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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 29 The show is about to begin

The evening in New York has a charming style, and the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the bustling city, like a charming beauty who cannot leave.

Harry returned home in frustration, looking downcast, as if he had suffered a huge blow. His rather handsome young face was full of a look of loss.

In recent times, the stock price of Osborne Industries has been declining. With the exposure of the Green Goblin incident, public opinion has become one-sided. People have poured out their anger towards Osborne Industries. If they had done a good job in crisis public relations, this would It’s not a big deal, but my father has been staying shut, as if he doesn’t care about the crisis the company is encountering. He stays in his room all day long and doesn’t want to see anyone.

The leaderless Osborne Industries is now in a precarious situation. I heard that many shareholders on the board of directors are secretly contacting Wall Street bankers to prepare to dismantle this huge enterprise involving biogenetics, technology, energy and other fields. Divide and reorganize to reap huge benefits.

Harry, who knew all this, was extremely anxious, but he had no way to solve the problems encountered by Osborne Industries. At this time, the young master of the Osborne family discovered that his girlfriend was actually having a relationship with his best friend Peter. , with some ambiguous feelings.

Under the double blow, Harry felt a little decadent for a while, and his mood became extremely low. On the one hand, the business empire that his father had worked hard to build for half his life was now in danger of falling apart; on the other hand, his best friend, whom he had known for many years, and his beloved The girl had an unclear relationship, and these complex and tangled problems made his mind confused.

“It would be nice if that guy Sean was here.” Harry thought as he dragged his tired body.

Sean’s whereabouts have been elusive recently, and no one can be found. Even Gwen, who usually walks with him, doesn’t know what this guy has been up to recently. Without a trusted friend to talk to about his depression, Harry can only lose his mind. ‘s back home.

In the bedroom upstairs, Norman Osborne was shut up, holding his head in his hands with a painful expression on his face. There seemed to be a terrible demon in his mind, whispering constantly.

The ferocious demon helmet hung on the chair, like Norman Osborne’s other self, and the evil voice lingered in his ears——

“Maybe Spider-Man is invincible, but we can destroy Peter Parker!” Not long ago, Norman discovered Spider-Man’s true identity, which was his son’s friend Peter Parker.

“I can’t do it…” The president of Osborne Industries seemed to be enduring great pain at this time.

“I will never tolerate betrayal. I must teach him a lesson!” The voice in his mind became more and more severe.

Norman was trembling all over. After a while of silence, he turned around and looked at the ferocious demon helmet and asked, “What should I do?”

“Teach him what pain and loss are, let him suffer, let him live a life worse than death!”

Norman knelt down in front of the demon helmet, as if succumbing to another evil self, and the voice in his mind became clear: “Start with the person he cares about first, the red-haired girl, Peter Parker’s true love!”

The Green Goblin’s evil personality completely gained the upper hand and dominated Norman Osborn’s consciousness and body. He put on that ferocious demon helmet and unleashed the violence and negative emotions in his heart.

“I dominate New York tonight!”


The night breeze was blowing, and Sean and Gwen were strolling down the street with their bags. The neon lights were shining brightly, and the colorful billboards reflected the bustle of New York City.

After a busy day, Sean originally planned to go home directly, but on the way he met Gwen who was about to go shopping at the mall. At the girl’s invitation, he also bought a bunch of snacks, drinks and comic books. The little loli at home has been very well-behaved recently, so she should be rewarded appropriately.

“I live with my cousin in Canada. Her parents were in a car accident and she had no other relatives, so she had no choice but to come and seek refuge with me. It’s so pitiful for such a young child to be sent to an orphanage.”

Sean explained calmly, with a look of compassion in his eyes, as if he was feeling sad for his cousin’s unfortunate life experience. Such superb acting skills can definitely win an Oscar.

“You know, I lost my parents when I was very young, so every time I see Mindy, it’s like seeing myself as a child.”

Sean sighed, with a trace of sadness on his face, as if he was recalling some sad past. This made Gwen on the side feel both sympathy and appreciation. Even though he encountered many misfortunes in his life, this young boy still did not leave. It’s really admirable to go astray and face life positively instead!

Seeing that Gwen completely believed this statement, Sean secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It is believed that this enthusiastic and generous blond girl will no longer secretly inquire about his family situation.

Because in the carnival, Sean staged a romantic drama of a hero saving a beautiful girl, Gwen has always been very concerned about her. On the contrary, she has no feelings for Peter who was supposed to be with her, and she remains a normal friend. relationship.

This makes Sean feel like he’s trying to break into the young Spider-Man every time he meets him, but given his character, he certainly doesn’t feel guilty.

“Oh, by the way, what are you busy with Dr. Connors recently? I don’t see you almost every day.” The girl asked curiously, holding a pile of ingredients and CDs.

“Dr. Connors has found the formula for the decay rate algorithm, but it has not been able to solve the conflict and repulsion of biological genes. This is an issue that he and I have been working hard on recently.”

Sean said in a relaxed tone that he gave the formula of the decay rate algorithm to Connors precisely because he wanted to use the other party’s scientific research capabilities to complete this historically breakthrough experimental project.

Gwen covered her mouth in surprise. She didn’t expect that Sean, who had just been an intern for a short time, could already be deeply involved in the experimental process. For a student who had not yet graduated, this was like a miracle. A night story.

The two of them strolled through the bustling streets of New York, chatting with each other about some interesting anecdotes that happened at school. They occasionally talked about the complicated feelings between Harry, Peter, and Mary Jane. Unknowingly, the cheerful atmosphere became a bit… A subtle, vague atmosphere of ambiguity spreads between men and women.

“That… Sean!”

Gwen suddenly called out to the young boy walking in front of her. The usually lively and beautiful blond girl had a childish and innocent shyness at the moment. Even Sean, who had always remained calm, couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

Just when Gwen was brewing her emotions and was about to pour out her inner feelings, a sharp siren pierced the night sky, and several police cars broke through the crowded traffic and drove towards the Brooklyn Bridge not far away.

“It seems something happened.”

Sean squinted his eyes and looked with his eyesight, and found that a huge crane was operating on the Brooklyn Bridge, and there seemed to be a school bus hanging outside the bridge.

In the hazy night sky, a figure was flying up and down, and two tiny firelights flickered.

That’s…the Green Goblin?

The corner of Sean’s mouth curled up slightly. Seeing the thrilling scene of a school bus being hoisted high in the sky by a crane on the Brooklyn Bridge, he had a vague suspicion in his heart.

Is the show about to begin?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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