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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 293 Before the War Comes

“…Agent Coulson died.”

In the dilapidated and messy bridge command room, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s logistics staff were cleaning up the mess. With the cooperation of Iron Man and Captain America, they finally repaired the No. 3 engine that was damaged by the explosion, so that the ship would not be devastated like a space fortress. The mothership lost control and fell.

The medical team shuttled inside the huge ship, searching for and treating the wounded in the attack. Fortunately, the Hydra agents led by Hawkeye Barton just wanted to create greater chaos so that they could rescue Luo who was locked in the cell. Basically, there was no large-scale exchange of fire between the two sides, and the number of casualties was not as high as expected.

The only thing that caused huge damage to the Helicarrier may be the fierce battle between Thor and the Hulk. The former fell into Loki’s trick and was imprisoned in a special cell created by SHIELD for Banner. Free-falling at high altitude; the latter destroyed a fighter jet and then disappeared.

“This was found in Agent Coulson’s jacket. He never got the chance to ask you for your autograph.”

The black director threw a stack of cards on the table. The blood stains on them were particularly dazzling. They were Captain America collector’s edition character cards that have been popular since their release in the last century. If they were auctioned online, they would definitely attract a large number of people. Ticket comic fans.

Almost all children in this country have read comics about the war hero Steve Rogers, and Coulson is one of them. It is said unceremoniously that Captain America is simply his childhood idol.

“We are in a blind state, the communication system is destroyed, the whereabouts of the Cosmic Cube cannot be found, Banner and Thor have also disappeared… I have lost my best right-hand man, and all this is my own fault.”

Nick Fury put his hands on the table and began to play the tragedy card. Although Coulson’s sacrifice made him feel sad, but as a veteran agent’s keen intuition, he also understood that this was a rare opportunity. Let this group of rebellious and difficult-to-integrate Avengers unite.

Tony looked gloomy and Steve remained silent. They all realized the cruelty of this war. When someone in the team bleeds, is injured, and pays his life, all conflicts will be temporarily eliminated.

“Stark is right. We originally planned to use the Cosmic Cube to create cutting-edge weapons, but I didn’t put all my bets on it. Instead, I used it on a more risky plan.” Fury He said eloquently that he wanted to work hard to make the Avengers put aside their prejudices, “That is my ideal, Avengers! Gather the most outstanding people in the world together so that they can play their greatest role.”

“When humanity needs them most, these superheroes will be able to work together to fight against powerful enemies that SHIELD is not confident of defeating.”

The black director’s tone is sincere and emotional. He knows how to impress others. Captain America is a pure idealist who believes in freedom and justice, while Iron Man Tony Stark is more realistic.

To deal with these two people, high-sounding empty words like maintaining world security and rescuing the human crisis are actually of little use. One is a veteran of World War II and has seen the cruelty of war and the hypocrisy of politics, and the other is a former arms tycoon. , understand the laws of interests in the real world.

Aren’t they just enthusiastic young people who would let Nick Fury give a few impassioned speeches and then throw away all their doubts and join SHIELD as a backbone?

“Coulson believed in this ideal until his death. He believed in the existence of superheroes.”

Tony lowered his head, and the cynical smile faded from his face. He knew Agent Coulson, who saved Pepper during the crisis at Obadiah Stane, and later served as a liaison with SHIELD. The relationship is pretty good.

Iron Man’s mood at this time was like walking out of a humid cave on the front line in Afghanistan. He was full of anger, but also had a trace of self-blame and guilt. It can be said that there were not many such complex emotions in his thirty years of life. See.

The word regret has always rarely appeared in Stark’s dictionary. The only two times were probably when he failed to say goodbye to his dead father and when he allowed an innocent good man to sacrifice his life for him.

“It’s only three things…haha.”

Tony laughed meaninglessly as he left the command room. He now wanted to have a fight with Rhodes or have a drink with Sean.

This bohemian playboy in the first half of his life is not a veteran like Captain America. He has seen battlefields filled with smoke and bullets, and has to face the cold reality of the sacrifice of his companions every day.

If Coulson’s death had the greatest impact on anyone, it would undoubtedly be Stark.

This arms dealer-turned-superhero mustachioed man is extremely confident that he is the smartest person in the room, and correspondingly, the pride of genius makes him want to save everyone at the same time.

When the Avengers were confused, Thor returned to Asgard. Odin, who was far away in Asgard, forcibly brought his eldest son back. This shocked Thor, who was frustrated on earth, and he knew full well what a huge price it would cost.

“What happened?” Thor was teleported to the Rainbow Bridge by a brilliant beam of light, and Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard, said he knew nothing about it.

Traveling through the nine realms with one’s own power will undoubtedly consume a lot of money, and teleporting others is even more so. Even with Odin’s strength, using it several times may be beyond the limit.

Thor walked towards the fairy palace where his father lived. Asgard stood on a huge and unparalleled island. The splendid palace stood like a mountain, and the buildings were like a forest of spears, reflecting dazzling light in the sun. Along the way, When the Rainbow Bridge enters the city, everyone will stop and bow when they see the Prince of Asgard wearing mighty armor and bright cloak.

This is support and respect from the heart, not simply due to royal blood and noble status. Compared to Loki, who is good at conspiracy, people prefer Thor, the heroic and capable God of Thunder. Asgard’s martial tradition determines this a little.

After entering the palace, Thor walked through the deep and quiet corridor. The murals on the side were painted with the epic legend of Odin’s father, King Baur, defeating the dark elves. The further he walked, the content on the murals also changed, with rich colors. Vivid images tell the tragic battle between Asgard and Jotunheim, Odin and the Frost Giants.

When Thor was a child, he determined to become a wise and mighty king like his father and to give Asgard a beautiful and peaceful life.

“Father, why did you call me back?” Thor saluted the old man sitting on the throne and roughly told the story of the earth, “I haven’t found the Cosmic Cube yet.”

“A new crisis has come, this time it is not the earth, but Asgard.” The old man on the king’s throne wore an eagle helmet and golden armor, holding the eternal scepter, and two divine crows perched on his shoulders.

He is the King of Asgard and the Guardian of the Nine Star Realms, Odin.

This majestic old man’s voice was a little weak at this time, and there was a trace of solemnity in his only remaining eye. Maybe Heimdall hadn’t seen it yet, but he had already sensed it.

In the illusory image, the mighty torrent of steel passes through the void, like a huge army that is rapidly gathering, like a snake-like metal creature, swimming in the vast dark universe, that is Leviathan. Behemoth, a cutting-edge creature created by the Chitauri.

“War is coming, Thor.” Odin sighed deeply.

The tall body stood up from the king’s throne, and his majestic gaze seemed to penetrate Asgard. A thousand years ago, no one would dare to challenge him, but now the fierce overlord of the universe can no longer restrain himself and is ready to make a move. ambition.

“Asgardians will not surrender, nor will they be afraid of death. We enjoy fighting and love war.” Thor said loudly when mentioning Mjolnir.

Although he didn’t know who was going to start the war, Asgard was never afraid of any challenge. From the dark elves ten thousand years ago to the frost giants thousands of years ago, they had never failed.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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