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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 292 The end of shock

“How is this going?”

Sharp questions rang out, and Loki, who was holding the spiritual scepter in his hand, was shouting hoarsely. He completely lost the calm and noble demeanor before, and instead acted like a shrew.

An hour ago, with the cooperation of Hydra and Hawkeye Barton, Loki was successfully rescued from the Helicarrier, and at the same time created a huge chaos for SHIELD. The Hulk and Thor The attack almost blew the endangered ship to pieces.

Later, one jumped off the ship and disappeared, and the other was thrown into the circular cell where Loki was held and made a free fall from an altitude of 9,000 meters. Nick Fury must also have a headache, how to clean up the mess.

Thought to be the most powerful superhero group in the world, it collapsed in a short period of time.

This is exactly what Loki wants to achieve, to cause trouble for SHIELD to take care of itself, so that he can free up his hands to open the Cosmic Cube and meet the mighty Chitauri army.

But when Loki regained his freedom and was about to implement the last step of his plan, Hawkeye Barton, whose mind was controlled and became his loyal dog, told him that the Cosmic Cube and Dr. Selvig were missing.

The bad news was like a bolt from the blue, leaving Loki confused.

“Incompetent waste! My great plan…”

The prince of Asgard was so angry that he couldn’t speak. He carefully directed a good show, seizing the Cube, surrendering himself to become a prisoner of S.H.I.E.L.D., playing tricks on dividing the Avengers, and then he only needed to open the teleportation gate to the galaxy. You can harvest flowers and applause yourself, and be crowned the sole master of this planet.

This is undoubtedly an excellent drama. I could have worn a crown on my head, accepted the worship of hundreds of millions of creatures, and ended with a noble gesture.

However, the whereabouts of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, an important prop for executing the plan, is unknown. It’s like a game in which the situation is evenly matched. At the last moment, when you prepare to advance to the enemy’s lair, the power goes out and the screen goes black.

The huge psychological gap made the Asgardian prince seem to fall from the clouds and fall heavily into the mud. He could not recover for a while. He lost the Cosmic Cube, which meant that he could not lead the Chitauri army. More importantly, he could not complete the mission assigned by the cosmic overlord.

Thinking of the thunderous wrath he was about to face, Loki shuddered suddenly, and a chill surged from the bottom of his heart. He never expected that it would end like this.

“Who took away the Cosmic Cube?” Loki asked sharply.

He must find the cube again, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. Once he offends that great being, even Odin cannot save himself.

Just as the Chitauri elders threatened before, the universe is so vast that there will no longer be room for Loki.

“Sentinel,” one HYDRA member replied.

There was a puzzled look on Loki’s face. He had not been on Earth for a long time and had never heard of this name at all. The only one who knew something about it was probably the Avengers of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hydra provided important intelligence, allowing the Prince of Asgard to know every Avenger in detail so that he could formulate a targeted plan.

“This is a dangerous man.” Hawkeye Barton told what he knew. “SHIELD doesn’t know the origin and identity of Sentinel. His first appearance was when Spider-Man encountered danger in a battle. The whole process unfolded. Out of his great strength, Nick Fury classified the opponent’s file as a high-risk level, the same as the Hulk.”

“Moreover, during the Hulk’s New York battle, it was the Sentinels who stopped the Hulk’s destruction head-on… No one knew his purpose. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. investigated with all its strength, it could not trace out any information, as if this person did not exist at all. Same.”

“Damn bastard!”

Loki cursed in a low voice. He hated this feeling of losing control. He didn’t even know who his opponent was. It was like a punch punched in the air, unable to find any clue or direction.

The Prince of Asgard, who has always liked to play the role of the mastermind or conspirator behind the scenes, experienced this feeling for the first time, being played around by others but unable to catch the other party’s traces.

When the prince of Asgard was anxious and troubled, the spiritual scepter in his hand vibrated violently, and he sank into the spiritual world with an ugly expression.

In the desolate space, the illusory figure of the Chitauri elder appeared among the jagged rocks, his cold eyes like a poisonous snake clinging to Loki’s body, full of malice and ridicule.

“You kept us waiting too long.”

Yin’s voice was full of dissatisfaction. The Chitauri army had been preparing for a long time, but they still couldn’t see the signal from Loki.

“There was a little surprise…”

“Lord Thanos is very disappointed. He gave you the supreme scepter and the indestructible Iron Legion, but you can’t even handle this little thing.”

Loki tried to argue, but was interrupted sharply by the Chitauri elder. The illusory figure approached him, and his cold eyes wandered over the Asgard prince.

Loki, wearing an antlered helmet and gorgeous robes, felt his heart skip a beat. He knew that the elders who commanded the Chitauri legion had been coveting the power of the scepter, trying to wrest the command from him.

For the unfathomable cosmic overlord, there is only one goal, and that is to obtain the Cosmic Cube.

However, in the eyes of Loki and Elder Chitauri, they have completely different views. They are not the big figures who stand among the powerful people in the universe. The rich resources of this planet and the division and occupation of the nine star regions are the two people. The spoils of trouble.

Loki wants to occupy the earth and thus enter the nine star fields, while the Chitauri elders are eager to plunder and expand their own strength. The two sides have conflicts that are difficult to reconcile.

“I need time……”

“Sorry! There’s no extra time.” Elder Chitauri said with a proud smile. “Lord Thanos is already on the way. Under my advice, he decided to take action himself.”

Loki’s heart was filled with turmoil. If the overlord of the universe took action himself, what else would he be able to accomplish?

“You, this lost dog, will soon be beaten back to your original shape.” The illusory figure sneered coldly, his tone full of disdain.

The Chitauri, who admire the strong, sincerely look down on cunning people like Loki who rely on rhetoric and intrigue to climb to the top. They only submit to the true overlord.

The iron-blooded chancellor of Germany once said that truth is only within the range of a cannon. This sentence is equally applicable in the vast universe.

The reason why the Chitauri surrendered to Thanos and were willing to become the other party’s lackeys was because of the powerful power of the overlord of the universe. No one has ever dared to disobey Thanos’ will.

“I am the future King of Asgard!” Loki roared menacingly.

He still tried to keep the last shred of dignity and not be completely underestimated by the Chitauri elders.

“Asgard?” The illusory figure smiled strangely, and he sneered coldly, “There will be no more Asgard. Lord Thanos decided to meet your father in person, claiming to be the king of the gods. Your Majesty Odin.”

The illusion was shattered, but Elder Chitauri’s voice still echoed in his ears, like an icy cold current eroding his whole body.

Loki’s eyes showed a trace of panic. He clenched the scepter in his hand and subconsciously looked at the distant sky.

There is Asgard.

ps: Damn it! Just click send!

Cry (T_T)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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