MP5 submachine gun and firing, cursing Umbrella’s boss in his heart, who would be mentally ill to keep a giant crocodile inside the building?

Suddenly, a thick shadow covered them. Out of inner vigilance, Rumlow lowered his head and rolled sideways to avoid the sharp wind pressure. However, the other companion was not so lucky and was covered with brown hair. Claws with sharp black hair tore him in half.

Is that a giant flying wolf?

Rumlow rolled and crawled and fled in a hurry, not caring about his teammates who were asking for help behind him. At this time, he felt that there was no more dangerous place in the world than Umbrella!

A burst of sprint rushed into the low hills, and the Hydra captain was still frightened. A giant swamp crocodile with sharp teeth and fangs, a giant wolf flying at low altitude, even if a talking gorilla appeared next, he would not care at all. will be surprised.

As a spy installed by Hydra within SHIELD, and also sitting in the position of captain of the rapid response special forces, Rumlow can barely be regarded as one of the senior figures. He has learned about Hydra’s dangerous experiments, such as replicating super Soldiers, making and transforming people and the like.

But compared to what he saw in this botanical garden, it was nothing. Those two ferocious and terrifying beasts would cause a huge chaos if they were released casually!

“I have to report as soon as possible…”

Rumlow suddenly felt his feet shaking, as if there was a sudden earthquake, and a strong wind-like air flow blew past, kicking up a dust storm.


With a deafening bang, the Hydra captain turned his head with difficulty, and a white gorilla like a giant mountain stood up, with human emotions showing on its ferocious face.


Thousands of words condensed into such a sentence, Rumlow had never been so desperate in his heart.

“George! George!”

The huge roar vibrated, setting off strong winds, which were transmitted to the simulated wall that absorbed the sound waves. The white gorilla beat its strong chest and lifted up the motionless Rumlow with two fingers.

A simple thought flashed through those beast eyes – to eat, or not to eat, that is a question.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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