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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 3 Mutants

“It seems you were really beaten stupid!”

There was a dead silence at the school gate. Sean’s words were clear and powerful. Not only the gangsters heard them, but also the high school students who were watching.

The gang leader tore off an iron chain from the red motorcycle and slowly wrapped it around his hand. Thinking of being fooled by this kid yesterday, he was so frightened that he almost ran away. This time he had to show the other side a little show.

How dare a high school student speak to himself like this?

Although he is just a gangster, and what he does every day is to run errands for others and do some dirty work of selling marijuana and drugs, but a gangster also has dignity. Normally, any high school student would turn pale with fear when he sees him. , obediently took out all the money on his body, but this guy Sean not only refused the request to become his subordinate, but also dared to speak in such a tone!

“It’s useless no matter how much you pretend to be dead today!”

The gangster leader said viciously, and punched Sean with his chained fist. The other gangsters also surrounded him, preparing to give the brazen high school student a lesson.

Sean still remained calm. If it had been before, he would have been so frightened that he held his head and begged for mercy, but the power rushing through his body gave him strong confidence. The bottle of golden potion brought not only the hugeness of the human body. The change also made his mentality completely different.

The fist that hit the face was extremely slow in Sean’s sight, and the golden light flashed in his eyes. He grabbed the gang leader’s arm, then quickly pressed it close, turned around, and threw a beautiful shoulder, Throw the other person to the ground.

There was a bang, dust flew up, and everyone was shocked. They only saw the gangster leader hitting Sean, and then he was thrown to the ground. No one saw the process clearly.

“Beat him…”

Before the gangster leader could finish speaking, Sean stepped on his face. A fishy smell came out of his mouth, and the thick liquid mixed with a few hard teeth was spat out.

“This is the gift you gave me yesterday, and I give it back to you now.”

Sean smiled and stepped on the other person’s face again. The face of the gangster leader looked like a dyeing workshop, and it was instantly covered with blood.

The other gangsters rushed up screaming, and the first one was the black man with the nose ring. Without even looking, Sean punched the man on the bridge of the nose, and then kicked him away. He didn’t care about the remaining ones. He showed no mercy and punched them all until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. He didn’t stop until the gangsters were all wailing and begging for mercy.

“When I see you again at Zhongcheng High School, I’ll beat you every time I see you.”

Sean put his hands in his pockets, finished his lines very comfortably, turned around and left.

I have to say, this feeling of pretending to be awesome and running away is still very satisfying.

As for what kind of trouble these gangsters would get into by teaching them a lesson, Sean didn’t care at all. He had noticed before taking action that there were no surveillance cameras nearby, and those gangsters would not call the police. The only thing he was worried about was whether the school would be punished for fighting. He fired.

However, based on Sean’s past performance in school, this possibility is not too high. Although he used to be withdrawn, his academic performance was pretty good. No matter which world he is in, good students are always favored by teachers.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on New York. Sean is walking on the street with a shoulder bag on his back. He is alone in this world. His parents died in an accident, leaving only a fairly generous compensation. He was adopted in At his uncle’s house, his only relative also passed away a few years ago. The unfortunate experience led to Sean’s previously withdrawn and indifferent character, unwilling to communicate too much with others.

“What a poor guy.”

Sean muttered something. He walked on the streets in the evening and looked around. There were many high-rise buildings in the city, cars were coming and going, and the afterglow of the setting sun was dotted with the bustling steel forest. Everything was so real.

“No matter what the reason is for me to travel across time, a new life is waiting for me.”

The memories of his past life were buried deep in his mind. Sean took a long breath and his eyes became bright. Now that he has come to this world, he must keep moving forward until the end.

Returning to the apartment left by his uncle, Sean lay on the sofa. He had lived alone for a long time. He was born in Queens, which is the largest and second most populous of the five boroughs in New York. It is very racially diverse. In addition to white people, blacks, Asians and South Americans account for a certain proportion. Compared with the wealthy areas where rich people live, the security in this area is not very good, and there are often some unemployed people.

“Fortunately, I live in a community, otherwise I would have to be wary of thieves and robbers every day.”

Sean sighed. He was going to adapt to high school life for a period of time. At least he would be familiar with the world. Once he traveled through time, he would be able to dominate the world and dominate the world. That was the kind of treatment only the protagonist template would have, let alone in this technology. In a world where geniuses and superpowers are everywhere, even if Long Aotian comes, he still has to be taught how to behave.

“Being low-key and doing things high-key is the right thing to do.”

Taking out a bottle of soda from the refrigerator, Sean set a eight-character policy for himself. In the future, he would do less things that would attract the limelight. If he was unlucky enough to be trampled to death by some cosmic god, it would be a tragedy.

Turning on the TV, there was a live broadcast of a parliamentary debate on the issue of mutants. Sean, who was drinking soda, immediately became interested. That race with all kinds of extraordinary abilities is a powerful force in the world. If it weren’t for one of them, If the two leaders have differences with each other, it will be impossible for human society to maintain its current peaceful state.

“Gentlemen and ladies, we are witnessing another stage of human evolution. This mutation mostly occurs in adolescence and is induced by emotional ups and downs…”

Standing on the stage is a red-haired girl, wearing a pair of glasses, like a beautiful scholar, exuding an elegant and intellectual atmosphere.

“Thank you, Miss Grey. Your speech was quite educational, but it deviated from the theme of this meeting, which is… are mutants dangerous?”

The camera focused on a middle-aged man in the audience, who seemed to be a member of Congress.

“That’s an inappropriate question, Congressman. Some people get into accidents while driving, and some don’t.”

“So I have to take the driver’s license test.”

“But there’s no license to survive!”

The red-haired woman refused to back down and retorted: “In fact, if mutants appear in public, it will cause panic, hostility, and even violence. To prevent mutants from suffering such hostility, I beg Congress to cancel the mutant registration. Forcing them to disclose their identities…”

“Why do mutants hide?” The congressman interrupted the conversation again.

“They’re not hiding.”

“I know where they are hiding.” The congressman stood up and said triumphantly: “I have a list of mutants in the United States. There is a girl who can walk through walls and easily sneak into a bank vault or the White House. Or in your home; I have also heard that there is a person who can sense and control human thoughts and deprive us of our free will. What a terrifying ability this is! We have the right to decide whether our children have mutants as teachers or classmates, or Stay away from them!”

“Gentlemen and ladies, in fact, mutants do exist, and they are among us… We have to know who they are, study them thoroughly, and figure out their abilities!”

There was a burst of warm applause on the TV. Obviously, this congressman has been recognized and supported by the majority of people. In recent years, the problem of mutants has become more and more serious. The reason why there is the above debate is because not long ago, Congress launched The proposal to pass the Mutant Registration Bill caused an uproar in public opinion.

“Hehe, it won’t be long before they discover that mutants are nothing at all.”

Sean turned off the TV and lay on the sofa staring at the ceiling. He was looking forward to the arrival of that superhero era.

The newbie is asking for votes and support (ω)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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