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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 290 The first one is obtained

This was Loki’s seventh day aboard the Helicarrier. The confident prince of Asgard rarely showed signs of irritability and panic.

Things shouldn’t be like this…

In his original plan, he used words to provoke conflicts between the Avengers and intensify their conflicts, such as irritating the Hulk and making the big man angry and creating greater chaos, or taking advantage of the interaction between Iron Man and Captain America. Mistrust, and the truth that S.H.I.E.L.D. is hiding.

In fact, Loki’s series of actions did successfully achieve his goal. Tony Stark pointed out that the reason why Nick Fury developed the Cosmic Cube was not to create unlimited energy, but to develop cutting-edge weapons. It was announced by Jarvis, and Steve Rogers also found the energy weapons put into production from the warehouse.

The contradictions between the Avengers are numerous, and it is easy to find a breakthrough point, but the subsequent changes caught Loki off guard.

He did not wait for Hawkeye Barton’s rescue, and the positioning signal from SHIELD’s search for the Cosmic Cube was immediately interrupted and disappeared, and the matter was in a deadlock.

This prince of Asgard, who is good at conspiracy, has truly become a prisoner in a cell, losing all contact with the outside world, and the scepter that controls the mind is not around.

It was like writing a script, only to find that the entire story had been tampered with. An inexplicable anger filled Loki’s chest. What was even more suffocating was that Nick Fury came to question him every three days. Plan, where is the Cosmic Cube hidden? What exactly is Dr. Selvig trying to make?

Regarding these questions, Loki said that he also wanted to know why Dr. Selvig has not opened the Cosmic Cube and established a transmission channel? And why is he still locked up in this circular cell?

According to the original plan, he should use the energy device of Stark Tower at this time to activate the Cosmic Cube and lead the arrival of the Chitauri army. All the Avengers composed of superheroes will fall at his feet, and the planet will welcome Come to a new master.

“What went wrong?”

Loki was puzzled. He couldn’t figure out what went wrong, causing all his plans to collapse.

The same problem arises with the Prince of Asgard in the cell and Bruce Banner. SHIELD asked him to board the Helicarrier and join the Avengers because they wanted to use that genius mind. Find the location of the Cosmic Cube.

Banner originally planned to search for the gamma rays of the cube and use filtering methods to locate the target within half a mile. However, the signal from the Cosmic Cube was interrupted a few days ago, which made his work a complete failure.

Not only that, this makeshift team was quarreling every day. Tony Stark invaded SHIELD’s core system and found the development project about the Cosmic Cube, while Nick Fury dumped the blame on the spectators. Thor, the god of thunder, claimed that it was the threat from Asgard that prompted him to prepare for an advanced war.

All in all, this helicarrier is a mess, and Banner can’t wait to get back to the ground. Maybe this is some kind of psychological problem, just like some people get motion sickness or seasickness. He hates the monotonous living environment every day.


“Is this the Infinity Stone?”

The girl in red seemed to be plucking the strings of a piano, and her fingertips moved the cube suspended in the air. The faint blue light flickered, and there were tiny ripples in the void, like circles of ripples rippling out, colorful and brilliant lights. The halo is looming, like the vast Milky Way slowly rotating, making people want to go deeper and explore it.

Qin’s spiritual power slowly extended, as if touching the boundless starry sky, and the unknown world opened its door to her.

“This is the Space Stone – one of the six Infinity Stones. They are all embodiments of the supreme rules of the universe and possess incredible power.”

Sean didn’t hide it. He stared at the slowly rotating cube. The obscure energy fluctuations radiated outwards, gently colliding with the void, causing tiny ripples.

After obtaining the Cosmic Cube from Hydra’s underground base, he devoted all his energy and time to studying the infinite mysteries contained in the cube, while Loki and the Avengers were thrown aside.

The comatose Dr. Selvig and the amnesiac Hawkeye Barton were only remembered not long ago. I hope that the Asgardian prince will not feel that he is about to be forgotten.

“Those younger generations of mutants, they idolize you, especially John.”

Qin stopped playing with the Rubik’s Cube and sat sideways on the young man’s legs, her warm breath stirring her lover’s heart.

“I just told them a new truth. The talents of mutants are not a curse. Those innate abilities can lead to better development.”

Sean held his arms around the girl’s slender waist, and her bright red hair was as bright as fire, exuding a charming charm. He valued Burning John and Iceman Bobby very much. These two young guys had opposite personalities, but both had good potential.

The former is extremely thirsty for power and is full of ambition and motivation, while the latter is emotionally restrained without losing composure and calmness. When the generation of Professor and Magneto grows old and recedes from the stage of history, they will be the new leaders.

“Why don’t you just wait in peace? Let that Asgardian bring the Chitauri army to Earth, and let you save the world and become the much-anticipated superhero and the savior of mankind!”

Qin put her hands around the young man’s neck and asked quietly.

She stayed by Sean’s side and learned a lot of secrets, the infinite stones, the nine kingdoms, and the covetous overlord of the universe.

“If you want to be a hero, you have to pay a price.” Sean said with emotion, “If God is omniscient and omnipotent, then he must save everyone. If not, then he must not be omniscient and omnipotent.”

“The same is true for heroes. The Avengers save the world. They get cheers and admiration from people, but who thinks about what happens if they fail?”

Sean stretched out his hand, and the invisible force hit the floating and rotating Cosmic Cube. As if being stimulated, a dazzling light burst out from the cube, and the space was infected with a faint blue. The whole world shook slightly, and a violent wave was set off in the void. The endless and bizarre galaxies appear, like opening a door to the unknown.

Dots of starlight emerged. In the open dome on the top floor of Umbrella, the blue light swirled like a starry sky, with the shining Milky Way wandering in it. Qin nestled on Sean’s solid and generous chest, looking at the colorful illusory starry sky with blurred eyes. The vast spiritual power allowed her to sense that the phantom-like galaxy contained endless majestic energy.

“It’s really addicting.” The girl said quietly.

The golden light in Sean’s eyes became more intense, like a dazzling flame condensed into substance. He held the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube hanging in the air, and wisps of gentle energy was injected along his arms, flowing through every tiny cell in his body, blending into the golden color. In the torrent.

Peeling off the cube shell of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, beneath the solid and stable outer structure is an oval-shaped blue gem, soft and translucent, making people reluctant to look away.

“I got one, and there are five more left.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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