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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 298 Confirmed Eyes

The treasure house of God King Odin contains precious secret treasures from the nine realms. It is a holy place that countless adventurers dream of. Legend has it that there are armors and swords blessed by the gods, the bones of dragons and gods, and a frozen planet. The ice chest, the eternal flame that resurrects the dead…

All kinds of incredible rare treasures are recorded in ancient books or long stories, which make people yearn for them. They are the treasure house of the King of Gods, containing opportunities and miracles that can change destiny. Many of the nine star fields People are convinced of this.

The blue light tore open the space, like rippling water, and the gorgeous halo expanded into a huge portal. Two figures walked out of it. They were Sean and Jean, the sentinels of SHIELD’s dangerous people, and among the mutants. Omega-level Phoenix Girl.

The first thing that caught their eyes was a huge hall corridor, which led from the entrance to the depths of the building. There were simple and elegant display racks on both sides, which were piled with exquisite weapons imprinted with the runes of the gods, or inlaid with strange objects. The dazzling gemstone is indeed worthy of the status of the King of Asgard in terms of luxury and wealth.

If ordinary people came here, they would probably be dazzled and not know what to pick from the dazzling array of treasures.

“This is the eternal fire, a trophy that Odin got from the giant Sutert of the Kingdom of Fire. It is said that the sword of the flame giant can have the terrifying power to destroy the divine realm after being tempered.”

“This is the Destroyer, the most powerful armor in God’s Domain – before it is damaged.”

“…The Sphere of Egmodor can detect other sources of magic and danger. It is a collection of a great mage. The one next to it is the Monument of Life. It comes from ancient earth civilization and is said to be able to help the user evolve into the highest life form. “

Sean is like the owner of this place, explaining to Qin the rare treasures placed on the display shelves along the way. Each of them has an extraordinary origin or rare ability.

“Where is what you want?” Qin asked curiously.

“This is exactly what I want.” Sean walked to the square stone platform and saw a delicate and shiny metal glove.

As a replica of the Infinity Gauntlet, it also shines with dazzling metallic light and has six gem-set holes. When you put it on your hand, you can immediately feel the complex energy structure inside, which is as intricately intertwined as an electric current circuit.

With a clicking sound, this huge glove doubled in size and fit the size of the user’s hand.

Sean took out the cube and played with the Cosmic Cube that both SHIELD and Loki wanted to get. A sharp golden light flashed in his eyes.

The raging and violent golden torrent suddenly erupted. As the palm was clenched, the solid and stable shell structure gradually collapsed. With a slight cracking sound, an oval blue gem fell into the palm.

The invisible fluctuations were like a stone thrown into the middle of a calm lake, creating tiny ripples. Thanos, who was sitting on the floating throne, his calm eyes suddenly changed. He felt the breath of the infinite gems!

“That Asgardian didn’t lie to me.” The overlord of the universe felt hot in his heart, and with a slight movement of his hand, the spiritual scepter that fell to the ground flew over automatically.

The golden scepter that gave Loki the power to control his mind shattered inch by inch in Thanos’s palm. He carefully picked up a yellow gem and embedded it in the hole of the metal glove.

Two invisible forces collided with each other. Sean, who was in Odin’s treasure house, turned his head and looked at the fairy palace and city that collapsed into ruins. Large buildings were annihilated into ashes with roaring sounds.

“I need a moment.” The young man turned to look at Qin.

The space gem was embedded in the imitation Infinity Gauntlet. He could truly feel that this exquisite imitation had an upper limit on the number of gems it could carry. Just one gem would overflow the energy structure inside.

If you have three gems at the same time, this glove may not be able to withstand the continuous output of huge energy, and will automatically be damaged.

Clenching his palms, light blue light flashed dazzlingly, pouring into Sean’s body like a flood bursting through a dam. The Sentinel armor flashed like a stream of light, frantically absorbing almost infinite cosmic energy.

He wants to break through the 50% shackles at this moment!

“No one will bother you.” Qin said calmly.

With fiery red hair flying freely, a violent aura erupted and released, the Phoenix girl stood in front of the sentinel, her eyes cold.

At the same time, Thanos was leaning on the floating throne. He didn’t care at all about the brutal fighting below. The Chitauri army would make the Asgardians understand that no matter how hard they struggled and resisted, they could not escape defeat. As a result, in the ruthless laws of universe existence, weakness itself is a kind of original sin.

For now, that gem is the most critical thing. Getting two gems is an extremely rich harvest.

Like a wave of spiritual power, an overwhelming search was launched. The Overlord of the Universe slowly searched for the true location of the Infinity Stones. Invisible waves covered it like a carpet, like a predator tracking its prey deep in a dense forest. Follow the traces left by the opponent and hunt down the hiding target.

“If you want to hide from my sight… I’m afraid it’s not that easy!”

Thanos showed a rare smile, and in his cold pupils, a dark storm was brewing.

A violent and violent momentum rolled out, like a hurricane in the Ice Age, full of the meaning of death and extinction, as if it could freeze people’s hearts, and the strong cold current poured out across space!

“Got you!”

A woman with red hair and a red dress stood in the void of the soul. The strong cold current containing the aura of destruction was firmly blocked by her. The gorgeous flames rolled and condensed, enough to burn everything and annihilate everything!

The spiritual world continues to collapse and be reborn; the material world begins to shake and shake.

“Interesting life…”

Thanos raised the corners of his mouth slightly, put away his indifference, and showed a slightly serious look on his purple face.

The huge fiery red phoenix spreads its wings and is about to fly. Various energy rays are intertwined and fused to form an ultimate flame, life and death, rebirth and destruction…

The contradictory and opposing energies merge into one, forming extremely terrifying aura fluctuations!

The woman with red hair like fire floats in the void of the soul, her whole body seems to be on fire, and her whole body is bursting with intense firelight. Any mental fluctuations and material existence that are close to her will be annihilated and destroyed!

The spiritual power of the cosmic overlord is like a more powerful hurricane, constantly impacting the flaming phoenix. The icy breath passes through the spiritual world, as if it is carrying a strong cold current.

The red-haired girl tried her best to resist, but Thanos, who had become the overlord of the dark universe, could not be a person with a false reputation. He had experienced countless bloody battles, and he kept releasing energy shocks, as if one wave after another. Wave after wave of huge waves bombarded the opponent’s spiritual defense!

Odin’s treasure house shook and shook, and the surrounding display shelves swayed. The rare treasures coveted by the outside world fell to the ground, and powerful fluctuations overflowed, annihilating them into ashes.

Qin’s face gradually turned pale, the fire contained in her eyes was blazing, and her weak body was crumbling, as if she would fall down at any time.

This red-haired girl’s spiritual power is indeed powerful, but in the eyes of Thanos, who is extremely experienced in combat, she is still a little immature. He can feel that the original power of the Flame Phoenix is ​​extremely terrifying, but it is a pity that the opponent cannot fully exert it.

Just like a child wielding a hammer, the power is powerful, but the object used is too weak.

“Poor little guy, the world of the strong is so cruel.”

Thanos thought this way, preparing to wipe out this human consciousness that could not even be called an opponent in one go.

A strong storm roared across the sky, like an overwhelming wave of terror, about to swallow up this weak will that was struggling to support itself.

“Don’t touch my people!”

A deep voice blasted into Thanos’s heart, and the golden light was like the rising sun, blooming with unparalleled brilliance.

Separated by the invisible barrier of distant space, the two sides’ cold gazes and deep eyes collided, and an invisible storm shook the void, setting off a violent wave!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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