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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 286 Mind

“Queen mother…”

A lonely mountain peak stood in the night. Among the jagged rocks, two princes from Asgard faced each other. When Thor mentioned his mother, Loki’s cold eyes softened.

He hated Odin’s deception from the bottom of his heart, but he never complained about the Queen Frigga who raised him. Her unstinting tenderness and love were enough to warm the Frost Giant blood flowing in his body.

“We all grew up in Asgard, played together, and fought together. Have you forgotten all this?” Thor asked loudly.

He didn’t understand why this troubled brother always harbored resentment. Even though they were not brothers of the same blood, the friendship they shared since childhood was not adulterated in the slightest.

“I have always lived in your shadow. Odin gave me hope and then extinguished it with his own hands. Do you know how cruel this is? I have seen a new world that you don’t know. During those days when I was alone and wandering , the vast universe unfolds before my eyes.”

Loki roared angrily, veins jumping on his forehead. His arrogance came from his inner inferiority, and the blood of the Frost Giants flowed in his body. No matter how he defended himself, he could not erase the fact that he was not the royal family of Asgard.

This was a heavy blow to Loki, who had grown up in Asgard. The education he received since childhood made him despise the frost giants of Jotunheim and regard them as the old enemies of the wild world. However, when he uncovered the truth, he found that he was one of them.

It is precisely because of this that this god of trickery, who had a rough fate, wanted to prove his determination to Odin by destroying Jotunheim. Unfortunately, all this was not favored and appreciated by the King of Asgard.

“Give up these ridiculous dreams.” Thor didn’t want to continue arguing. He had never been a match for his younger brother in terms of words. “Come home with me, the queen is still waiting for you.”

The Rainbow Bridge has not yet been rebuilt. Thor was able to come to Earth only because Odin paid a huge price and mobilized unimaginable dark energy to build a transmission channel. If he wants to return to Asgard, he must get the Cosmic Cube.

“It’s not in my hands.”

A cold smile appeared on Loki’s handsome face. He did not deny that he hesitated for a moment and wanted to follow Thor back to Asgard.

But thinking of the suffering he had endured, the overlord of the universe’s confession, and the Chitauri army wandering beyond the galaxy… Loki immediately extinguished any trace of weakness in his heart. There was no turning back.

“Listen carefully, brother…”

Thor frowned and raised Mjolnir in his hand. Before he could finish his words, a flash of fire flashed quickly, leading the Asgardian prince towards the forest below.

The steel armor plowed deep ravines in the soft ground covered with fallen leaves. Thor climbed up in embarrassment. He stared at the Midgardian wearing strange armor, with violent anger filling his chest.

“Do you know who you are facing?”

Although the last trip to the earth made Thor grow a lot and he is no longer as successful as before, the arrogance and arrogance that Asgardians are born with will always be difficult to erase.

“A drama actor?” Tony curled his lips and started a wave of mean taunts, “Did you steal mom’s shawl? Man, Halloween hasn’t come yet, and playing house is a bit inappropriate for you. “

When the arrogant Thor meets the poisonous Iron Man, what kind of sparks will happen?

There is no doubt that it is a fiery battle.


Putting aside the first meeting with the Avengers for the moment, his eyes turned back to Umbrella who had regained her composure.

Hawkeye Barton opened his eyes, and confusion filled his head. He originally sneaked into the main tower of the spire and prepared to coordinate Hydra’s actions, but a chimpanzee appeared out of nowhere and disrupted the plan.

The chimpanzee, whose singing was as loud as noise and was nearly ten feet tall, wore mechanical equipment similar to an exoskeleton. The pulse cannon in his right palm directly knocked Barton to the ground.

When he woke up again, he was already sitting on a metal chair, his movements restricted, and the surroundings were dark and silent.

As a top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Barton is no stranger to this situation. He has extensive experience in dealing with interrogations. As the door opened, a tall figure walked over.

“Clint Barton, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., why do you have to work for Hydra?” The deep voice was full of teasing.

Barton’s pupils shrank, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face. In addition to being a marksman with the nickname “Eagle Eye”, he also developed sensitive senses and night vision, and could still see clearly even in a dim environment. The face sitting across from me.

“Sean Sipers?”

Even though he was controlled by Loki’s mind scepter, Barton still remembered the young man in front of him. Natasha was lurking beside him, and Nick Fury also paid great attention to him.

“You shouldn’t say my name, Agent Patton. Generally speaking, if you recognize the bad guy in the movie, the end will usually not be good.” Sean was not surprised, but showed a relaxed expression, “I’m curious, what do you think? What has happened? Is your consciousness clear or confused?”

“I know what I am doing, and that scepter allows me to see my next target.” Barton said coldly.

Those eyes full of cold colors contained no emotion, like sharp arrows. The illusion of the Mind Stone confused his sight, and the wonderful power made Barton intoxicated.

This senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. saw his past experiences and his loving wife, everything was so clear, and the only difference was that Loki’s figure flashed in the light.

Barton’s will was unknowingly manipulated. He has not lost his ability to think independently, but he must surrender to the other party, otherwise everything he owns will cease to exist.

“I think you will definitely not cooperate and tell where the Cosmic Cube is hidden, nor will you reveal anything about Loki.”

Patton, who is a former agent, is naturally not afraid of being tortured to extract confessions. His consciousness is under control and he will absolutely obey any order given by Loki. There is no thought of betrayal at all.

“It doesn’t matter, I can do it myself.”

Sean smiled gently, stretched out his hand, and touched Barton’s forehead with his fingertips, his thoughts piercing into the other person’s mind like a sharp cone.

Severe pain came, as if the brain was opened, a cup of boiling hot water was poured in, and then an iron solder was inserted to stir it up. All consciousness and memory became a mess, like intricate lines intertwined, and the memory was The clips are flowing like a tidal wave.

Barton struggled desperately, veins broke out on his forehead, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. Even with his tenacious will after years of training, he couldn’t help but let out a miserable howl.

Sean was unmoved. His mind was fighting against another force, which was the wonderful power from the Mind Stone. It was like two ferocious armies colliding and impacting, bursting out with hidden fluctuations.

“It’s really interesting. It shapes consciousness, twists the mind, and even gives life different personalities.”

Sean slowly stopped his hand. He sensed the wonderful ability of the infinite stones. They are the embodiment of the origin of the universe. They can easily change the rules and possess incredible power.

“Let’s start with the Cosmic Cube.”

Glancing at the unconscious Hawkeye Barton, Sean shook his head and smiled. Instead of following the trajectory of the world, it was better to write the plot himself.

The stream of light on the chest covered it, golden flames fluttered, and the sentinel appeared again.

ps: Seriously recommend the book, “Interstellar White Rabbit Candy”. Anyway, it is a very interesting book. Although it is still a seedling that needs watering, the more you raise it, the fatter it will be~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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