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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 287 Invasion of Hydra

Noisy shouts, noisy footsteps, and dazzling flames burst out from the muzzle.

“What is this place?”

Sean opened his eyes in a daze, and his consciousness resurfaced, as if he was waking up from a dream.

He saw dense bullets hitting his body, and the metal cartridge case carrying strong kinetic energy seemed to hit a copper wall. The warhead seemed to be squeezed by a huge force and deflated directly.

His vision wavered a few times, perhaps due to stimulation from the outside world, and his drowsy mind gradually sobered up. He turned his head slightly and observed the surrounding scene.

The air was filled with turbid dust, and there were bright white light bulbs overhead, illuminating the dim environment. Complex cables and pipes were laid on the walls, which looked like underground fortifications or secret bases.

“What happened?” The second question popped up in Sean’s mind.

He had never encountered such a situation before. He was in a trance and confused, like a drunkard who woke up the next morning with a huge hangover from a carnival, a splitting headache, fragmented memories, and everything that happened before was forgotten.

When Sean came into this world, he never let down his inner vigilance. With his physical condition, he was completely immune to the influence of alcohol, and it was impossible for him to lose his temper and get drunk alone.

Even if he drinks a bottle of vodka from a wine cellar, he may not feel “drunk”, let alone forget what happened before.


He lowered his head. He was in golden armor. The torrent of metal that shredded everything could not cause any harm. Even if the energy field did not rise, those sharp bullets that penetrated the human body and tore flesh and blood hit the body. I just felt a slight itch.


Sean saw groups of soldiers wearing black uniforms with Hydera badges on their chests. He seemed to remember something and raised his right hand, carrying a suitcase on it.

Looking through the shell, a huge blue halo was released from it. That was…the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube?

His consciousness kept going back, and the drowsiness receded like a tide. Sean finally regained his clarity of mind, and his rapid thinking was like lightning passing by, instantly piercing the fog in his mind.

Loki led the Hydra team in an attempt to obtain the materials for building a reactor from Umbrella, and then the Umbrella team captured them all. He changed his mind and wanted to be the first to get the Infinity Stones to welcome the arrival of Thanos in advance…

So, this is Hydra’s secret base?

Through Skynet’s surveillance, he found the secret base hidden by Hydra, broke in all the way, and took the Cosmic Cube from Dr. Selvig’s hand?

Before Sean could answer this series of questions, he heard the faint sound of the barrel of a gun turning. Teams of Hydra agents carrying heavy firepower weapons rushed in from underground passages from all directions, accompanied by thunderous sounds. Roaring, dazzling tongues of fire flashed, like the breath of a giant dragon, and the blazing iron current swallowed up the standing golden figure.

Like a raging rainstorm! Like roaring thunderclouds! Like an exploding sun!

The barrel of the gun rotated like the flying rudder of a clock, and bullets poured out from it, spraying at an unimaginable speed. The thunderous roar shook the eardrums, as if you were in a rioting thunderstorm.

Even a steel plate two fingers thick will be crushed into powder under such a fierce fire!

Command Post No. 1 of the underground base. The commander of Hydra located here is John Garrett. As a senior spy lurking within S.H.I.E.L.D., he is responsible for helping Loki implement the plan and provoke more chaos. Get intel on Asgard and alien technology.

Hydra knows more about the Cosmic Cube than S.H.I.E.L.D. During World War II, the leader Red Skull developed unlimited energy, manufactured cutting-edge weapons, and almost won the grand war that swept the world in one fell swoop.

Therefore, Garrett has always focused his attention on Dr. Selvig. When the intruder appeared as soon as possible, he sent people to protect him. As a result, in less than ten seconds, these elite soldiers all became cold. corpse.

“Sentinel?” Garrett asked in a deep voice.

Dozens of surveillance personnel are busy working nervously. The miniature cameras all over the underground base form a clear picture. Hundreds of screens form a wall. They are not only used to be wary of intruders and observe all disturbances, but also to monitor Loki. every move, and even directly control the internal weapon system to carry out precise strikes anytime and anywhere.

“Confirmed to be the Sentinel that once appeared in New York.” A Hydra agent replied.

“Activate the active defense system and organize all personnel to block the passage! Personnel in the remaining districts evacuate quickly. If necessary, cruise missiles can be used for carpet bombing!”

Garrett’s heart sank. The files on the Sentinels had very high authority in SHIELD and were classified as high-risk, on the same level as the newly added Hulk. Faced with a terrifying existence of this level, he could only do everything possible to stop the opponent’s actions.

But after being baptized head-on by the metal storm, no matter how powerful a creature is, it will be seriously injured, right?

“He’s still alive! He moved…”

The sound stopped suddenly, and there was a dead silence in the monitoring room, as if everyone was being strangled.

If time slowed down and turned into a frame-by-frame slow motion, Garrett could see the hot iron stream jetting out from the rotating barrel, and the air along the way seemed to be scorched, giving off a scorching glow. The smell of paste and the golden-red light form a sharp cutting knife, smashing any obstacles in front of you!

And the golden figure who was standing still took a step forward, and the underground passage echoed with a huge wave of thunder, like a roaring wave, and the earth trembled!

Countless dust particles splashed, the unstoppable hot iron flow suddenly stopped, the space seemed to freeze, and then the next moment——

The tyrannical power was like a volcano erupting, and the fierce momentum broke through the solid passage. With a loud rumbling sound, thousands of metal bullets wrapped in strong fireworks rolled back like ocean waves!

The passage in front collapsed instantly, golden and red fireworks exploded, and the Hydra agent was crushed into a ball of mud, and even the human shape could not be seen.

The sentry took another step, and countless tiny dust spread in ripples, huge cracks opened on the ground, violent energy swept out, and the compressed air exploded like cannonballs!

This fortification, located 40 meters deep underground, is said to be able to withstand 125 tons of ammunition. The surrounding walls are reinforced and composed of hundreds of meters of granite, special concrete and steel plates, which can absorb the shock waves generated by missile bombings. , even if a large-yield hydrogen bomb is dropped, it is enough to sustain it, and it can be said to be impregnable.

However, under the energy impact of the Sentinels, it was like countless powder barrels detonated in the air, and the entire underground base shook and trembled. Even Garrett, who was far away in the control room, could feel it. Hundreds of screens on the walls were dimmed one after another. , flashing with dense snowflake spots.

“Retreat! Give up the stronghold!” Garrett ordered quickly.

He didn’t know why the Sentinel wanted to seize the Cosmic Cube, but judging from the current situation, Hydra would definitely not be able to stop the opponent’s actions. Instead of consuming its strength, it would be better to evacuate as soon as possible.

“Activate the self-destruct system!”

Before leaving, this veteran agent, who was as rough as a cowboy, did not give up the idea of ​​killing the sentry.

Once this underground base is destroyed from the inside, the stored missile launch system will automatically detonate, and it will be buried directly by hundreds of tons of soil. Even a monster like the Hulk will have a very low survival rate.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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