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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 295 The Immortal Palace Collapses (Part 1)

“Frigga, did I do something wrong?”

On the king’s throne, Odin held his wife’s arm, regret and guilt appeared on his majestic face. He thought of the adopted son who made mistakes, and his heart was filled with complicated emotions.

After defeating the Frost Giants, the King of Asgard, who was cleaning up the battlefield, picked up Loki in Jotunheim. The young child was abandoned by his own people because he was too weak, and was thrown into the freezing environment of ice and snow.

Odin chose to raise the abandoned infant and concealed the other’s life experience. He planned to wait until Thor and Loki came of age so that one could ascend the throne of Asgard and the other would become the leader of the Frost Giants. The blood feud accumulated by the two sides after thousands of years of fighting may be gradually resolved and peace ushered in.

But everything was far from what he expected. Loki discovered the truth. He believed that Odin had been fooling him for a long time. The position of king always belonged to Thor. No matter how hard he tried, he could not win over the rude and arrogant man. elder brother.

“Loki will come back. One day he will know that Asgard is his home.” Frigga said softly.

She often misses that taciturn child. Loki is different from Thor. He is sensitive and proud, and longs for recognition and encouragement from others. When he discovers that he has the blood of a Frost Giant, he is trapped in a tangle of inferiority and anger.

“I hope so.” Odin sighed, knowing that his adopted son had made an irreversible mistake.

The Chitauri army was approaching, and Heimdall, whose sight spanned the nine star fields, lost track of them. It was obvious that they, under the leadership of Loki, had somehow avoided Asgard’s detection.

While the two were talking, a huge collision sounded, followed by a passionate horn sound from the Rainbow Bridge. This was the alarm that would only sound when Asgard was invaded!

Odin’s eyes suddenly opened wide. He saw a huge metal creature rushing out from under the Rainbow Bridge. Then a large number of enemies rushed up, and among them was a familiar figure——


The dark tide surged out from the bottom of the abyss, and dozens of metal creatures with huge bodies, like winding giant snakes, flew in the air, making ferocious roars. The huge sound waves shook the cities and palaces of Asgard.

Heimdall, who was guarding the Rainbow Bridge, immediately issued a warning and blew the battle horn. His eyes could see any corner of the nine star fields, but he ignored the bottomless abyss under the World Tree. It was a dead, cold and desolate land where no life could survive at all.

How could the gatekeeper have imagined that Loki would lead the Chitauri army to invade Asgard from such an unexpected place.

In fact, if the original timeline is to be followed, after Loki failed to usurp the throne, he had a fight with Thor, then fell from the Rainbow Bridge and entered the so-called abyss. After wandering in the darkness for an extremely long time, he He found the Chitauri, presented clues to the Infinity Stones to the Overlord of the Universe, and then obtained the Mind Scepter, leading the Chitauri army to invade the Earth through the Cosmic Cube.

However, after losing the space channel constructed by the Cosmic Cube, Loki turned his attention to Asgard. He couldn’t wait to let Odin and Thor know that even if he lost Asgard’s protection, he could still break through. Start your own career.

When the Chitauri army conquers the Earth and then marches into the Nine Kingdoms, he can easily become the co-lord of the Nine Realms and fulfill his long-held grand wish.

“Loki!” Heimdall, who was guarding the Rainbow Bridge, recognized the leading young man, “Traitor! You traitor to Asgard!”

The defenders waved their giant swords and knocked away the invading enemies one after another, but the Chitauri rushed towards Heimdall standing on the observatory like an endless tide.

“Asgard abandoned me!”

Loki stood above the huge and incomparable metal creature, looking down at the shining cities and palaces, hatred and anger burning his heart.

He is not without any feelings for Asgard. If ambition and desire had not eroded his heart, Loki would not be crazy enough to want to kill Thor. But a big mistake has been made. The former prince of Asgard will never be able to kill Thor again. There is no way out.

“Seize the observatory, which is an important channel to communicate with the nine realms, and then capture the Immortal Palace!”

Loki said to the Chitauri elder. He did not look at Heimdall below. The gatekeeper was swallowed up by countless Chitauri. He was like cheap cannon fodder like a swarm of insects. He attacked Aspen without fear. Garder charges.

Just as Heimdall, who was guarding the Rainbow Bridge, issued a warning, Asgard raised its own defense mechanism. The golden light shone and intertwined, forming a strong and powerful transparent dome, covering the sky above the city.

The moment the horn sounded, the warriors of the God’s Domain also began to gather. They followed Thor and formed an orderly formation. The King of Asgard wore an eagle helmet and golden armor, riding on eight The God of Foot is on horseback, and his majestic momentum reaches the sky.

The Leviathan beast flying in the air suddenly collided with the rising golden dome, making a huge roar, like rolling thunder, and the Chitauri army continued to pour out from the abyss, attacking continuously like a tide. Next, the transparent shield with astonishing defensive power was somewhat unable to withstand it.

“Get away!”

The angry God King waved the eternal scepter, and extremely powerful energy bombarded out. The Leviathan beast, whose body was covered with metal, let out a wail and fell powerlessly from the sky, crushing a large number of buildings.

The crumbling transparent dome was on the verge of breaking under the endless offensive. It didn’t last long before it collapsed. The violent and raging energy storm spread out, instantly destroying the city and the palace. The violent shock wave spread like a long Buildings lined with spears collapsed in pieces, and smoke and dust billowed up.

But at this time, Asgard’s army has also been assembled. Thor raised Mjolnir and led the gods’ warriors to rush towards the Chitauri army. Thor’s hammer kept swinging, smashing away one enemy after another. , the violent thunder knocked down a large number of intruders, but then countless people filled the gap, and the opponents seemed to be endless, as if the tide was rushing in.

“Why are you doing this? This used to be your home!”

Thor watched the divine warriors fall one by one and furiously questioned the figure in the sky.

“But my family abandoned me. Odin never thought of giving me any chance. The position of king is always yours. He gave me hope and then destroyed it with his own hands!”

Loki roared out of control. He raised the spiritual scepter in his hand, with cold fire floating in his eyes, “I want to prove to everyone that I am stronger than you.”

The King of Asgard rides an eight-legged horse into the sky. This most powerful man in the nine realms is like a beam of light piercing the darkness. No enemy can stop his steps.

Those huge snake-like Leviathans had no resistance and were smashed into powder by Odin waving the eternal scepter. The majestic and violent energy surged, bright lights flashed in the sky, and a large number of enemies fell in pieces. .

As veteran strongmen who have lived for thousands of years, these cheap cannon fodder created using biotechnology are simply vulnerable. The Chitauri can only rely on numbers to win. Like weak bugs, they can only use the tactics of human waves. .

“Loki…when will you grow up?”

Across the tide of enemy troops, Odin asked in a deep tone. He did not expect that an idea he had by chance back then would lead to the huge disaster today.

On the Rainbow Bridge, the divine warriors and the Chitauri were like two torrents colliding with each other. Both sides suffered huge casualties, but the overall situation was quite unfavorable for Asgard, because the opponent’s crowd was endless. But their warriors are limited in number.

“Stop being so hypocritical. If you don’t want to give it to me, I can only choose to come and get it myself!”

Loki commanded the Chitauri army to rush towards Odin, launching wave after wave of attacks. He felt extremely happy and empty inside, “Asgard can’t resist the Chitauri army, and you can’t defeat it either.” The overlord of the universe, as long as you…”

“Asgard never had a surrendered king,” Odin interrupted coldly.

A bright light flashed, and the attacking enemies turned into dust blowing in the wind under the attack of the King of Asgard.

“——So you can never sit on the throne, Loki… you don’t know what bravery is.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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