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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 301 This is not the end

In the intense collision, the blazing white light shattered everything, and the energy aftermath was like a destructive hurricane tearing apart space, pulling out a terrifying energy tide.

Sentinel and Thanos, the former is like a star, pure and dazzling; the latter is like a huge black hole, cold and deep.

The two people were going back and forth in the sky above Asgard, showing each other their control and understanding of power. Their bodies were fighting, their spirits and wills collided, bright lights flashed, and endless rays of light swirled. The raging energy flow roared.

The sound of thunder echoed in the sky, and the whole world was looking up to this peak battle of the strongest, which would determine the fate and future of the nine star regions.

Asgard is crumbling, like a candle that is about to go out, the earth is trembling and moaning, the solid rock mass has a tendency to collapse, the surrounding ocean is churning with huge waves, and the thick clouds are intertwined with electricity and light.

“It seems we have to change the battlefield.”

Sean suddenly stopped, the blue light waves flashed, expanded into a huge portal, the golden figure gradually became nothing, and then disappeared.

Thanos raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, and followed closely with his strong and burly body. He could not let the Infinity Stone slip away from his hands.

Sean stopped on a desolate planet. This was a dead place on the edge of the nine star fields. The blue earth and Asgard were both left far behind.

Layers of frost condensed in the sky, blocking the weak sunlight. Coldness enveloped the earth. Even the atmosphere was filled with solid ice particles. Endless ice peaks and snow-capped mountains covered the surface of the planet. There was no life at all. species, revealing the desolation and loneliness of the barbaric era.

The blue light waves shrank and disappeared, and the Overlord of the Universe descended on the hard and barren land. As soon as he stood firm, it turned into a surging frenzy. The huge air waves tore through the thick ice, carrying a rolling cold current. , sweeping towards the sentry!

The icy peaks and snow-capped mountains that have stood for thousands of years were easily destroyed and rolled up in the violent energy storm like extremely fragile white foam. The cold air condensed and roared forward!

Sean slowly mobilized the golden torrent in his body. The hot and high temperature was steaming and rolling, and the icy cold current was evaporated before it could get close to his body.

In the thick white smoke, strong winds were blowing, and a thick purple arm protruded from it and clenched it into a fist! The terrifying energy surging above is enough to defeat any powerful being standing in front of it!

The light blue light flashed suddenly, and the sentinel dissipated like a wisp of smoke. A ferocious punch hit the empty space, and huge energy exploded, like an astronomical tide rushing out, tearing a path on this desolate and cold planet. A long, narrow wound!

At the same time, Sean appeared behind Thanos with subtle steps. He pierced the air with a hand knife and slashed towards the opponent’s head. Even his extremely tough purple skin could not stop this vicious offensive!

The cold murderous intention came from behind, like a cold poisonous snake biting. This was the first time that the overlord of the universe felt that his life was threatened in a fierce battle. It was like returning to the time when he was weak, the kind of tension that always kept vigilance. Fill the body again.

Thanos roared angrily, and the momentum rose like a huge wave. His strong and burly body suddenly raised the metal glove on his right hand. A secret wave spread out, and all his strength was concentrated on the sentinel’s hand knife. Suddenly it came to a standstill, and the indestructible spiritual defense was greatly shaken.

“Who do you think I am?”

Taking this opportunity, Thanos immediately turned around and hit the sentry’s body with a fierce punch, and a strong shock wave exploded! Amidst the huge sound, the icebergs and snow peaks that had stood on this land for millions of years collapsed into powder!

The air waves containing powerful power spread, like setting off a storm of destruction, and all materials near the battlefield were shattered and annihilated!

The heavily hit sentry was like a golden arc, pulling out a series of explosions, being thrown far away, and then falling heavily. The body bearing the huge force kept flying backwards, and the hard ice was torn out. A long and narrow opening, when he was barely able to control his body and get rid of inertia, had already spanned more than half of the planet.

Sean floated up and down in the cold and vast whirlpool of waves. The cracked and cracked Sentinel armor returned to its original shape, the golden torrent surged, and the broken bones and lacerated wounds all over his body gradually began to heal.

He felt the long-lost pain…and the threat of death.

Thunder erupted in the atmosphere, and the Overlord of the Universe was like a giant mountain smashing into the sea of ​​ice. Huge waves rolled like tsunamis. His strong and burly purple body stood steadily. He raised the metal glove, which was inlaid with a yellow gem, exuding a radiant light. Ying shimmers.

“I have been searching for the Infinity Stones for a long time, and my understanding of them is beyond your imagination.”

Thanos’s eyes were cold, and his purple face had a hint of complacency, as if he already had a chance to win.

“I am willing to give you one last chance to offer the gem in my hand.”

The overlord of the universe sighed, with a rare look of sadness in his fanatical and cold eyes, “You don’t have to die here, at least you don’t have to die in my hands. The balance of the universe, the reduction of all things – this is the curse I bear, This is also the ending I saw.”

A long time ago, when Thanos was not the notorious overlord of the universe and the sole leader of the Dark Order, he was known as the “Mad Titan”. His hands were stained with the blood of his own race. He was an explorer and conqueror of the universe. The destroyer is also the destroyer.

“I’m afraid I can’t agree to your generous request. The Infinity Stones are the end of my journey to the ultimate.”

The sentry said hoarsely, his eyes suddenly calmed down, and his thoughts became clear.

At this moment, all emotions and memories are like a transparent mirror, vividly visible.

“I have to say, human, you are the toughest opponent I have ever encountered.”

Thanos’s figure swayed, and he raised his heavy fist and slammed it down fiercely. The cold seawater formed one huge vortex after another under the agitation of surging energy.

“I will step over your body and restore peace to the universe.”

Sean could feel that the vast ice sea was trembling, and the atmosphere condensed with layers of frost was instantly torn apart by the violent force. The punch was like a violently burning meteorite falling, carrying an unimaginable terrifying aura, heading towards He hit.

At the same time, secret fluctuations started silently, invading the sentry’s consciousness, bursting out endless illusions that twisted the mind.

No matter how he calculated, he could not escape the double attack of the cosmic overlord. The light blue light flashed and the standing golden figure disappeared without a trace.

“You underestimate me!”

Thanos’s deep voice resounded throughout the world, the golden armor clanked, and the strong and burly purple body suddenly moved and punched out!


The violent fist struck the void, and the light blue light dimmed and annihilated. The sentinel armor collapsed and destroyed, turning into a cloud of golden particles in an instant, like tiny dust particles.

It was like a million tons of gunpowder detonating in the body. Within a few seconds, the strong force tore the steel body, causing fatal penetrating wounds. The blazing high temperature evaporated the blood, and the Sentinel armor almost completely disintegrated!

Storm-like blows followed one after another. Sean, who had lost the opportunity, was helpless to parry, and passively endured Thanos’ heavy punch. The huge palm pinched his head, and the golden glove hit his face. The bridge of the nose is broken and the blood is flowing!

“This is the ending, I hope someone will still remember you.”

Thanos trampled the enemy under his feet, and his domineering force was like a giant wheel of ten thousand tons, rolling over Sean’s body. He tried his best to open his eyes, and the hazy white light in his mind rippled slightly.

That door is opening!

“I admire your eyes, they are like an unruly beast, your fighting spirit is burning like a fire… But what’s the use of it?”

Thanos enjoyed his victory. He unleashed violent energy and blasted his defenseless opponents into the deep sea. The vast sea of ​​ice aroused huge roars and surging waves!

After a long time, the raging storm slowly dissipated, and the huge tide gradually subsided. The desolate planet was cold and dead, with only the howling cold wind blowing.

The Overlord of the Universe looked at the body floating in the waves. The breath of life gradually weakened, like a candle in the wind.

Thanos had a trace of regret in his eyes. If the other party had known better and handed over the gem directly, he would not have ended up like this.

Next, it’s time to collect the loot.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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