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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 294 Foreplay

The earth has returned to its peaceful days.

To the surprise of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, Loki, who escaped from the Helicarrier, disappeared, and his whereabouts were not found at all. Originally, Tony speculated that the target of the other party might be the Stark Tower containing the Ark reactor. After all, It is the perfect place to open the Cosmic Cube. It is in the center of Manhattan. It is perfect to use such a conspicuous landmark building as the stage for the debut.

Nick Fury set up a dragnet around him, but a week later, Loki was nowhere to be seen. If the Cosmic Cube had not been stolen, they would almost have thought that the raid on the Helicarrier was just an illusion.

The huge crisis that was predicted to destroy the world disappeared in this way, which made SHIELD and the Avengers feel a little stunned and frustrated. The intense work for several days seemed like a joke in the end.

Banner, who was aroused by Hawkeye Barton and fell to the ground after wreaking havoc, returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., but Thor, like his brother, lost news and his whereabouts are unknown. This can’t help but make the black director suspect that this Has Brother Dui returned to Asgard with the Cosmic Cube?

In fact, his guess was correct. Thor was indeed brought back to Asgard by Odin to actively prepare for the war and welcome the arrival of the Chitauri army. As for Loki…

The prince of Asgard, who was good at conspiracy and intrigue, took the initiative to rush to meet him after receiving the news that the overlord of the universe had arrived in person.

In the vast dark universe, an endless torrent of steel passes through the void, like a mighty army. Loki holds a dark golden scepter with a simple shape and stands at the front of the Chitauri ship.

“Asgardians, please stop playing tricks. No one in this universe dares to fool Lord Thanos!”

The Chitauri elder, who was covered in metallic luster, warned sternly, his hoarse voice sounding like two rows of rusty iron rubbing against each other, which was particularly harsh.

“I’m not as stupid as you.” Loki held his head high, with a hint of evil in his handsome appearance. “I have incomparable awe and admiration for that great existence.”

After meeting the Overlord of the Universe in person, the Asgardian prince regained his inner strength, and his dream that was on the verge of being shattered once again ignited a glimmer of hope.

Lord Thanos did not blame or punish him, but instead gave Loki another chance. He would lead the Chitauri army upstream from the bottom of the Asgard abyss and onto the Rainbow Bridge.

After occupying the entire Asgard, you can use the fully restored Rainbow Bridge to freely shuttle across the nine star fields. By then, it will be easy to seize the Earth’s Cosmic Cube.

Looking at the endless deep void, Loki regained his complacent look and tightly grasped the infinitely powerful spiritual scepter. Behind him, there was a huge Chitauri army, like a surging torrent of steel. Enough to destroy anything standing in front of it.

Loki couldn’t help but look forward to a bright future. If Odin and Thor were willing to admit their mistakes in front of him, then the generous prince would of course choose to forgive them. When they find what the overlord of the universe wants, Lord Thanos will also He will fulfill his promise and help himself sit on the supreme throne of the co-lord of the nine realms.

“Good luck Asgardians.”

The Chitauri elder on the side sneered. If Loki hadn’t been of some use, and had gained Lord Thanos’s forgiveness with his skill in persuasion, it wouldn’t have been the other party’s turn to make the decision.

“Nidawi…the Dark Order went to the place where the dwarves lived to forge the legendary glove.”

Elder Chitauri secretly thought that if he wanted to show off in front of the overlord of the universe, he must successfully occupy Asgard before the Dark Order arrives.

This group of life races, which are essentially no different from interstellar pirates, have almost forgotten the glorious achievements and heroic legends of God King Odin, so they don’t think Asgard has anything to fear.

“Twist off that old guy’s head and give it to Lord Thanos as a gift.” Elder Chitauri thought.

He glanced at Loki with malice, and laughed sinisterly in his heart.


The faint blue light shines in the night sky, and the gorgeous halos blend together, like an illusory galaxy slowly spreading out.

Sean’s fingers fiddled with the cube hanging above, and a look of ecstasy flashed in his eyes. He could feel that he was very close to the breakthrough.

Almost at your fingertips.

The delicate body in the arms twisted a little, and the bright red hair was spread on the thin quilt. The white arm was placed on the man’s chest, making circles from time to time. A large piece of snow-white skin was exposed, exuding a seductive feeling. Human breath.

A faint blush appeared on that beautiful, intellectual and elegant face, which was the delicious aftertaste after the fierce battle. On the top floor of Umbrella, this passionate man and woman had just concluded a union of soul and body.

“What are you longing for?” Qin asked softly.

She felt that Sean was different from usual, as if he was suppressing intense emotions deep in his heart, waiting for the moment when they would all be released.

“Battle and war.” The man replied slightly hoarsely.

There was a hint of fanaticism and longing in his calm tone, which was unusual for Sean, who had always remained calm.

The ability of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube brought him new thinking, like the door to a new world slowly opening, revealing the ubiquitous ray energy and the deep mysteries of the boundless space.

Sean stretched out his hand to hold the cube. The pale blue light flickered. The structure of the world was peeled away from his eyes and turned into an illusory space where dots and lines intertwined. A feeling arose in his heart. It only took one thought to make him. You can go from Manhattan to Long Island and instantly appear in Los Angeles or London.

The blue gem in the cube possesses the powerful power to easily change the rules of the universe. It is an endless treasure house of secrets for those who pursue evolution.

Hydra’s Red Skull actually uses it as an energy reactor to manufacture cutting-edge weapons. It is undoubtedly a waste of natural resources and is tantamount to turning the pearl into dust.

“I feel like I’m roaming freely in the starry sky… Anywhere I can imagine, as long as I can determine the location, I can reach it in one breath.”

Sean hugged Jean, who was like a lazy kitten, and murmured softly. No wonder the Red Skull regarded the Cosmic Cube as Odin’s secret treasure, and Nick Fury also regarded it as a treasure.

This small earth cube indeed has an intoxicating magical power, making people feel as if they are floating in the magnificent galaxy and traveling in the infinite world.

“You want more,” Jean whispered.

She was familiar with this young man’s character. Beneath his gentle appearance, he was full of possessiveness and ambition. Even if he had the whole world, he still hoped to capture the starry sky above his head.

It is this strong desire that attracts the flaming phoenix in the body, and at the same time makes himself trapped in the mud, unable to extricate himself.

“Don’t worry, I can wait…to ascend the throne of the King of the World, and then launch a long voyage to the stars and sea.”

Sean smiled happily. He was looking forward to the grand war that swept through the nine realms, between Asgard and the Chitauri army, and the Sentinels and Thanos.

“It will be a wonderful showdown, an unprecedented fight.”

The young man kissed the red-haired girl’s neck, his breathing suddenly became heavy, and his strong desire burned like a flame, making a fierce sound.

The two masculine and feminine bodies are tumbling and entangled again. The cosmic cube hanging above is like a shining light, reflecting the fierce battle filled with primitive desires.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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