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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 284 Such a weak god

Loki didn’t know yet about the tragic experience of the Hydra team. He looked at the warehouse manager Benjamin, who stood up in a cowed manner, with a sinister smile on his handsome face.

“I need some iridium metal, can you hand it over?”

Dr. Selvig’s manufacturing of a reactor requires a large amount of equipment and materials, and the metal iridium is the most critical one. If you want to open the portal to the galaxy, you must have a stable energy source with continuous output, so that you can use the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube. The powerful ability to move space and expand quantum channels.

Benjamin nodded tremblingly. Umbrella had recently purchased a large amount of metal iridium for Mr. Ivan Vanke’s Laboratory No. 3. This is one of the rarest elements in the earth’s crust, with an average mass ratio of only parts per million. 0.001, it has high melting point, high hardness and corrosion resistance, making it very suitable as an alloy additive.

In the application of particle physics, iridium is also needed in the production process of antiprotons. High-intensity proton beams are directed at a “conversion target” that must be very dense, which can more stably withstand the increase in temperature caused by the incident particle beam. The shock wave caused by the time.

“I like your cooperative attitude.” Loki waved the golden scepter, nodded and smiled.

He felt very satisfied with the submissive attitude of humans. After capturing this planet with the help of the Chitauri army, he would become the only absolute master here. At that time, he could take the first step to conquer the Nine Realms, using the abundant resources and cutting-edge technology. Technology, create cheap and massive cannon fodder legions, and launch attacks on the Nine Kingdoms.

Loki, who is familiar with Asgard, has long seen clearly that Odin is no longer the invincible strongest man a thousand years ago. He is now an old lion who has lost his ambition to be a king. No longer the overlord he once was, he could only stay on the throne of the king with peace of mind, recalling the glory of the past.

The King of Asgard is in a period of decline in strength. Forcibly interrupting Odin’s sleep has severely damaged his vitality. Coupled with the confrontation and battle with the Frost Giant King Laufey, the situation has become even worse. Even the queen, who is closest to him, Frigga was very worried.

A powerful king would not rush to choose an heir like Odin, except for one reason, that is, he is old. Even in terms of the long life of an Asgardian, the most powerful man who once rode an eight-legged horse and held the eternal spear, conquered the nine realms and expanded his territory, is now considered to be in his twilight years.

Loki, who saw through this, took the huge risk and took the initiative to lead the Chitauri army into the nine star fields. Otherwise, given Asgard’s glorious record thousands of years ago, which civilization would dare to provoke rashly? ?

You know, in the era of conquest by Hela and the Valkyrie Legion, Asgard was invincible and famous. Even the extremely powerful Nova Legion had heard about it, and the notorious overlord of the universe was also afraid of it.

“My actions are really slow…”

Loki raised his eyebrows and saw that the members of Hydra had completed their mission and moved a box of metal iridium from Umbrella’s warehouse, but the Avengers of SHIELD had not yet arrived.

The reason why he appeared so blatantly was to attract the attention of SHIELD and be taken down by the Avengers. On the one hand, he could attract the opponent’s attention and buy Dr. Selvig time; on the other hand, he could also penetrate deep into the enemy. Fang, defeat them one by one.

Loki, who has always been good at conspiracy, obtained detailed information about the Avengers from Hydra, the most dangerous Hulk, the self-proclaimed Iron Man, the old-fashioned and serious Captain America… He wanted to make these people… It is obviously impossible to achieve perfect cooperation. They have obvious weaknesses and contradictions.

“I like to use this method… Knowledge and wisdom are the most powerful weapons. Haha, how can a reckless man like Thor deserve the crown of Asgard!” Loki muttered unwillingly.

He has always been worried about Odin’s choice of his brother Thor. No matter from which aspect, he is more suitable to sit on the supreme throne of ruling the country.


A roar resounded, and Loki, who was holding a golden scepter, looked outside. A huge yellow giant crushed the off-road vehicle loaded with metal iridium. Seeing the opportunity, the Hydra soldiers attacked, but were killed by another A group of soldiers in black uniforms blocked them all.

The leader was a young man. He controlled the flames with both hands. The high-temperature fire waves surged like a tidal wave. Those Hydra soldiers who resisted were instantly turned into ashes in the blazing flames of molten gold and iron!

A steel body reflecting the cold light of the forest rushed into the panicked Hydra camp against a dense hail of bullets. He waved his heavy fists and knocked a group of powerful and ferocious mercenaries staggering.

These black warriors who arrived in time were the mutant army with Bronsky as their instructor. After a long period of training, they gradually learned to fight together and easily defeated Hydra.

Loki saw that the situation was not good, and his elegant and calm expression froze for a moment, then he held the scepter in his hand and prepared to cast an illusion and leave. Since the Avengers from S.H.I.E.L.D. have yet to arrive, there is no use in him continuing to stay.

However, things didn’t go as expected, and the mighty yellow giant suddenly broke in. Its back was covered with ferocious bone spurs, and its two thick arms had muscles bulging like hills, full of a strong sense of power.

The heavy footsteps shook the hall, and Bronski’s arm waved, directly hitting Loki who was stunned on the spot against the wall behind. The prince of Asgard was in a panic, and his whole body was embedded in the wall, as if he was being photographed. Dead flies.

“As Umbrella’s first invader, you will enjoy unusual and noble treatment.” Blonsky said in a sullen voice.

After receiving the message from the young boss, he led the mutant army to arrive quickly and subdued the Hydra soldiers with efficient actions. Judging from the location given by the Red Queen, he was searching for the remaining intruders.

According to the information given by the artificial intelligence, most of the intruders in the main tower of the minaret were captured alive or killed on the spot. However, there were still some people who did not care about life and death and actually broke into the Tower of Babel building used for biological modification. I hope they Not torn to pieces by the raging behemoth raised by the boss.

Anyone who offends the young boss will generally not end well, and Bronski knows this well.

“Enough! You lowly and lowly fellows! I am a god!”

Seeing the extremely powerful yellow giant charging towards him again, Loki pulled himself out of the wall with both hands, his handsome face full of anger. He was the prince of Asgard, with a noble status, and he was born to rule all living beings. The king of.

“I won’t let you ants…”

Before Loki could finish his words, he lost control of his body, and his handsome, noble face was in close contact with the hard floor.

Bang bang bang bang!

The prince of Asgard was like a sandbag, held in Bronski’s hand and smashed wildly, causing the floor masonry to crack and debris to fly everywhere.

“What a weak god.”

Bronski held the weakling who called himself “god” in his hand, looked at the other person’s dull face, and subconsciously shook him a few more times.

Bang bang bang!

Loki put his hands on his chest, his handsome face covered with scars, and he lay in the cracks on the floor with a desperate expression.

“The earth is so dangerous…” Such thoughts flashed through my mind.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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