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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 30 Death of the Green Goblin

Dark clouds covered the stars and the bright moon, and darkness enveloped New York under the night sky. Mary Jane woke up from a coma and felt an inexplicable coldness. She stood up and looked around, only to realize that she was above the Brooklyn Bridge.

Looking down, he saw the endless queue of traffic and the freighters and passenger ships passing by on the river. The cold wind blew against Mary’s simple and thin body. The red-haired girl quickly grasped the metal door next to her. Frame, for fear of falling if not careful.

“Ha ha ha ha……”

A burst of high-pitched laughter pierced the night sky. Mary Jane looked along the sound and found that it was the Green Goblin, the super criminal who was causing trouble at the carnival. The notorious and terrifying demon was standing on a hang glider, laughing unbridledly.

The micro-missiles carried on the glider were launched towards a construction site under the Brooklyn Bridge. There was a loud bang, surging firelight illuminated the night sky, huge explosions resounded throughout the world, and air waves rolled with flames. The cars driving on the bridge seemed to be frightened and hurriedly avoided. With a bang, they lost control and crashed into the guardrail next to them. Rear-end collisions occurred one after another.

In an instant, the bridge became a long queue, dozens of cars crashed into a ball, and the scene was chaotic. The originally smooth traffic immediately lost order, and even the police cars that rushed over were unable to drive over.

Sean and Gwen stood not far away and had a panoramic view of this scene. The Green Goblin obviously sent a challenge signal to Spider-Man, a good neighbor in New York. As expected, before long, a red figure looked like Tarzan. Usually, they rush to the scene with a cobweb.

“Spider-Man! This is why fools become heroes, because you never know when one day a madman will give you a cruel problem: Let the woman you love die… or let the innocent child die?!”

Spider-Man nimbly walked over the Brooklyn Bridge. When he arrived, the Green Goblin was holding Mary Jane with one hand and grabbing the steel cable hanging the school bus with the other hand, laughing full of malice.


“Save us!”

“Someone help me…”

When the children in the school bus saw the famous New York superhero, they screamed for help. On the other side, Mary Jane’s whole body was hanging in the air. As long as the Green Goblin let go of his hand even slightly, she would fall to the bottom of the cold river.

“Decide quickly, Spider-Man!”

The Green Goblin urged Spider-Man to make a choice as soon as possible. He loved the exhilarating feeling of toying with his opponents and watching them endure pain and struggle!

“Being a hero requires you to pay the price!” The sharp voice was full of sarcasm.

“Don’t do this, Green Goblin!” Peter begged, unwilling to abandon either side.

“Destiny is in your hands, now – make a decision!” The Green Goblin looked at the hesitant Spider-Man, let out a weird smile, and then released his arms at the same time.

The school bus and Mary Jane fell at the same time. The children’s terrified screams and the cry for help from the beloved girl echoed in Peter’s ears. Spider-Man decisively ran towards Mary Jane, flew down, and hugged the mid-air. The red-haired girl shot out another spider thread and stuck to the Brooklyn Bridge, saving the falling school bus in time.

Peter held Mary Jane with one hand and tried his best to hold the falling heavy school bus with the other hand. At the same time, the Green Goblin also flew over on a hang glider. He would not sit back and watch Spider-Man save the citizens.

Peter, who was hanging in mid-air, became a target of the Green Goblin. He had to hold the school bus and protect Mary Jane from harm, so he had to silently endure the Green Goblin’s punches and kicks.

“It’s time to die!” A sharp blade popped out of the glider. The Green Goblin laughed and rushed towards Spider-Man. He wanted to end the life of this New York hero.

Bang bang bang!

Several gunshots were fired in succession, hitting the flying Green Goblin, and sparks burst out. Although the armor was bulletproof, the kinetic energy of the bullet still caused the Green Goblin to deviate from its original direction and rush to the other side crookedly.

On the Brooklyn Bridge, dozens of police officers finally arrived, and the one who decisively shot him was the recently promoted Police Chief George.

“Ah! That’s my father!” Gwen, who was watching the scene nervously, screamed and saw her father.

“It’s very dangerous there now, and you couldn’t help much in the past. Don’t worry, your father will be fine!”

Sean grabbed Gwen who was trying to rush over. If she was affected by the battle between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, it would be bad. Maybe she would have to take action herself. There were so many spectators gathered on the bridge. Citizens, it’s really hard to behave.

On the Brooklyn Bridge, the battle continued. A freighter sailing on the river caught the school bus carrying children and teachers. Mary Jane was temporarily safe. Spider-Man could finally free up his hands to deal with the Green Goblin. offensive.

The two sides fought fiercely and were evenly matched. The Green Goblin relied on high-tech equipment and an endless stream of new weapons, while Spider-Man relied on his extraordinary skills to dodge flexibly, and from time to time he would shoot a web of spider silk to interfere with his opponent’s flight.

“Hey, New York hero, try this!”

The Green Goblin controlled the hang glider, waving a long steel cable in his hand, tied up Spider-Man in mid-air, and then dragged him away from the Brooklyn Bridge.

“Okay, everything is over, you can go find Mr. Police Chief now.”

Sean smiled faintly. He was like a flower protector and sent the girl to the police car. Just when Gwen was about to introduce her to her father, she turned back and found that the young boy’s figure had disappeared into the night. bingo.


In an abandoned old house, Spider-Man was thrown from a high altitude, smashed through the fragile roof and glass windows, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Before he could get up, a pumpkin bomb rolled down at Peter’s feet. The blazing fire set off air waves, and the strong shock wave directly flew Spider-Man away, knocking down a lonely wall, and the whole person was buried. Underneath the masonry.

“You chose a tragic fate, poor Spider-Man…”

The Green Goblin jumped off the hang glider, walked up to Peter who was covered in scars, and beat him fiercely like a violent storm. The injured Spider-Man was unable to fight back and had to let his opponent beat him wildly.

“I thought you would resist more fiercely, but it’s really pointless!”

The Green Goblin, who had the upper hand, tore off Spider-Man’s mask, stepped on Peter’s head with one foot, and said with a ferocious smile: “My son regarded you as a friend, but you failed him and that red-haired little bitch. Let’s get together!”

“Peter Parker, you have to pay for this!”

Peter, whose face was covered in blood, raised his head with difficulty and looked at the terrifying demon helmet: “Uncle Norman? How could it be you?!”

The young Spider-Man couldn’t believe that the gentle and respectable Uncle Norman, Harry’s father, could turn out to be the ferocious Green Goblin!

“It’s a pity that you can only take this secret with you and say goodbye to the world forever.”

The Green Goblin had a murderous intention, and the violence and killing in his heart rushed to his brain like boiling blood. He kicked Spider-Man on the head hard. In the severe pain, Peter suddenly lost consciousness and fainted. .

“You actually want me to do it myself, Peter, you are really unreliable.”

Just when the Green Goblin was about to kill him, a young boy walked out of the shadows with a faint smile on his face, as if he had just finished enjoying a wonderful show.

“Who are you?” The Green Goblin became wary.

“Silly question.”

Sean strode forward, like an arrow from the string, and rushed in front of the Green Goblin in an instant. The ferocious fist brought up a strong wind, causing Spider-Man to suffer a lot. The Green Goblin was like being hit by a full-speed car. The powerful car hit him head-on, and his body flew out immediately.


A burst of intense pain swept through him, and the Green Goblin couldn’t help but howl loudly. Sean directly stepped on one of the opponent’s arms. He had no sympathy for this cunning and insidious super criminal.

“Farewell to this world, Norman Osborn.” Sean took off the Green Goblin’s mask, revealing a pale and twisted middle-aged face.

“Please! Let me go… Anything you want, I can help you get it! As long as you spare my life!” The famous Osborne Industrial CEO was begging without dignity at this moment, and he would not hesitate to pay for it. Everything he owns is in exchange for a glimmer of hope.

“Oh, Mr. Norman, you are so dishonest.” There was another clear bone crack, and Sean stepped on the other man’s other arm without mercy. “You want to control a hang glider? This is not what a smart person would do. matter.”

“What I want, I will get it in my own way. Mr. Norman, please accept death quietly… Osborne Industries, I will take care of it for you.”

Sean took out pumpkin bombs from the Green Goblin and arranged them in a circle under Norman Osborn’s horrified eyes, as if performing some evil ritual.

“No no no! I…”

The Green Goblin tried to escape at the last moment, but was kicked back to the ground by Sean. The next second, a blazing wave of fire surged up and swallowed up the dying Norman Osborn.

“A fulfilling day…”

The young boy’s back gradually disappeared into the darkness, leaving only a faint word, echoing under the silent night sky.

ps: I have a headache. There are a few days every month when I don’t even want to write…


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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